

composition:[英 [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑ:mpəˈzɪʃn] ]



composition 基本解释

名词作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解

composition 相关例句


1. He has a touch of madness in his composition.



2. Scientists study the composition of the soil.



3. The composition of the report took two months.


4. composition的近义词

4. There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions.


5. We examined the rock to find out its composition.


composition 网络解释

1. 作文:Section A:作文(Composition)本节是作文,题目主要属于记叙文、说明文或议论文的范围. Section B:写便条(Note-writing)教育面对面英语本节是写便条. (三) 测试目的 按照教学大纲的要求测试学生在基础阶段末期用英语书面表达思想的能力.

2. 成分:☆ 品名(Name) 快速干发美容巾、小方巾☆ 等级(Grade) 一等品☆ 颜色(Color) 蓝色、红色、黄色、紫色、粉色、咖啡色☆ 成分(Composition) 超细纤维 (涤纶75% 棉纶25%)☆ 包装(Packing) 筒装 快递统一pvc塑料袋包装(如需单独包装请说明)

composition 双语例句

1. This paper presents new data of electronic microprobe analvses on clinopyroxenes from the layers of picrite and associated basalt in this area. It is shown that the clinopyroxenes from the picrite are exclusively diopside, whereas those from the basalt are diopside and augite, suggesting a continuous variation in composition.


2. A composition for the thermal layer comprises a thermally conductive material, about 10 to 40 parts by weight of a binder based on 100 parts by weight of the thermally conductive material, about 5 to 30 parts by weight of a filler based on 100 parts by weight of the thermally conductive material, and about 5 to 40 parts by weight of a curing agent based on 100 parts by weight of the binder.



3. I saw the composition, it's not bad. How could it be worth zero points?


4. The CN powder with composition of 44.8at%C, 52.1at%N and 3.1at%O is obtained after the pyrolysis of melamine under the condition of 5Gpa and 800℃. It should be a monoclinic phase according to the XRD data, and its lattice parameters are a=8.5206±0.00061〓, b=9.1512±0.00066〓, c=10.2048±0.00074〓, α=γ=90±0.004°, and β=96.051±0.004°. With the increase of treatment temperature, the emission peaks in photoluminescence spectra of CN powder obtained under the pressure of 5GPa shift to longer wavelength.


5. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body.

摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。

6. composition是什么意思

6. In order to allow Ni catalyst work at a mild temperature with little sintering and carbon formation, the influence of composition of reformer inlet gas on reforming temperature at a certain space velocity and conversion of feed CH4 was studied. At the same time, a method of changing inlet gas composition by introducing circulating gas into the feed gas was also discussed.



7. Chongqing Pope design agencies, former Chongqing Institute of Technology Department of Art and Design student council, office director, is now the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University Master Tauson, Communication University of China Dragon Master Zhang as the core, a number of design awards in the province have been a cutting-edge internal design of division team composition, dedicated to serving the entire country in high demand for low-owners, tailored to your pop-style art of celebrity homes.


8. composition

8. The inorganic composition of DCS in DIP is the key factor resulting in deposition of wood pitch, in which the triglyceride composition is agglomerated and deposited due to the destruction of electrostatic stability, however the fatty acid composition is deposited due to the formation of insoluble soap.

研究结果表明,DCS 中的无机溶解性组分是引起胶体发生沉积的关键因素,树脂中甘油三酯通过破坏静电稳定性引起聚集和沉积,脂肪酸通过反应形成黏性不溶性皂而加剧沉积。

9. composition在线翻译

9. However, if the picture or the composition of that stone and another stone there is a balanced and a good balance of all, how much length can be, but 15cm above is only a display of water originally stone, water stone Shelf mostly used as a miniature bonsai Shelf with production, such as the use of the actual display at the exhibition are mostly five and three used by the two, that reason is that five used or Shelf Display with three large-scale water stone better than worse.


10. We see phellem below microscope, it is by by tens of thousands be just as alveolate to do cellular composition, air was filled inside the cell, formed many a airtight gasbag.


11. Chemical composition analysis of these polysaccharides by PC and GC showed that both YCP〓 and YCP〓 are composed of D-glucose and Glucceronic acid.



12. The Effect of Acupuncture on the Active Composition of Plants


13. Refers to the mineral composition of emerald crystal surface and cleavage plane of When the composition of the mineral particles thick jade, particularly evident.


14. Were deposited on the silica alumina framework by impregnation. The suitable composition and amount of additives were selected. Expe...

当SiO2 Al2 O3骨架负载钴氧化物时,反应温度在 35 0℃左右,比文献报导的 4 2 0℃降低较多,吡啶碱总收率可达 75 %以上

15. composition的近义词

15. Birch for her daughter's loss, it would be that pious and eloquent composition in which Miss Pinkerton announced the event.


16. We are adjusting discharge composition to make its more reasonable all the time.


17. The performance of this alloy can be improved by means of adjusting the composition, preparation technique, heat treatment and processing.


18. At first, this paper conducts in depth research on classification method, compaction propeties, granulometric composition and crushing of stone. On the basis of clarifying engineering characteristics of material of rock-filling embankment, requirements of ground treatment have been put forword in this paper. Then combined with the site test and engineering practice in SHUINAN Road and LANLIN Road, through the synthetical analysis of factors of influencing densification effect for the maximum grain size of filling material, lay-down thickness, granulometric composition, densification machinery and densification frequency etc., this paper studies key technical problems about construction technologies for spreading and leveling of filling material, choosing densification machinery, densification technology and slope construction systematically. Finally, construction technologies of filling lime-stone and sand-stone roadbed have been proposed in this paper, which are significant for quality guarantee of highway engineering.


19. composition是什么意思

19. Was studied for better bioethanol production. Composition analytical results show the potential that the raw dry material contains approximately 64% carbohydrate and fiber can be used as bioethanol substrate.

本研究以目前台湾产量最高的台农57号甘薯之茎蔓枝叶采收废弃物为原料,成份分析显示废弃物中约含有 64%的碳水化合物和粗纤维具有被利用来生成生质酒精之潜力。

20. composition的解释

20. Highway construction lacks quantitative technological guidance. At first, this paper conducts in depth research on classification method, compaction propeties, granulometric composition and crushing of stone....


composition 词典解释

1. 组成;构成;组合方式

When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.

e.g. Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions...


e.g. Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.


2. (作曲家、画家等的)作品

The compositions of a composer, painter, or other artist are the works of art that they have produced.

e.g. Mozart's compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.


3. (学生的)作文

A composition is a piece of written work that children write at school.

4. 艺术创作技巧

Composition is the technique or skill involved in creating a work of art.

e.g. He taught the piano, organ and composition...


e.g. The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.


5. (音乐、诗歌等的)创作,作曲

Composition is the act of composing something such as a piece of music or a poem.


e.g. These plays are arranged in their order of composition.


composition 单语例句

1. Converts to camel milk say it is more healthy and has a composition much like human milk.

2. The decision called for actively promoting the development of diversified forms of public ownership, and speeding up adjustments of the layout and composition of the public economic forces.

3. Through a composition of two fairy tales, " Celestial Human World " probes the theme of human nature.

4. He started his musical training in his native England with the cello and took composition lessons under the guidance of his father.

5. The two countries'growth has dramatically shift the balance of economic power, and change the composition of the global economy.

6. He is totally in favor of incorporating Western methods that change the molecular composition of foods by using chemical or physical methods.

7. With special test strips, they monitor the oil's chemical composition.

8. That has resulted in technology research and development centers, vehicle testing floors and physical and chemical composition test floors equipped with advanced international laboratories.

9. The spacecraft has three scientific instruments to study surface features and determine chemical composition.

10. They are the hardest known substance yet have the simplest chemical composition, consisting of crystallized carbon.

composition 英英释义


1. the act of creating written works

e.g. writing was a form of therapy for him

it was a matter of disputed authorship

Synonym: writingauthorshippenning

2. musical creation

Synonym: composing

3. something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole

e.g. he envied the composition of their faculty

4. the way in which someone or something is composed

Synonym: constitutionphysical compositionmakeupmake-up

5. the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole

e.g. harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art

Synonym: composing

6. an essay (especially one written as an assignment)

e.g. he got an A on his composition

Synonym: paperreporttheme

7. art and technique of printing with movable type

Synonym: typography

8. a musical work that has been created

e.g. the composition is written in four movements

Synonym: musical compositionopuspiecepiece of music

9. a mixture of ingredients