

determinant:[英 [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnənt] 美 [dɪˈtɜ:rmɪnənt] ]



determinant 基本解释

名词行列式; 决定因素; 决定物; 免疫因子

形容词决定因素的; 限定性的


determinant 网络解释

1. 决定因素:X Y,但 Y 是 X 的子集,则称 X Y 是平凡的函数依赖.若 X Y,则 X 叫做决定因素(Determinant). 若 X Y,Y X,则记作 X Y. 若 Y 不函数依赖于 X,则记作 X Y. 定义 2:在 R(U)中,如果 X Y,并且对于 X 的任何一个真子集 X,都有 X Y,

2. determinant的反义词

2. 决定性因素:这些原因构成了成本的决定性因素(determinant). 由于各个企业的经营状况不同,影响其成本的因素也会不同. 到底什么是影响企业成本的最重要的因成本会计上经历着前所未有的变化. 这种变化主要体现在两个方面:一是成本会计技术手段与方法不断更新,

3. 决定子:Soedings等人从干香肠中分离的14株乳杆菌中发现了四环素耐受性决定子(determinant),其中有7株能够将耐受性从乳杆菌转移给肠球菌,转移频率为10-4~10-7;有2株能够转移给L.

determinant 双语例句

1. determinant是什么意思

1. On the other hand, man is the determinant element of a social development.


2. determinant

2. Education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life.


3. If the determinant of a matrix is not equal to zero, he...



4. So, let`s look at a related determinant of power: culture.


5. It is of theoretical and practical significance to study the income diversification and its determinant factors in this province.


6. Software Description: About Matrix Calculator, Operations include transpose, invert, scale, compute determinant and trace, adjoint, multiply, add and subtract.

Matrix Calculator 包括转置矩阵、转换、比例、决定因素和描述估计、伴随矩阵、增值、加和减运算操作。

7. determinant是什么意思

7. Managerial risk behavior has been identified as an important determinant of organiz...


8. To solve the problem about determinant and solution to tangent line of curve of second order in Analytic Geometry with viewpoint and methods of Higher Geometry.


9. determinant的翻译

9. The partitioned mode of the Vandermonde determinant-the quasi-Vandermonde determinant is studied, and by using methods and skills of matrices the calculating formulas are given, thereby the Vandermonde determinant are generalized.


10. Influenza virus is a member of Orthomyxoviridae, and infection of influenza virus can cause severe morbidity and mortality in the elderly and children. Influenza A viruses are enveloped and have two surface glycoproteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Both of HA and NA undergo antigenic shift and antigenic drift. Antibody to HA is the most important determinant of immunity because it can neutralize the infectivity of influenza virus.

流行性感冒病毒属於正黏液病毒科,老年人及小孩感染流行性感冒病毒常造成极高的罹病率及死亡率。A型流行性感冒的外套膜上具有两种醣蛋白质,分别是血球凝集素(Hemagglutinin; HA)及神经胺酸酶(Neuraminidase; NA),这两个蛋白质皆会发生抗原移变和抗原飘变。

11. A base plane was firstly rebuilt to parameterize the data points, and the over-determinant equations were derived taking the control points of B-spline surface as variables. A hole detection algorithm based on valid point identification was proposed to mark holes with no or less data points, and then the CNSP(control network shape preservation) constraints were selectively imposed on control points relevant to holes to guarantee the existence of equations'least square solution. Finally, an error-controllable algorithm was utilized to reconstruct B-spline surface covering the data points, and then irregular boundaries of trimmed surface could be rebuilt via boundary curves extraction or surface intersection.


12. determinant

12. We should distinguish the square bracket from two straight bars enclosing a determinant.



13. We start by obtaining a flagged form of the Canchy determinant and establish a correspondence between this determinant and nonintersecting lattice paths, from which it follows that Cauchy identity on Schur functions.


14. The third determinant will be American power and how it is used.


15. In this article, a algorithm CCN is put forward to study the crossing number. It is a very important development in graph planarity issue after planarity-determinant algorithm and embedding algorithm.


16. ApoE is a plasma protein that plays an important role in the metabolism of cholesterol and other serum lipids. It is an important determinant of risk for the development of atherosclerosis.


17. B Perform a transformation to imaginary time, t →-it, and consider fluctuations about the stationary solution of the GP equation, , Evaluate the fluctuation determinant contribution to Z at finite temperature, and show that the answer agrees with what is expected from Bogoliubov quasiparticles, treated


18. By applying this formula we obtain some descriptions of the cellular algebras with Cartan determinant two.

利用胞腔模和单模的上同调群,得到了几个关于胞腔代数半单性的评判准则; 3。

19. The regulation of CD36 may serve as a key determinant in the formation of macrophage foam cells and atherosclerosis.


20. Furthermore, it is also found that industry may be a significant determinant of corporate capital structure choice.


determinant 词典解释

1. 决定物;决定因素

A determinant of something causes it to be of a particular kind or to happen in a particular way.

e.g. The windows and the views beyond them are major determinants of a room's character.


e.g. ...the types of determinants that are likely to influence trade in a specific industry.


determinant 单语例句

1. " The most crucial determinant is still perseverance, " Gan stresses.

2. It's time the authorities stopped saying that it would be difficult to implement the discount system if age was used as the determinant factor.

3. For a statistical pool open to all Hong Kong residents, its sampling take is no doubt the most important determinant of credibility.

4. Apparently various election strategies do not always work and the real prime determinant in LegCo matchup is voters'will.

5. The returns to education have increased substantially in China over time, making education an increasingly important determinant of inequality and poverty.

6. It is known that a country's surrounding security environment is a determinant on what kinds of security strategy it will adopt.

7. But the state of the economy is usually the most important determinant of who wins national elections in the United States.

8. Since these potential explanations may not be mutually exclusive, what is the determinant factor behind China's ODI?

9. However, people's income level and their income expectations are a key determinant of domestic demand expansion.

10. More than demand and supply, the prime determinant of crude prices today is geopolitics.

determinant 英英释义


1. a determining or causal element or factor

e.g. education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life

Synonym: determinerdeterminativedetermining factorcausal factor

2. a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations

3. the site on the surface of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself

Synonym: antigenic determinantepitope


1. having the power or quality of deciding

e.g. the crucial experiment

cast the deciding vote

the determinative (or determinant) battle

Synonym: deciding(a)determinativedetermining(a)