

cap:[英 [kæp] 美 [kæp] ]


过去式:capped;   过去分词:capped;   现在分词:capping;   复数形式:caps;

cap 基本解释


名词盖; 帽子; 军帽; 求交运算


及物动词覆盖; 给…戴帽

abbr.Common Agricultural Policy (欧共体)共同农业政策


cap 相关词组

1. fuddle ones cap : 大醉;

2. put on ones thinking cap : 动脑筋想;

3. set ones cap at : 向...挑逗;

cap 相关例句


1. He capped one story with another.


2. Clouds capped the mountains.




1. Put the cap back on the toothpaste.


2. It's better to put the cap back on the bottle.


cap 网络解释

1. 电容:Vce约为3V 8、二极管及通断测试(过载保护:250V直流或交流峰值) 说明:测试值为正向压降近似值,当被测电阻低于70Ω±20Ω时,峰鸣器发声,并显示近似值,开路电压约3V 测试条件:正向直流电流约1mA 反向直流电压不大于3V 9、电容 (CAP) 量程 准确度 分

2. cap:compound muscle action potential; 复合动作电位

3. cap:the common agriculture policy; 共同农业政策

4. cap:community-acquired pneumonia; 社区获得性肺炎

5. cap

5. cap:compound action potentials; 听神经复合动作电位

cap 双语例句

1. cap在线翻译

1. Objective:To research the effect of capsicin on the NOS in rat facial skin, and to explore the analgesic mechanism of CAP in treating prosopalgia thereby.


2. Depending on used air cap on each nozzle it sprays in a round- or flat spray.


3. The site, 150 miles into the ice cap from Thule air base, was selected 50 years ago by the US Army Polar Research and Development Center.


4. cap

4. The air flows for each cap tested.

在两个方向上测试10 个笔帽,给出总数为20 个的气流量结果,分别记录每个笔帽的气

5. Air Pollution Control Order Cap.



6. Air Pollution Control Regulation Cap.


7. Air Pollution Control Regulations Cap.


8. Only LI June 16 at noon in the rain at the Times Square cap of Excellence ceremony.


9. cap在线翻译

9. Critical junctures of the building are articulated with zinc coated copper that extend upward to create rain water diverters, parapet cap flashing, downspouts and transition pieces between canted and plumb walls.

关键时刻的建设阐述铜与锌涂层向上延伸创造雨水diverters ,护墙第闪烁,downspouts和转型件之间的倾斜和垂直墙壁。

10. On May 18, morning 9:30 I driving yourself the 5008 small cars from ten spot type cross-country shan fine blunt small one elementary school reunion, when the rain came long rich, only 55Km + 900m road, and rugged construction to learn exactly rain chung-ho, roadside pile cap fence stone, had a lot of bad road, become more difficult driving.

2009年5月18日,上午9:30左右我驾驶着自己的众泰5008小越野型汽车从十八连山乡细冲完小独木小学到雨汪,当来到富长线55Km+900m 处,只见路面崎岖不平,加之正好雨汪中学在建盖围墙,路边堆了很多石头,本来就不好的路面,变得行车更加艰难。

11. cap的翻译

11. Smoke in someone else's fraudulent use of counterfeit impersonator adventure rain hat cap appearance seemingly TDC TDC Trade and Trade Promotion of Trade and Industry Mao Gongnong hastily...


12. APA2051 integrates 1.the stereo audio speaker amplifier with gain setting, 2.cap-free stereo headphone driver.


13. However, the higher equity risk premium on the back of deterioration in earning growth and visibility is likely to cap the upside in the short term.


14. cap是什么意思

14. The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


15. cap

15. The air picks up moisture from e polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


16. Key Words] ball-cap retainer; design; properties; application


17. Company founder Marc Ewing was given the Cornell lacrosse team cap while at college by his grandfather.

公司创始人Marc Ewing念大学的时候,他祖父给了他一顶康奈尔曲棍球队的帽子。帽子上有着红色和白色的条纹。

18. The reforms will also cap college graduates ` annual student loan repayments at 10% of their income, revitalize community colleges, and increase support for Minority Serving Institutions.


19. Eleven-year-old Jacob completely fell apart when he recently lost a ski cap from Dulwich College of Beijing, his old school.


20. As the mass fraction of CaP was 7.0%, the mechanics properties of hybrid membrane were optimum with the tensile strength of 54.42 MPa, the elasticity modulus of 4045.72 MPa and the extension rate at break of 4.85%.


cap 词典解释

1. (有帽舌的)帽子,便帽

A cap is a soft, flat hat with a curved part at the front which is called a peak. Caps are usually worn by men and boys.

e.g. ...a dark blue baseball cap.


2. 制服帽

A cap is a special hat which is worn as part of a uniform.

e.g. ...a frontier guard in olive-grey uniform and a peaked cap.


3. 使入选国家(足球、橄榄球、板球等)队

If a sports player is capped, they are chosen to represent their country in a team game such as football, rugby, or cricket.

e.g. Rees, 32, has been capped for England 23 times.


e.g. ...England's most capped rugby union player.


4. 国家队队员资格

If a sports player represents their country in a team game such as football, rugby, or cricket, you can say that they have been awarded a cap .

e.g. Mark Davis will win his first cap for Wales in Sunday's Test match against Australia.


5. 首次入选国家队的选手

You can refer to someone who is representing their country for the first time in a team game such as football, rugby, or cricket, as a new cap .

e.g. The only new cap is Llanelli's 20-year-old left-wing Wayne Proctor.


6. (政府)限制(组织或地方议会的支出),限定(预算)

If the government caps an organization, council, or budget, it limits the amount of money that the organization or council is allowed to spend, or limits the size of the budget.


e.g. The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively...


e.g. Nearly half of all local councils face being capped.



Between 70 and 80 councils face significant spending cuts or capping next year.


7. 瓶盖;瓶塞

The cap of a bottle is its lid.


e.g. She unscrewed the cap of her water bottle and gave him a drink.


8. (妇女避孕用的)子宫帽

A cap is a circular rubber device that a woman places inside her vagina to prevent herself from becoming pregnant.

9. 覆盖;把…罩起来

If you cap one thing with another, you put the other thing on top.


e.g. They had capped the roof with plywood.


e.g. ...homemade scones capped with cream.


10. 使具有…的结局;使…结束

If someone says that a good or bad event caps a series of events, they mean it is the final event in the series, and the other events were also good or bad.


e.g. The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.


11. 箍(牙);给(牙齿)上牙套

If someone's teeth are capped, covers are fixed over them so that they look better.


e.g. He suddenly smiled, revealing teeth that had recently been capped...


e.g. I had my teeth capped.


12. (玩具枪用的)火药纸,电光纸

A cap is a small amount of explosive that is wrapped in paper. Caps are often used in toy guns.

13. see also: ice cap

14. 谦卑地索要;毕恭毕敬地请求

If you go cap in hand to someone, you ask them very humbly to give you something or to do something for you.


e.g. He has been given the unenviable task of going round, cap in hand, to various generous companies.


cap 单语例句

1. Since it was placed over the busted well on Thursday, the cap has been siphoning an increasing amount of oil.

2. Yesterday's decline in Shanghai was led by financial and other large cap stocks.

3. He still drives his old pickup and wears a mesh farm cap - but it's by choice.

4. The league said it had offered to increase each team's salary cap by raising the percentage upon which that calculation is based.

5. David Beckham was given another cap for a cameo role as England strolled to the World Cup.

6. " He deserves to wear that cap and gown, " Johnson said.

7. In the dying seconds of the game Messi controlled Alves's lofted pass in the penalty area before dinking in to cap an ultimately comfortable win.

8. What we know for sure is that any motivational plans we devise should avoid inadvertently institutionalizing a dunce cap mentality among some of our students.

9. That developing countries'need to grow their economies to lift millions of people out of poverty means they cannot cap their emissions any time soon.

10. Shanghai Fenghua group ranked on top of the gainers list and led another 29 stocks rising to the maximum growth cap of 10 percent.

cap 英英释义


1. a tight-fitting headdress

2. a top (as for a bottle)

3. something serving as a cover or protection

4. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature

Synonym: capitalchapiter

5. (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth

e.g. tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown

Synonym: crowncrownworkjacketjacket crown

6. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive

can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive

Synonym: detonatordetonating device

7. an upper limit on what is allowed

e.g. he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him

there was a roof on salaries

they established a cap for prices

Synonym: ceilingroof

8. a protective covering that is part of a plant

Synonym: hood

9. a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom

Synonym: pileus


1. restrict the number or amount of

e.g. We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club

2. lie at the top of

e.g. Snow capped the mountains

Synonym: crest