

coax:[英 [kəʊks] 美 [koʊks] ]


过去式:coaxed;   过去分词:coaxed;   现在分词:coaxing;

coax 基本解释


及物动词哄; 哄骗; 用好话劝诱; 轻轻地弄好


名词同轴电缆; 花言巧语; 油嘴滑舌的人

coax 相关例句


1. He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus.


2. They coaxed the grand piano through the door.


3. He coaxed the large chair through the narrow door.


4. The boy coaxed a song from the little girl.




1. Though she coaxed and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.


coax 网络解释

1. 同轴电缆:是专业设计和生产同轴电缆(COAX)宽带有线数字电视网络设备的公司. 我们的目标是生产高速、灵活、实用,易配置的产品,以支持网络公司各种宽带服务解决方案和数字电视平移. 如,视频点播、本地网接入、在线游戏、数字音频、HDTV视频流及IPTV等.

2. 同轴:在DA-1716kit的电路板上,我们利用一个Jumper(跳针)来切换同轴(COAX)或光纤(OPTI)输入端. 当使用同轴时,请将红色的套帽摆在中点与COAX间;使用同轴时,则应该将红色套帽摆在中点与OPTI之间.

3. 哄骗:值此关键时刻,中美召开第二轮战略与经济对话,可谓恰逢其时. 美联社的报道说,美国国务卿希拉里(希拉莉)力图哄骗(coax)中国承担更积极的作用约束朝鲜,阻止它向韩国发动进攻.

4. coax是什么意思

4. 哄:coauthor 合著者 | coax 哄 | coaxal 共轴的

5. coax:(coaxial cable 同轴电缆

coax 双语例句

1. I am buying this to coax my child.


2. This time I will wait for you to scold me and I would obediently penalized if I tell you kicked so nervous attack the next day I would buy a lot of things to coax you until you punish me again, I will glad to


3. For intertrochanteric fractures, internal fixation by using DHS plus normal functional exercises can obtain satisfactory therapeutic results and reduce the incidence of coax vara, crispation and extorsion deformity of the wounded limb.


4. coax

4. Despite millions of dollars in research funding, no hacker has been able to coax a machine to walk across a room under its own intellect.



5. A nickname earned from Gianni Agnelli, the owner of Juventus at the time, for his eye for goal and continued to pick him in an attempt to coax the best from a player with little to prove in terms of ability and success.


6. From now, you only let to love dearly me alone, should dote on me, can't deceive I, promise every thing of me is it accomplish to want, speak every sentence wholehearted to me, mustn't bully me, scold me, want to believe me, others bully me, you will come out to help me as soon as possible, I am happy, you will accompany me to be happy, I am unhappy, happy that you will coax me soon, think forever that I am the most beautiful, see me too in the dream, have me only inside your heart, that's it


7. To pursue practicing it, it requires a sound mind as well as a relaxed body so that one can benefit from it by building up a healthy body and sound mind in their daily life. The Form-42 of Tai-chi Quan is a perfect combination of inner mind, soul and breath as well as the outer shoulder and coax, elbow and knee, hand and foot.


8. Little things, that took only minute in the telling, like the German practice of firing machine-gun tracer ammunition high to coax Americans to maneuver beneath it, then firing low without tracers; or how to distinguish the distinctive smell of German infantry with their sweat-stained leather equipment; or that the easiest way to judge how close to danger you were after riding a deuce-and-a-half to the front was how fast the trucks drove away.


9. His first course of action will be to attempt to re-sign his two marquee free agents -- Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera -- while attempting to coax Andy Pettitte to exercise the $16 million player option on his contract.


10. Outside of Freeney, who was enjoying all All-Pro campaign, Dungy couldn't coax a consistent performance from his troops.


11. coax的近义词

11. I was also a band, does not matter, is the need to hard-points, we must狠下心, 23 days to adapt to a baby, I was one month in advance to drink baby milk powder, and slowly during the day to breast - first off, the night is too much trouble, baby also trapped, but also would like to suck the breast, I remember that I did not sleep two nights, looked at her to wake up almost immediately when she rushed to eat milk, and when she cried have been too late to eat, the more trouble on the second night, has been crying on and beat up and have to coax, and the milk will later have to drink twice a night to drink the third one, that is, not after weaning at ate, when she also had a habit of sucking their fingers, suck it up the next two also went to sleep the morning, drink water up to the baby, I feel that my post is still relatively easy, in short, we must adhere to in the end can not give a cry奶吃, it can not look on the break, my mother has to drink that day malt, milk back, I wish the healthy growth of your baby!


12. This is the result that Russia coax instigates!



13. Who strench her loving arms absoutly to coax your sleep, and who take all your heart with her selfish and feverish love.


14. coax

14. Who strench her loving arms absoutly to coax your sleep, and who take all your heart with her selfish and feverish love accordingly.


15. So, piling a bunch of substances into my body in the form of stacked amino acids and secretagogues, most of which would actually pass through me, just to coax my Pituitary Gland into a little bit of action didn`t seem like a plan to me.



16. Thank her for several years to my care, thanked her to teach to understand me is much knowledge, thank her at I not happy lose of time keep company with me, explain and convince me, coax my happiness.


17. coax

17. In filling value card to trade, dispatch false page full a cost, coax buys the home to angle piscine website fills in account and password



18. From now on``I painful person``spoil you`do not cheat you`, promise one of your each affairs, I want to attain`are sincerely to what you speak an each words`do not humiliate you```do not scold you~believe you````The other people humiliate you`I want at and at that time come out to help you~you are happy~I want to accompany you to be happy, you aren't happy, I want to coax this you to be happy.


19. The experimental conclusion determined that if the knee joint angle can be kept at 140-150 in the buffer jump at various liftoff heights, and the coax joint as well as the knee joint can be larger than 170 at the instant liftoff, an optimal jump can then be achieved.


20. Low noise coax cables should be used between the test coupons and the Model 7158 cards to avoid noise currents.


coax 词典解释

1. (用好话)劝诱,哄

If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it.

e.g. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself...


e.g. The government coaxed them to give up their strike by promising them temporary residence permits.


2. 连哄带劝地得到

If you coax something such as information out of someone, you gently persuade them to give it to you.


e.g. The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim...


e.g. It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.


3. 小心地摆弄(机器或装置)

If you coax a machine or device into doing something, you make it work by operating it very slowly and gently.

e.g. He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin...


e.g. He was delighted to coax the monoplane to 330 m.p.h.


coax 单语例句

1. Russia and China are keen to coax Iran into a compromise before then.

2. This nectar would sit on the stove for another hour or so to let the slow heat coax all nourishing goodness out of the ingredients.

3. Chen used the oldest trick in the trade to coax them to come on set - by telling each hers was the best.

4. To coax audience interest, she observed the local people and their language carefully and infused it into her show.

5. Hill said China needed to make sure it left no option untried in trying to coax the North back to the table.

6. For two months the staff at the Alaska Zoo have been trying to coax the Maggie onto her exercise equipment will no success.

7. Drop by Madame Wang's Shaanxi eatery Xian Bai Wei and see if you can coax out of her the secret to her pork sauce.

8. The talks are meant to coax Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons project in return for aid and security assurances.

9. Senior Chinese leader Li Changchun will lead a party delegation to North Korea from Friday as China tries to coax Pyongyang to the negotiating table.

10. Workers from a wildlife protection and administration office in Minhang District managed to coax it into a cage four hours later.

coax 英英释义



1. a transmission line for high-frequency signals

Synonym: coaxial cablecoax cable


1. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

e.g. He palavered her into going along

Synonym: wheedlecajolepalaverblarneysweet-talkinveigle