

suffrage:[英 [ˈsʌfrɪdʒ] 美 [ˈsʌfrɪdʒ] ]



suffrage 基本解释


suffrage 相关例句


1. When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?


suffrage 网络解释

1. suffrage是什么意思

1. 选举权:(我蒙的40)一个square四个内角的和,一个五边形(pentagon)的四个内角和,相比哪个大一个正六边形内接(inscribed)一个直径为d的圆形,问正六边形的周长关于妇女的争取选举权(suffrage)运动,它比一些学者认为的更加radical,

2. 选举权;投票权:亚热带生态系统 Sub-tropical ecosystems | 选举权;投票权 suffrage | 捐赠摘要 summary of donations

3. 投票:suffragan 副监督 | suffrage 投票 | suffragette 妇女参政论者

suffrage 双语例句

1. Yes, i have confident the universal suffrage of success on the future.


2. The spread of suffrage had already led to a new concept of education, for clear- sighted statesmen everywhere perceived the danger of universal suffrage among an untutored, even illiterate electorate


3. Hence, although some have suggested that the existing form of functional constituencies could be opened to every registered voter in the Legislative Council, it should not be considered as a form of universal suffrage.


4. HKSAR shall be elected by universal suffrage from 2007, would you vote in


5. To illustrate this point, many democratic political measures initiated in the West are carefully examined, including the granting of suffrage to both white men and white women without property restrictions, forms of direct democracy (including Initiative, Popular Referendum and Recall), direct primary election, and direct election of Senators.


6. suffrage什么意思

6. The question of woman suffrage is a very simple one.


7. Claiming a right of suffrage, in common with my fellow-citizens, in the adoption or rejection of a constitution which was to rule me and my posterity, as well as them and theirs, I did not hesitate to express my approbation of it on all occasions, in public and in private.


8. suffrage

8. Mind you, I wished half of the Hong Kong leadership would adopt this attitude on matters like Disneyland, Article 23, universal suffrage, election of the Chief Executive, sale of the Cyber Port, sale of the Hunghom Peninsula site......


9. The development of the feminist movement closely followed the progress of human industrial revolution, the late 19th century, first brought the Industrial Revolution of the budding feminist movement, the United States in 1869 Women's Suffrage Association.


10. suffrage

10. The development of the feminist movement closely followed the progress of human industrial revolution, the late 19th century, first brought the Industrial Revolution of the budding feminist movement, the United States in 1869 Women's Suffrage Association. The early 20th century, the second industrial revolution, when the feminist movement started in Europe and the United States extensively.


11. suffrage的意思

11. In colonial America, suffrage was privilege enjoyed by a minority of white male propertied Christians.


12. An increasing number of states granted white manhood suffrage during his administration.


13. These constitutions provided for universal manhood suffrage, frequent elections and effective popular control of the executive and judiciary


14. suffrage

14. The United States took the lead in abolishing the property qualifications and in the establishment of manhood suffrage. However, it is the last developed country to realize universal suffrage.


15. These constitutions provided for universal manhood suffrage, frequent elections and effetive popular control of the executive and judiciary.



16. During her reign, she introduced a number of constitutional changes and the spirit of these changes led to the publishing of the people's charter, which laid out six demands including universal manhood suffrage and annual parliamentary elections.


17. suffrage

17. In fact, serious objections may be made to universal suffrage.


18. Disfranchisement for most African Americans in the state persisted until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s gained federal legislation to protect their suffrage.


19. This left is an anomaly in America. In the past the American left has asked our country to be true to its ideals, to go still further along the path of expanding human freedom which our forefathers mapped: the path which led us from the abolition of slavery through women's suffrage, the Wagner Act, and the Civil Rights Movement, to contemporary feminism and gay liberation.


20. suffrage

20. It also violates the definition of universal suffrage in international conventions and treaties, as there are still certain levels of limitations for an individual to be nominated in the functional constituencies.


suffrage 词典解释

1. 选举权;投票权

Suffrage is the right of people to vote for a government or national leader.

e.g. He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.


e.g. ...the women's suffrage movement.


suffrage 单语例句suffrage的反义词

1. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.

2. Finally Tsang vowed to endeavor to deliver universal suffrage in the election of CE and the legislature in his new term.

3. One of the conditions is the promise of " true universal suffrage " in the CE election in 2017 and LegCo election in 2020.

4. We can envisage the new administration facing a tougher uphill battle pushing through the universal suffrage for the 2017 Chief Executive election.

5. The election committee will transform into the nomination committee when universal suffrage of the chief executive is implemented in 2017.

6. While some may compare the pros and cons of the two, no one would question whether indirect elections comply with the principle of universal suffrage.

7. The Basic Law stipulates that the ultimate aim is the election of all number of members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage.

8. The DAB held a meeting for the first time with members of the Alliance for Universal Suffrage concerning electoral arrangements for 2012 and beyond.

9. It will be against the principle of equal suffrage as stipulated in the International Convention.

10. Qin made the remarks when asked to comment on a resolution passed by the European Parliament which advocates Hong Kong's universal suffrage.

suffrage 英英释义


1. a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution

guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment

e.g. American women got the vote in 1920

Synonym: right to votevote