

asylum:[英 [əˈsaɪləm] 美 [əˈsaɪləm] ]



asylum 基本解释

名词庇护; 避难所; 政治避难; 精神病院

asylum 相关例句


1. The abandoned children were put into an asylum.


2. asylum什么意思

2. Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.


asylum 网络解释

1. 庇护:美国移民法对在国外的难民申请者和到达美国国境的申请者规定了不同的申请程序,后者被称为政治庇护(asylum). 在美国的政治庇护申请者可以遵循下列程序寻求政治庇护身份. 注意这一程序不适用于已经进入驱逐出境程序(removal)后才提出政治庇护的申请人.

2. 精神病院:大卫.马肯兹曾执导过(Young Adam)、(Asylum)等影片,并曾获得英国英国影艺学院最佳导演奖. 本次,他亲自担任的导演和编剧,为观众奉上这部精彩影片. 影片男主角由众多影迷钟爱的杰米.贝尔担纲演出.

3. 收容所:两人相识于1996年播出的电视剧(Asylum)中,同时结识的还有Jessica Stevenson,此君也参与了Edgar Wright之后的几部作品. 三年之后,两人再次合作,再加上Simon日后老搭档也是生活中的好友Nick Frost和饰演Daisy一角的Jessica Hynes等几个人,

asylum 双语例句

1. Asylum of the aged; home of respect for the old...敬业精神 spirit of devotion to work...静态投资 static investment


2. Jeff, a failed asylum-seeker from Zimbabwe, describes nine years in Britain being bounced from one agency to another, unable to work and afraid to return home.


3. British agencies are embodied in the case of Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian asylum-seeker in Britain, who gave up his drugs habit after rediscovering Islam.

英国情报机构承受的大多数指责来自Binyam Mohamed案,他是一个在英国寻求庇护的埃塞尔比亚人,在重新认识了伊斯兰教后他戒掉了毒品。

4. Many of the woes of British agencies are embodied in the case of Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian asylum-seeker in Britain, who gave up his drugs habit after rediscovering Islam.

英国情报机构承受的大多数指责来自Binyam Mohamed案,他是一个在英国寻求庇护的埃塞尔比亚人,在重新认识了伊斯兰教后他戒掉了毒品。

5. asylum的翻译

5. While doing little to save genuine refugees in camps abroad, it has opened the door to queue-jumping economic migrants, big-time crooks and terrorists, as documented in numerous reports (notably from the federal government's security service and auditor-general) over more than 20 years. In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.


6. asylum的反义词

6. While doing little to save genuine refugees in camps abroad, it has opened the door to queue-jumping economic migrants, big-time crooks and terrorists, as documented in numerous reports over more than 20 years. In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.


7. I want immunity from prosecution, asylum in the U. S. and citizenship.


8. The People's Republic of China may grant asylum to foreigners who request it for political reasons.


9. What if I am a refugee or asylum seeker?


10. To purchase asylum in the U. S.


11. The vast majority of people seeking asylum in Australia arrive by air, but community groups worry that the debate about illegal immigration will become more uncompromising as an election due later this year draws closer.



12. If you would like to return to China, then why do you want political asylum? !


13. His request for political asylum in Hong Kong was not granted.


14. asylum的反义词

14. I do get a green card for political asylum, and now I ask you to return?


15. asylum的意思

15. Immigration and asylum are key political issues in Britain and the European Union.



16. The number of people seeking political asylum in Britain has risen dramatically.


17. The terrorist tried to seek political asylum in that country.


18. asylum

18. I want you to go after again in the asylum.


19. An immortal in the IT industry in history to seek asylum, he is Bill Gates.


20. asylum是什么意思



asylum 词典解释

1. (通常指政治)庇护,避难

If a government gives a person from another country asylum, they allow them to stay, usually because they are unable to return home safely for political reasons.

e.g. He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home.


2. 精神病院

An asylum is a psychiatric hospital.

asylum 单语例句

1. Panama's president said she would consider granting the former Catholic priest asylum but had not been asked.

2. Under government regulations, those not qualifying for asylum will be returned to their country of origin.

3. Under the gargoyles of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, a gang of Gypsy refugees seeks asylum.

4. But he confirmed that Niger had given asylum to Gadhafi's internal security chief Mansour Daw on humanitarian grounds.

5. Li still cherishes his dream of helping build up a comfortable asylum for the homeless.

6. Visiting Peruvian Foreign Minister Manuel Rodriguez on Tuesday ruled out the possibility that his country would grant political asylum to ousted Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutierrez.

7. London threatened to break into the Ecuadorian embassy if the Latin American nation gave asylum to Assange.

8. A judge later agreed to suspend her deportation order and reopen her asylum case.

9. Ah Ching was also confident of getting his green card via political asylum under the pretense of forced family planning back home.

10. The US decision to allow them to seek asylum and settle in Albania violates the United Nations Charter and international law.

asylum 英英释义


1. a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person

Synonym: mental hospitalpsychiatric hospitalmental institutioninstitutionmental homeinsane asylum

2. a shelter from danger or hardship

Synonym: refugesanctuary