

accommodate:[英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mədeɪt] ]


过去式:accommodated;   过去分词:accommodated;   现在分词:accommodating;

accommodate 基本解释

及物动词容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙

不及物动词[后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停

accommodate 相关例句


1. You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation.


2. accommodate在线翻译

2. The guests are well accommodated.


3. Wherever he goes, he readily accommodates to new circumstances.


4. The policeman accommodated us when we asked for help.


5. accommodate的解释

5. The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists.


accommodate 网络解释

1. 容纳:七十年代出现两次石油危机,货币学派经济学者普遍主张坚守货币增长目标,而不赞成容纳(Accommodate )因物价上升而新增的货币需求,认为顺应货币需求上升无疑是纵容通胀.

2. 接纳:但在集中于英国学派之前,我将先简要地回顾一下现实主义学派是如何尝试去接纳(accommodate)世界历史的. 有人认为,在欧洲发展的时代之前,已经存在一种相当简单意义上的叙述世界历史的趋向,

3. 配合:然而,确实是有些实相的小区块( pockets of reality)存在着,在那里你的意图或是 思想 - 信念 可以是有影响力的, 而实相将会配合(accommodate )你的 思想 - 信念,有时是以卓越的精确性.

accommodate 双语例句

1. The nativist then revises his claim to accommodate Locke's objection, Locke objects again, and so on until the nativist position becomes trivial.


2. accommodate是什么意思

2. This optimized equipment setup can accommodate more variables without risking an out-of-spec condition.


3. Note: To accommodate the professional participants'schedule, the simulation rounds take place during the week, usually in the evening.


4. As a good group of Shanghai proper, Wang accepted from the beginning of last year, out of Shanghai, Xinjiang, and Chongqing investment, only a year, many projects have demonstrated good prospects In Chongqing its large community of 350, 000 square meters, commercial housing prices have increased from 2, 000 yuan to 3, 300 yuan, even if the property is not advertised well counted in a year, has 50% of the value-added commercial housing projects profits; For only 1500-1600 yuan per square metre house, year market absorb only 30-40 million households in Xinjiang Yining City, can accommodate 10, 000 households in the city of Xinjiang Shanghai will become the largest local real estate projects, and get to the city of Shanghai alone with per mu cost 20 million.


5. There is a burnisher rest to accommodate any width burnishing tool, and it is designed to keep the tool from slipping off the end of the rest and thereby damaging the pivot.


6. It also will accommodate more passengers per plane, easing queues for take-offs, and access to airport gates.


7. accommodate在线翻译

7. The i9 has an impressive 128MB of internal memory and the microSD slot can accommodate cards up to 8GB.

该i9有惊人的128MB的内存和microSD卡扩展卡最多可容纳至8GB 。

8. This family home offers five bedroom suites and a guest powder room that accommodate ultimate individualized living space.


9. accommodate在线翻译

9. Gheorghiu to use water as a reaction medium for tosylation and to accommodate microscale quantities of the chemicals.

1由M D。Gheorghiu修改,他以水作为对甲基苯磺醯化的反应介质,而且所用的化学药品是微量的。。

10. GENERAL ELECTRIC`S health-care laboratory in Bangalore contains some of the company`s most sophisticated products—from giant body scanners that can accommodate the bulkiest American football players to state-of-the-art intensive-care units that can nurse the tiniest premature babies.


11. His older brother''s sprawling North Carolina manse, Biltmore, could accommodate up to 500 pounds of meat in its electrical refrigerators.


12. Universal grinding machines are made in all sizes, from the very smallest for instrument work up to those of 24 in, swing and 10 ft. Or more than in length; a universal grinder of special type for large roller bearing races will accommodate bearing ring up to 72 in. in diameter.


13. In this way, these same basic components can be put together in many different ways to accommodate many different site-specific requirements.


14. At psent Japan has nearly 3, 000 stores the rapid up painting (37, 7880 square kilometers total land area of Japan, China's 1/25), they can provide local repair 45-2 minutes in the fast-delivery service, Let original hard pssed, had to re-adjust the work flow and update the equipment to accommodate this rapid rise of this new service.


15. At present Japan has nearly 3, 000 stores the rapid up painting (37, 7880 square kilometers total land area of Japan, China's 1/25), they can provide local repair 45-2 minutes in the fast-delivery service, Let original hard pressed, had to re-adjust the work flow and update the equipment to accommodate this rapid rise of this new service.


16. At present Japan has nearly 3, 000 stores the rapid up painting (37, 7880 square kilometers total land area of Japan, China's 1/25), they can provide local repair 45-2 minutes in the fast-delivery service, Let original hard pressed, had to re-adjust the work flow and update the equipment to accommodate th is rapid r is e of th is new service.


17. accommodate的近义词

17. At present Japan has nea rl y 3, 000 stores the rapid up painting (37, 7880 square kilo me ters total land area of Japan, China's 1/25), they can provide local repair 45-2 minutes in the fast-delivery service, Let or ig inal hard pressed, had to re-adjust the work flow and update the equip me nt to accommodate th is rapid r is e of th is new service.



18. Hotel possesses a chinese restaurant and a western restaurant, GDH Origin Restaurant is specialized in Cantonese Cuisine, possesses 11 private VIP, and the biggest dinning room can accommodate 22 people at the same time, all of which will cater for your guest of a luxurious dining experienced, The unique domestic biggest revolving restaurant in Zhengzhou is on the 28th floor with romantic atmosphere.



19. The central portion of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers.


20. He said, Within the area of 100 kilometers to the northern Sandton where the Summit is held, a total number of 56, 000 beds are appointed to accommodate the delegates and officials attending the Summit.


accommodate 词典解释

1. (有足够的空间)容纳,接纳

If a building or space can accommodate someone or something, it has enough room for them.

e.g. The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children...


e.g. The CD-ROMs will accommodate the works of all English poets from 600 to 1900.


2. 为…提供住宿

To accommodate someone means to provide them with a place to live or stay.

e.g. ...a hotel built to accommodate guests for the wedding of King Alfonso...


e.g. Students are accommodated in homes nearby.


3. 顾及;考虑到

If something is planned or changed to accommodate a particular situation, it is planned or changed so that it takes this situation into account.


e.g. The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes...


e.g. The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures.


4. 迎合;迁就

If you do something to accommodate someone, you do it with the main purpose of pleasing or satisfying them.


e.g. He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers...


e.g. He's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.


5. (调整以)适应

If you accommodate to something new, you change your behaviour or ideas so that you are able to deal with it.

e.g. Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions...


e.g. She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.


accommodate 单语例句accommodate的反义词

1. The first floor of the building serves as a canteen and can accommodate about 40 diners at one time.

2. In order to accommodate the arrival of visitors, the third terminal of the Beijing capital international airport is now under construction.

3. Can the capital accommodate more people, or has its population reached the optimum level?

4. Villagers in the Tibet autonomous region are earning more income as they increase their capacity to accommodate and cater for tourists.

5. Ad hoc explanations neatly accommodate apparent contradictions such as the fact that the assailants came from different economic classes.

6. It's understandable if she feels her schedule is already too busy to accommodate another chore.

7. Premier Wen also urged Hong Kong people to " accommodate and collaborate ".

8. The report will also come out in Chinese in addition to the previous English version so as to accommodate more Chinese readers.

9. And construction of a new runway will commence early next year to accommodate growing passenger and cargo transportation volumes.

10. It was intended to accommodate the city's commercial and population growth, and improve residents'quality of life.

accommodate的翻译accommodate 英英释义



1. make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

e.g. Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country

Synonym: adapt

2. make (one thing) compatible with (another)

e.g. The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

Synonym: reconcileconciliate

3. provide a service or favor for someone

e.g. We had to oblige him

Synonym: oblige

4. provide with something desired or needed

e.g. Can you accommodate me with a rental car?

5. provide housing for

e.g. We are lodging three foreign students this semester

Synonym: lodge

6. be agreeable or acceptable to

e.g. This suits my needs

Synonym: suitfit

7. have room for

hold without crowding

e.g. This hotel can accommodate 250 guests

The theater admits 300 people

The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people

Synonym: holdadmit