

sanders:[英 ['sændəs] 美 ['sændəs] ]


sanders 基本解释

名词檀香,檀木; 磨沙机( sander的名词复数 )


sanders 网络解释


1. 桑德斯:其中,桑德斯(sanders)的社会互动系统研究最具影响力. 他从人、社会关系、社会团体、社会类群、次体系(社会网络)和主体系六个层次上剖析了社区结构,认为社区是由. 家庭、经济、政府、宗教、教育与媒介、卫生、福

2. 英语 Alexander的儿子:7.Samuel 希伯来语 向上帝祈求 | 8.Sanders 英语 Alexander的儿子 | 9.Santos Santo 未知 以为圣人

3. 砂纸:separator well (打浆机)除砂沟 | sanders 砂纸 | sanitary dishes (卫生)纸盘

4. 檀香, 檀木:bakery n.面包店 | sanders 檀香, 檀木 | colonel n.陆军上校, 团长

sanders 双语例句

1. One of the few known techniques is jet-engine modulation, which involves analyzing the raw radar return for the characteristic beat produced by a combination of the radar-pulse frequency and the rotating blades of the engine. This technique is already used on operational radars (including the APG-70 in the F-15) but is vulnerable to countermeasures and dependent on target aspect.

由于Northrop Grumman APG-77主动数组火控雷达与 Sanders ALR-94整合式电战/被动电磁讯号截收系统的搭配是如此强大绝伦,美国方面认为光靠这两者组合便再配合上猛禽本身的匿踪性能,便足以让F/A-22在绝对安全的距离外率先发觉识别并追踪锁定任何已知对手,没有必要再去锦上添花地安装光电侦搜系统。

2. sanders

2. That night, all of The Sanders, including Yuri DeMenchev and Emily Granger, gathered together in the hall on the second floor of the house.


3. If I had time to get the Philosopher's Stone was caught, then I had to return to Sanders Ceremony home, waiting for Voldemort to find me there.


4. Writer: Chris Sanders Director: Chris Williams, Byron Howard Cast: John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman, Mark Walton, Greg Germann Music: John Powell

作者:克里斯·桑德斯导演:克里斯·威廉姆斯拜恩·霍华德演员:约翰·特拉沃塔,麦莉·赛勒斯,Susie Essman ,马克沃尔顿,葛瑞·格杰曼音乐:约翰·鲍威尔

5. Billy Joe Sanders, of Pittsburgh, said he bought a home in Canonsburg during a Washington County tax sale in August.


6. Ray, 2 were tongue type; 3 were Sander Ⅱ type and others were Sander Ⅲ type in CT. the primary fracture line coursed from anterolateral to posteromedial, and from anterosuperior to posteroinferior.

结果]所有6个标本都产生了跟骨关节内骨折,X线片检查,其中4个为关节内压缩骨折,2个为舌型骨折;30°半冠状位CT检查,Sanders Ⅱ型及Ⅲ型骨折各3个。

7. My name is Betty Sanders. I`m a telephone operator, and I work for Universal Telephone Company.

我的名字叫Betty Sanders,我是一名电话操作员,我在通用电话公司工作,我的工作非常有趣。

8. Sanders, NL, Evidence-based care in orthodontics and periodontics: a review of the literature.


9. Would the parent of Chloe Sanders please go to Cash Register 73 immediately.


10. Sanders, and Geza Vermes argue that Jesus lived from about 8-4 BC/BCE to 29-36 AD/CE.

Sanders 和 Geza Vermes 都争论说耶稣是活在大约从公元前8—4年到公元前29—36年。

11. The excellent cast is filled out by Alan Rickman as the villainous Judge Turpin, Timothy Spall as his seedy Beadle, Sacha Baron Cohen as a rival barber, Jamie Campbell Bower as the young lover Anthony, Jayne Wisener as his object of affection, and Ed Sanders as the young Toby.


12. Oh, how are you! I'm come from Sanders of Houston.


13. SUSAN SANDERS: I have had quite a number of shows in different countries.



14. Sanders continued, You have a timeline in your mind, don't you?


15. I'm come from Sanders of Houston.


16. Then he said, `I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs Sanders.


17. Recently, an American man dressed as the world-renowned founder of KFC – Colonel Sanders managed to successfully dupe his way into the UN headquarters in New York and shake hands with a senior official.


18. Sanders:As Resolution 1737 indicates, the Security Council should be prepared to take additional...



19. Sanders et al.13, in a study of twenty-four skeletally immature girls, found that a Risser sign of 0 and an open tricartilage acetabular cartilage correlated with peak height elocity.


20. If you admire great athletes like Deion Sanders that do, meet world-class athlete Jim Thorpe.


sanders 单语例句

1. In its own court papers, the Garden said Browne Sanders'firing was for legitimate business reasons.

2. Sanders was hired late Thursday after Katherine Jackson's former attorney publicly cast doubts about the authenticity of her filing.

3. Many fans feel the team has been plagued by the " curse of Colonel Sanders " since his effigy was submerged in 1985.

4. A man dressed up as KFC mascot Colonel Sanders has evaded security to be photographed with the new president of the UN General Assembly.

5. Or could it be thanks to the comforting omnipresence of Colonel Harland Sanders, the man who started it all?

6. Jackson County Prosecutor Mike Sanders said his office would review the case and decide whether to pursue the death penalty.

7. Rupert Sanders'father says the filmmaker's fling with Kristen Stewart was " very brief ".

8. How do you root against a team that had Barry Sanders, and then roughly 400 consecutive horrible seasons?

9. Thomas previously asked a judge to toss out the lawsuit and have Browne Sanders pick up the tab for his legal fees.

10. Sanders died in 1980, but his likeness is still central to KFC's marketing.
