

residual:[英 [rɪˈzɪdjuəl] 美 [rɪˈzɪdʒuəl] ]



residual 基本解释

形容词残留的; 残余的

名词剩余; 残渣

residual 网络解释

1. 残余:利用克里金法插值时变异函数的确定是其关键.当区域化变量不满足二阶平稳假设存在漂移时,漂移的形式、残余(Residual)变异函数参数的估计比较困难.该文提出了利用多元逐步回归法确定漂移的次数;采用矩法和最大似然法相结合估计残余变异函数参数;

residual 双语例句

1. residual的意思

1. Due to the mismatch of mechanical property between brazing filler metal and base metal, the welding residual stress was generated inevitably during the brazing process, which has great influence on the creep deformation and life.


2. The temperature field and residual stress field of 3-D multi-pass weld are obtained, and the results are discusses.


3. Pressure vessel; welding; weld; coupling field; residual stress


4. In this paper, the temperature field and stress field in SiC/Al weld process were simulated by FEA software ANSYS firstly. Then the distribution of residual stress was obtained.


5. residual的解释

5. The imperfect nature of mutual fund contracts makes the allocation of contractual rights a critical issue. How the residual claims and control are allocated between human capital and non-human capital depends on the result of their gaming. The allocation process is not constant, but rather dynamic. Chapter Ⅱ.


6. Therefore, irreducible water saturation increases and residual oil saturation gradually decreases as reservoir temperature increases.


7. The analysis method about ultra-trace PGE in rock samples is successfully used in the study on the characteristic of PGE in Kudi ophiolite suite and the following conclusions are made:(1) The difference of the mantle normalization of PGE patterns between dunite, harzburgite and lherzolite in Kudi indicates that they are residual of multi-stage partial melt of the mantle.


8. residual

8. The meta-peridotite consists of dunite, harzburgite, lherzolite, feldspar-bearing lherzolite and garnet-bearing lherzolite and contains residual spinel with Cr#s [100*Cr/] of 30-57 and Mg#s [100*Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)] of 50-75, indicating an Al- and Mg-rich series.


9. Finite element methods are used to analyze the deflection of circular diaphragm with the residual stress effect.


10. residual的近义词

10. When the residual pressure in the gas reservoir is less than the critical displacement pressure in the caprock, the gas reservoir is covered in a static state; conversely, it is in a dynamic state.


11. A suggestion is put forward to adding H2SO4 or (NH4)2SO4 into the mother liquor after calcium nitrate tetrahydrate separated for a further removal of residual Ca, thus the Ca content can be decreased to 0.35% from the previous 3.4%, and the viscosity of neutralized slurry to 0.04 ~0.08 Pa·s, with nice fluidity of slurry Water soluble phosphorus accoun ts to 88%~90%, and the process improves the adaptability of phosphate rock to nitrophosphate production.

提出分离四水硝酸钙后的母液加入H2SO4或(NH4)2SO4进一步除去母液中残钙,可使母液中钙含量由3.4%降到0.35%以下,中和器中料浆粘度可降到0.04~0.08 Pa·s,料浆流动性很好,产品中磷的水溶率可达88%~90%,并提高了硝酸磷肥生产对磷矿的适应能力。

12. residual的翻译

12. Results: Levels of lead in soil and tap water from kindergartens in suburb, residual areas and heavy traffic areas increased gradually, level of lead in soil from heavy traffic kindergartens were as high as 25.30 mg/kg, and level of lead in tap water from the three groups were all lower than the standard.


13. This research use advanced optical fiber sensor to detect or measure the residual stress existin composite materials.


14. In addition, the influence of contents of nodulizer and residual Mg should be considered further.


15. It could be believed that the formation of nodular graphite mainly depends upon the anti-nodulizer, e. g. S, which is more effective than residual nodulizer or alloying contribution in the raw melted iron.


16. This paper atudles two lmpartaut proLlems in the`epaitiug of the cracks on high presauare ateam turbine casings by means of electric are welding, namuly, the preheating of the workiece before welding and the aubsequent heat treatment, and also introduces the correspunding methods adopted:(1)Using induction heating method to bring the temperature of the work piece to the desired vaules without producing residual deformation, (2)By measn of follow-up tempering on the welded beade, not only to keep the mechanieal p...


17. residual

17. This paper atudles two lmpartaut proLlems in the`epaitiug of the cracks on high presauare ateam turbine casings by means of electric are welding, namuly, the preheating of the workiece before welding and the aubsequent heat treatment, and also introduces the correspunding methods adopted:(1)Using induction heat ing method to bring the temperature of the work piece to the desired vaules without producing residual deformation, (2)By measn of follow-up tempering on the welded beade, not only to keep the...


18. residual

18. Extensive experimentation revealed several issues, along with several corresponding solutions:(1) given that lithium metal dissolves slowly in liquid ammonia, considerable time was required to generate the dissolved metal solution (ca. 1 h(2) the t -BuOH must be freshly distilled prior to use 21 to diminish the formation of ketone 19 (Figure 2(3) efficient capture of the lithium enolate (11) required the use of freshly distilled TMSCl and Et 3 N; and (4) the presence of residual thiophenol upon workup was found to inhibit the subsequent Sc 3 -promoted hydroxymethylation.

大量实验揭示若干问题,随着几个对策 1鉴于锂金属溶化慢慢液氨、需要相当多的时间创造了金属溶液溶解(约占1小时);(2) T恤使操作必须事先用新鲜蒸馏水形成酮减少2119(图2);有效捕获的锂烯醇(11)使用新鲜蒸馏水需氯和ET三氮;含有残余硫workup经发现抑制随后推选3-羟甲晋升。

19. The essence of this series is widely applied in foreign countries, for the essence has both the first flavor of mixed type essence and residual flavor, with certain taste, the essence has a strong vraisemblance.


20. Honeycomb structure is one kind of special composite for structural usage, it is damageable, then the residual strength of damaged structure will sharp down, so it is very important for the study of the residual strength and the repair of damaged honeycomb structures.


residual 词典解释

1. 残留的;剩余的;遗留的

Residual is used to describe what remains of something when most of it has gone.

e.g. ...residual radiation from nuclear weapons testing...


e.g. Turn the hotplate off and allow the residual heat to keep the mixture simmering.


residual 单语例句

1. Struck said Saddam's arrest should help calm the situation in Iraq by destroying any residual hopes of his supporters that he could seize back power.

2. But some studies have shown that residual stem cells that fail to differentiate can turn cancerous later on.

3. COPC said it has taken measures to prevent any possibility of further spills and is expecting residual oil leakages to gradually cease.

4. The new equipment has a location function, which allows the central console to locate firefighters and determine residual air.

5. Chevron said oil from the recent seep contained no drilling " mud ", suggesting it is not a residual spill or a new complication of the November spill.

6. The layer of residual corn starch or flour will also create a protective layer around the oysters.

7. The EVA refers to the residual income of enterprises after taking the cost of capital out of their net operating profit after tax.

8. King said Wilma's disruption in South Florida didn't create any major residual delays nationwide, because Southwest officials anticipated significant problems ahead of the storm.

9. I guess some residual machismo in me that survived the persistent pressures to be sensitive and New Age left me feeling a little aggrieved.

10. Farm ponds and other small bodies of water have dried out from the heat, leaving the residual alkali dust to be whipped up by the wind.

residual是什么意思residual 英英释义


1. (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing

e.g. he could retire on his residuals

2. something left after other parts have been taken away

e.g. there was no remainder

he threw away the rest

he took what he wanted and I got the balance

Synonym: remainderbalanceresidueresiduumrest


1. relating to or indicating a remainder

e.g. residual quantity

Synonym: residuary