

inflate:[英 [ɪnˈfleɪt] 美 [ɪnˈflet] ]


过去式:inflated;   过去分词:inflated;   现在分词:inflating;

inflate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词使充气(于轮胎、气球等); (使)膨胀; (使)通货膨胀; 物价上涨

inflate 同义词

动词blow uppuff outstretchincreasebroadenexpandswellenlarge

inflate 反义词



inflate 相关例句


1. inflate

1. He is inflated with pride.



2. Fred inflated the football.




1. Clothing has inflated in price.


inflate 网络解释

1. inflate的反义词

1. 使胀大,使得意:inflame 使动怒,激怒 | inflate 使胀大,使得意 | inflect 转向,改变

2. 使膨胀:inflatable 可充气的 | inflate 使膨胀 | inflated stock 过多的库存器材

3. inflate的近义词

3. 膨胀;通货膨胀:presidential 总统的 | inflate 膨胀;通货膨胀 | once 一旦;同时;曾经


4. 打氣:轮胎冷补胶 tire cold patching cement | 打气 inflate | 轮胎气压 tire pressure


5. inflate:infl; 打气,充气

inflate 双语例句

1. inflate的解释

1. These loans helped inflate the housing bubble in then-hot markets such as California by allowing borrowers to stretch well beyond their incomes to bet on house price gains.


2. inflate的解释

2. Type: AD200-50: Without inflatable vale, inflate the bladder by mouth tube before swimming.


3. In response to a vehicle rollover due to steep slope or collision from outside force, the curtain shield SRS airbags on both sides inflate, working together with the seatbelts to help reduce injuries, providing careful protection to the driver and passeng


4. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down 2swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes down 3ake no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the container 4manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump



5. The culprits behind the high cost of auto insurance are expensive and excessive lawsuits for intangible noneconomic damages, and the rampant fraud and abuse that inflate those damages.


6. inflate的解释

6. The dark are desperate for chi to inflate again as Terra continues to compress them into disanimation.

黑暗力量正拼死要获得 chi 来再次膨胀,因为 Terra 不断将它们压缩到失去活力之中。

7. All this is an attempt by the center to re-inflate itself.


8. inflate在线翻译

8. Reporting the study results at the meeting, Arthur Feldman, MD, chairman of the department of medicine at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, explained that EECP is a technique that consists of placing a series of inflatable cuffs over the calves and lower and upper thighs. The cuffs rapidly inflate and deflate under high pressure at the onset of diastole and systole, respectively. According to Dr. Feldman, the approach is meant to mimic the hemodynamic properties of the heart's intra-aortic counterpulsation. He said that studies have shown that EECP improves cardiac output and endothelial function in patients with stable angina and in those with heart failure.

于会议中报告这项试验结果的Arthur Feldman医师,同时也是宾州费城Thomas Jefferson大学Jefferson医学院内科部主任,他表示,EECP是一种包含放置一系列可以充气的束带,充气后可以使大腿上方与下方分离;在心脏舒张与收缩时,束带在高压下快速地充气及泄气;根据Feldman医师表示,这个方法是为了要模拟心脏主动脉内反博的血行动力学特性;他指出,试验结果已经证实EECP可以改善稳定性心绞痛与心脏衰竭病患的心脏输出量及内皮功能。

9. There are only two ways to get rid of high debt: default onit or inflate it away.


10. He used a tyre pump/inflator to inflate the balloon to its full.


11. For seventy- five years, Signor Seguso had stood in front of a blazing hot glassworks furnace——ten, twelve, eighteen hours a day——holding a heavy steel pipe in his hands, turning it to prevent the dollop of molten glass at the other end from drooping to one side or the other, pausing to blow into it to inflate the glass, then laying it across his workbench, still turning it with his left hand while, with a pair of tongs in his right hand, pulling, pinching, and coaxing the glass into the shape of graceful vases, bowls, and goblets.


12. inflate的意思

12. This last form of treatment, continuous pressure airway pressure, uses a breathing mask to pressurize the airways and inflate them, almost like a balloon.


13. But I don't think we artificially inflate any prices at all.


14. But in face of the information inflate. The organization structure more and more complicated.


15. In time it will inflate to its former size.



16. But more important is China's unwillingness to pay the very prices it has helped inflate.


17. He who is great need not inflate himself.


18. Sometimes people will inflate their income on their application in hopes that this will help their approval process.


19. In some situations it is necessary to inflate the Airshox to a higher pressure.


20. Opening the door in an emergency will automatically inflate the evacuation slides.


inflate 词典解释

1. (使)充气;(使)膨胀;(使)胀大

If you inflate something such as a balloon or tyre, or if it inflates, it becomes bigger as it is filled with air or a gas.

e.g. Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft...


e.g. Don's lifejacket had failed to inflate.


2. 抬高(物价);(使)(物价)涨高

If you say that someone inflates the price of something, or that the price inflates, you mean that the price increases.


e.g. The promotion of a big release can inflate a film's final cost...


e.g. Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles.



They had to buy everything at inflated prices at the ranch store.


3. 夸张;夸大;吹嘘

If someone inflates the amount or effect of something, they say it is bigger, better, or more important than it really is, usually so that they can profit from it.

e.g. They inflated clients' medical treatment to defraud insurance companies...


e.g. Even his war record was fraudulently inflated.


inflate 单语例句

1. US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently wrote that the Fed wants to inflate the stock market so that Americans start feeling wealthier again.

2. Other models claim the agencies grossly inflate their living expenses to turn a profit, including doubling their rent and charging for a driver.

3. It is an open secret that some publications in China inflate their circulation figures to raise their profiles and lure more advertisers.

4. Any attempt to inflate China's clout will only serve to mislead public opinion and sow the seed of suspicion or enmity.

5. The recent interest rate cut and the expectation that asset prices are set to inflate provided a strong boost to property stocks.

6. Fastow admitted to engineering partnerships and financial schemes to hide Enron debt and inflate profits while pocketing millions for himself.

7. A few pinheads let being an expatriate go to their heads and their egos and expectations inflate with equal measure.

8. Emergency workers had to inflate air bags so they could lift the bin to free him.

9. The West seeks to inflate away its massive debt - by exporting inflation to the emerging East.

10. The inflatable escape chute wouldn't inflate, but I jumped all the same.

inflate的解释inflate 英英释义


1. become inflated

e.g. The sails ballooned

Synonym: balloonbillow

2. fill with gas or air

e.g. inflate a balloons

Synonym: blow up

3. exaggerate or make bigger

e.g. The charges were inflated

Synonym: blow upexpandamplify

4. increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value

e.g. inflate the currency

5. cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit

e.g. The war inflated the economy