

severity:[英 [sɪ'verətɪ] 美 [səˈvɛrɪti] ]



severity 基本解释


名词严重; 严格; 严谨; 严厉的对待


severity 相关例句


1. severity的近义词

1. The price rise affected the Third World Countries with special severity.


2. With all the outward severity he is kind at heart.


severity 网络解释

1. 严重度:开发程序时尽量使用存储过程和视图(SQLViews)而避免用户直接连接并使用数据表中的数据数据库的所有错误信息都保存再Master..sysmessages表中,管理员应当定期审核其中的记录,对于所有严重度(Severity)超过14的记录可以

2. 严重:当某个人对某一疾病的认知,觉得自己易罹患该种疾病(susceptibility),而且罹患该疾病的结果或很严重(severity),而他考量采取行动的利益超过行动的障碍(譬如时间、钱等等),而且有一些线索来促使他采取行动的话,他很可能就会采取行动....

3. severity:sev; 严重度

severity 双语例句

1. For both NAFTA and EU-27, the level of apparent steel use that is expected in 2010 amounts to what was achieved back in 1991, demonstrating the severity of the impact of the crisis on the steel industry.



2. After controlling for patient characteristics and severity of illness, the UVAHS-CP group had the least length of stay and medical costs. However, only in the aspect of the cost of rehabilitation was higher in the UVAHS-CP group due to more times of rehabilitation consultation.


3. Depending on the time when one begins spiritual practice, one can either avoid a destined illness like cancer altogether or substantially reduce its intensity, which is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of spiritual practice done in relation to the severity of destiny.


4. The company's main products: mining accessories, coal conveyor accessories, various models clip bolt, Road plywood, screws, and the severity of Road tracks, clips Road, Road from the machine, turn machines, pressure-rail, coal drill pipe, Bits, tramcar, mining wheel, gauge drawbars, space launches, and round.


5. Plasma BNP levels has important clinical value for the diagnosis and severity assessment of heart failure patients.


6. The Frenchleader insisted on meeting with Dalai, which has interfered in China`sinternal affairs and undermined China`s core interest. The French sideshould fully recognize the severity of the current situation, takeseriously China's concerns and adopt concrete measures so as to createconditions for the healthy development of China-France relations.


7. The men of'93 were giants, said Marius with severity.


8. Abstract] Objective To evaluate the correlation between soluble receptopr for advanced glycation end products and coronary artery disease, the etent and severity of angiographic CAD in nondiabetic patients.

目的 探讨可溶性糖基化终产物受体水平与无糖尿病冠心病的发病及病变程度的相关性。

9. The most common problem occurring due to flea bites is flea allergy dermatitis, the severity of which depends upon the sensitivity of the host.



10. Duke treadmill score not only provides accurate prognostic evaluation, but also predicts the severity of coronary artery diseases.


11. According to micro-pump failure resulting from the severity of the consequences is entirely according to their own requirements.


12. Pretreatment with simvastatin reduces the severity of acute lung injury induced by intestinal I/R in rats.

本大鼠模型研究证明 Simvastatin 预处理可以减轻肠缺血-再灌注性肺损伤。

13. severity是什么意思

13. Objective To investigate correlation between serum levels of hCG and INH-_A in late pregnancy and severity of preeclampsia.


14. severity的翻译

14. The immobility time in the tail suspension test and the grade of the severity of pancreatitis were observed.

观察各组大鼠胰腺组织病理变化及TST静止时间,同时测定各组5 d后血清SOD、GSH-Px活力和淀粉酶浓度。

15. Msg 2402, Severity 16:Error converting client characters into server's character set. Some character could not be converted.

当字符存在于客户端字符集中但在服务器字符集中不存在时,Adaptive Server的字符集转换将报告转换错误,反之亦然。

16. severity的近义词

16. Treatment with massive lung lavage in early stage after sea drowning, protects effectively the lung tissues and cells from damage, suppresses the severity of inflammatory reaction an


17. With software fault severity considered, a software fault-proneness prediction model is proposed in this paper by Support Vector Machine and the Chida rnber-Kemerer object- oriented metrics.


18. severity什么意思

18. Recent observational studies show that serum osteoprotegerin levels are associated with the severity and progression of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and vascular calcification in patients.


19. Augustine knew how to use severity to extirpate the heresy.


20. The frequency of dose can depend on the strength of the remedy and severity of the person`s condition.


severity 单语例句

1. All provincial divisions except Shanghai have been stricken by hailstorms of different degrees of severity.

2. Food and health authorities need to recognize the severity of the problem and learn this lesson by heart.

3. The curfew was rare both in its scope and severity, catching many residents of Baghdad by surprise.

4. Participants who began taking the high doses of vitamin C after catching a cold noticed no difference in the duration or severity of their illness.

5. On April 12 Japan raised the nuclear severity rating at its Fukushima plant to seven, the same level as that of Chernobyl.

6. Briatore said greater severity in implementing the rules helped keep the sport cleaner in England, adding that the main difference the countries was in " sporting culture ".

7. Stem cells have been used in China to treat conditions ranging in severity from spinal chord injuries resulting in paralysis to cosmetic facial injections.

8. Although the Criminal Law includes many circumstances that qualify for lenient treatment by the courts, our legal philosophy has a preference for severity in dealing with crimes.

9. The Chinese Government has obviously come to grips with the severity of the environmental hurdles to its development ambitions.

10. Colvin and colleagues call for more studies, particularly of the severity of concussion among female athletes.

severity 英英释义


1. excessive sternness

e.g. severity of character

the harshness of his punishment was inhuman

the rigors of boot camp

Synonym: severenessharshnessrigorrigourrigorousnessrigourousnessinclemencyhardnessstiffness

2. extreme plainness

Synonym: austerenesssevereness

3. something hard to endure

e.g. the asperity of northern winters

Synonym: asperitygrimnesshardshiprigorrigourseverenessrigorousnessrigourousness

4. used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather

Synonym: badnesssevereness