

harbinger:[英 [ˈhɑ:bɪndʒə(r)] 美 [ˈhɑ:rbɪndʒə(r)] ]


过去式:harbingered;   过去分词:harbingered;   现在分词:harbingering;   复数形式:harbingers;

harbinger 基本解释


及物动词预告; 充做…的前驱

harbinger 相关例句


1. The cock is the harbinger of dawn.


harbinger 网络解释


1. 先驱者:图文:(Harbinger)于2001年12月份推出中图在线消息:Silverback Entertainment 公司开发的游戏(Harbinger)是一款角色扮演游戏,该游戏将在2001年12月推出.

2. 黑曜石毁灭者:正中了黑曜石毁灭者(Harbinger)大招的单位不会变成弱智的Bug.* 修正了地穴编织者(Anubseran)缩地时被攻击不会被活埋的Bug.* 修正了地穴编织者(Anubseran)的观察者隐形的Bug.* 修正了沉默术士(Nortrom)会说话的Bug.* 修正了不朽尸王(Dirge)召唤的僵尸会死的Bug.* 修正修补匠(Tinker)对任何持有钢铁武器或者盔甲的英


3. 预兆:fare reduction 降价 | harbinger 预兆 | implicitly 暗含的

harbinger 双语例句

1. In his view, this is a harbinger of the price adjustment.


2. If a long-overdue party congress is held this year that may be another harbinger of reform.


3. harbinger的意思

3. If a long-overdue party congress is held this year, that may be another harbinger of reform.



4. Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, of ecstasy; love, the defier of all laws, of all conventions; love, the freest, the most powerful moulder of human destiny; how can such an all-compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State and Church-begotten weed, marriage?


5. harbinger的意思

5. Urban public transit is the harbinger of social production, the key of a city function to operate and an important window of the material civilization and spiritual civilization of a city.


6. Harbinger of spring, calls of male spring peepers fill the evening air to entice females.


7. The eve of land subsidence, a mother and son, Hong-Yu Meng LIU Run Lake, the department found to be the harbinger of land subsidence, mother and son duo on separately rushed to inform villagers evacuated, we just ran Wang Shanshang, immediately Tianhundean, Feishazoushi, Dayupangtuo, landslides, subsidence, the moment Gao Tangxian the city sank into a width of the lake.


8. harbinger的解释

8. NOW the bright morning Star, Dayes harbinger, Comes dancing from the East, and leads with her The Flowry May, who from her green lap throws The yellow Cowslip, and the pale Primrose.


9. harbinger的意思

9. To the extent that they retain support, it is as most as a pis aller, as a reformist group better perhaps than a more rightwing alternative, but certainlynot as a harbinger of the new society.


10. If there exists something more dreadful than the perpetual darkness that enshrouds the forest like the mighty hands of Yama himself, an impenetrable veil ensconcing all things sinister to be unleashed upon his clan, it must be the thought of a well-executed ambush commanded by the most feared warrior in the known world: a man with a reputation to loot, to kill, to plunder, a conqueror of the entire continent, a harbinger of death, the herald for doomsday to exterminate man like puny ants via fire and steel!


11. harbinger的翻译

11. The kidnap of Alan Johnston and the Fatah-Hamas feud could be a harbinger of things to come, as warlords and militias slug it out ever more lethally.

Alan Johnston的被绑架及法塔与哈马斯的世仇可能就是即将发生的事情的先兆。军阀和民兵们必将会以更加致命的方式迎接他们的到来。

12. harbinger的反义词

12. It was a harbinger of difficulties to come.


13. harbinger什么意思

13. This could be a harbinger of AIDS.


14. Yes, it's a harbinger of inspiration.


15. It was an ominous harbinger of species.


16. I almost cried, thought this was the harbinger of my death.


17. It`s all a harbinger of change to come.


18. A flat or inverted yield curve (when short rates are above long rates) has traditionally been seen as a harbinger of recession.


19. When the Harbinger arrived, they found the ship derelict; when the crew boarded the vessel they found it to be empty save for the battered body of Darth Sion.


20. Iraq was supposed to signal the US's new global might: in fact, it may well prove to be a harbinger of its decline. And that decline could be far more precipitous than anyone has previously reckoned.


harbinger 词典解释

1. (尤指不祥的)先兆,预兆

Something that is a harbinger of something else, especially something bad, is a sign that it is going to happen.

e.g. The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.


harbinger 单语例句

1. A spokesman for Harbinger wasn't available to comment outside of regular business hours.

2. The collapse in the price of silver from $ 49 to below $ 39 is a harbinger of collapses among a wider range of commodity prices.

3. It's just a harbinger for the ruckus that's scheduled to erupt tomorrow on what's been dubbed " Financial Fools Day ".

4. While that gritty image represents Shenzhen's past, entrepreneur Pony Ma is a harbinger of its future.

5. Tata Chemicals will acquire a majority stake from Harbinger Capital Partners, it said yesterday.

6. He was neither loved nor hailed as a harbinger of peace as his predecessor Yitzhak Rabin had been a decade earlier.

7. Some believe the Shanghai stock market slump sent shock waves to the world stock markets, a harbinger of dramatic financial changes.

8. When the price of oil soared to $ 140, many saw the increases as a harbinger of a new energy shock.

9. Those figures will likely grow after the Globes, which remain a solid harbinger of Oscar voting.

10. The " rail crash can be seen as a harbinger of wider economic catastrophe to come ", it said.

harbinger的意思harbinger 英英释义



1. something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

Synonym: forerunnerpredecessorheraldprecursor



1. foreshadow or presage

Synonym: announceannunciateforetellherald