

bunk:[英 [bʌŋk] 美 [bʌŋk] ]


过去式:bunked;   过去分词:bunked;   现在分词:bunking;   复数形式:bunks;

bunk 基本解释

名词(车、船等的)铺位; 睡觉处,卧处; 牲口食槽; 空话,废话

不及物动词睡在铺上; 合铺,合住



bunk 相关例句


1. I don't know where the captain means to bunk you.



1. We bunked in an old barn.


2. He bunked with a friend for the night.



1. You're making speeches full of bunk.


bunk 网络解释

1. 双层床:Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具 | Bunk 双层床 | Bunk bed 双层床

2. bunk什么意思

2. 铺位:bunk bed 双层铺 | bunk 铺位 | bunker 燃料库

3. 床铺:bungalow 平房 | bunk 床铺 | bunny 栗鼠

4. 固定铺位:228. 吊铺 hammock | 229. 固定铺位 bunk | 230. 客船统舱 steerage

bunk 双语例句

1. At 11:30, he swung off his bunk and stepped into a puddle.


2. The seal soon got his bitters, and the captain cut a big bunk off the tail end.


3. She said:'We would bunk off school and go to the Internet cafe and just flirt with boys online.


4. The kids are put off learning by all the quizs. Some even start to bunk off school.


5. Sucre jumps off the top bunk and taps a small mirror against the toilet to signal Michael to return immediately.

Sucre 从上铺跳了下来,用小镜子敲击着马桶,给 Michael 发信号叫他快回来。


6. Bunk beds are not only functional, but for a child, they can be a lot of fun.


7. He was given a set of bunk beds that have no mattresses.


8. Some bunk beds even come with extra storage, and in this house, that would indeed be a blessing.


9. Wall-mounted bunk that transforms short breaks into relax ing rests.


10. This rate is for one bunk bed in a room of 8 beds in total. The shared bathroom is outside the room.


11. Life is pretty good, says the 43-year-old with matted five bunk beds, housing 10 men.


12. Bunk bed with ladder and guard rail...

带床梯及护拦的双层床 camp bed 。。。

13. bunk的解释

13. We can bunk down on the floor for the night.


14. You can bunk in a deluxe outpost cabin, which are very well maintained and comfortable.


15. Can you bunk down on the floor for the night?


16. Can we go on your bunk?


17. You can bunk with me.


18. A:Itg a co1d night. te11 you what, you can have my bunk if you 1ike. I11 s1eep on the f1oor.


19. One good way to learn something true about a country is to examine at first hand one of its obvious clichés, so that you can de- bunk it to your own satisfaction, or admit with more authority that it is not for you, or begin to feel its truth as the natives feel it.


20. In the exhibition hall, thereare many about KOMA, his precious photos, his childhood bunk bed, his collector, his guitars, even his hand-written draft manuscript, and many else.


bunk 词典解释

1. (尤指船上或车上的)铺位,卧铺

A bunk is a bed that is fixed to a wall, especially in a ship or caravan.

e.g. He left his bunk and went up on deck again.


2. 胡说;谎言

If you describe something as bunk, you think that it is foolish or untrue.

e.g. ...Henry Ford's opinion that 'history is bunk'.


3. 不辞而别;溜走

If you do a bunk, you suddenly leave a place without telling anyone.

相关词组:bunk off

bunk 单语例句

1. They slept in bunk beds piled three high in windowless rooms, and ate from communal kitchens manned by a roster of tenants.

2. Even in an autobiography can the protagonist have inhabited different spaces of a bunk bed at different times.

3. Rotating between work and rest every three hours, she could catch barely any sleep as she was thrown off her bunk frequently.

4. A boarding school has been ordered to pay compensation after a pupil fell out of her top bunk and ruptured her spleen.

5. Such as the time I woke up on the bottom bunk of a bus from Yangshuo to Guangzhou and it was snowing inside the vehicle.

6. It's also easy to keep valuables by my side and out of view, which is difficult on the bottom bunk.

7. Trainers sleep in a wooden bunk bed fixed right over the dogs'kennels.

8. Four bunk beds and numerous big trunks are crowded in the 15 sqm space and the ceiling is less than two metres high.

9. The six women stay in two overcrowded motel rooms, while the two lads bunk down in another room.

10. A gentle snoring came from the bunk above, as the landscape flashed past at 150 km an hour.

bunk 英英释义


1. a bed on a ship or train

usually in tiers

Synonym: berthbuilt in bed

2. a rough bed (as at a campsite)

3. a long trough for feeding cattle

Synonym: feed bunk

4. beds built one above the other

Synonym: bunk bed

5. a message that seems to convey no meaning

Synonym: nonsensenonsensicalitymeaninglessnesshokum

6. unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)

Synonym: bunkumbuncombeguffrothogwash


1. flee

take to one's heels

cut and run

e.g. If you see this man, run!

The burglars escaped before the police showed up

Synonym: scatrunscarperturn taillamrun awayhightail ithead for the hillstake to the woodsescapefly the coopbreak away

2. provide with a bunk

e.g. We bunked the children upstairs

3. avoid paying

e.g. beat the subway fare

Synonym: beat