

coronation:[英 [ˌkɒrəˈneɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɔ:rəˈneɪʃn] ]



coronation 基本解释


coronation 网络解释


1. 加冕:第二十六号,D大调,标题为(Coronation),K537,作于1788年. 第二十七号,降B大调、K595,作于1791年. 另有早期未列人编号的K107 3首. 莫扎特钢琴协奏曲全集的版本,首选海布勒演奏版,由科林?戴维斯等指挥伦敦交响乐团,Philips,

2. 加冤仪式:11. Transformation 变身 | 12. Coronation 加冤仪式 | 13. Destruction of the Moon 月球基地毁灭

coronation 双语例句

1. In colonial times, the Coronation Building in old Delhi was one of the city's most prestigious hotels.


2. But She did not know that he eventually was embedded in the step of the Coronation of HanWu King.


3. I ask for a grandiose coronation, and this is what you give?


4. coronation的解释

4. The 3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II`s coronation.


5. However, it is now used in my coronation.


6. I hope that you will do better at my coronation.


7. My soul, so far as thou art a child of God, thou must conquer all the rest of thyself which yet remains unblest; thou must subdue all thy powers and passions to the silver sceptre of Jesus` gracious reign, and thou must never be satisfied till he who is King by purchase becomes also King by gracious coronation, and reigns in thee supreme.


8. You gave me 3 days to prepare. Your father's coronation took 3 months.


9. It was the first coronation ever to be shown on television.


10. This is my coronation day.


11. This was to be indeed His true coronation.


12. She was on her way to a coronation not a campaign.


13. Thank God they have at least the movies, where they can see birds singing on the screen, trees growing and swaying, Turkey, Egypt, the Himalayas, the Andes, storms, shipwrecks, coronation ceremonies, ants, caterpillars, muskrats, a fight between lizards and scorpions, hills, waves, sands, clouds, and even a moon all on the screen!


14. coronation的翻译

14. Many poor whites have ended up in places like Coronation Park, in Krugersdorp west of Johannesburg, a leafy former caravan site beside a water reservoir and a public picnic park frequented by middle-class families at weekends.


15. coronation的翻译

15. For those in high office, scandal can often be the price of vaulting ambition. In 1977, Jean – Bedel Bokassa crowned himself Emperor of the bankrupt Central African Republic. The coronation ceremony cost 1/4 of his country`s annual income.


16. In both cases both the King and the Antipope need to be in the same place for the coronation.


17. Sovereign – a small wart visible at the base of the nose – and closes with a 1702 portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud, the exalted royal shown in his twilight years and dressed in afantastical blue coronation robe.

展览以济安·洛伦佐·贝尼尼为这位年轻君主雕刻的一尊完美的大理石胸像作为开场(在雕像的鼻根处可以看到一个小小的肉赘),以 1702 年亚森特·里戈绘制的肖像结束(画中,这位已入暮年的尊贵君王身上穿着一件怪诞的蓝色加冕长袍)。


18. The exhibition opens with an idealized marble bust by Gian Lorenzo Bernini of the young sovereign – a small wart visible at the base of the nose – and closes with a 1702 portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud, the exalted royal shown in his twilight years and dressed in a fantastical blue coronation robe.

展览以济安·洛伦佐·贝尼尼为这位年轻君主雕刻的一尊完美的大理石胸像作为开场(在雕像的鼻根处可以看到一个小小的肉赘),以1702 年亚森特·里戈绘制的肖像结束(画中,这位已入暮年的尊贵君王身上穿着一件怪诞的蓝色加冕长袍)。

19. A wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation.


20. About five years after Esther`s coronation, King Xerxes promoted one of his cabinet to be the highest officer in the empire. His name was Haman, an Amalekite. His people had been enemies of the Jews for centuries.


coronation 单语例句

1. Dream is a witty and heartfelt tribute to sports and the Queen's coronation in 1952 to the present.

2. Sebastian Vettel has gone from " Crash Kid " to coronation as Formula One's youngest double world champion in little more than a year.

3. He became the world's youngest reigning monarch and head of the newest democracy after the coronation.

4. The store manufactured the golden dragon pillar of the original crown for the coronation of Emperor Puyi in 1934.

5. The manager of Cumberland's Pencil Museum has expressed her delight over Coronation Street's namecheck of the establishment.

6. He literally guided me from the start of'Coronation Street'.

7. The only coronation the Spurs plan on attending anytime soon is their own.

8. He has lived his oath, which was first announced at his royal coronation ceremony in 1946.

9. There are two different types of models, representing the wartime parade and the coronation ceremony.

coronation 英英释义


1. the ceremony of installing a new monarch

Synonym: enthronemententhronizationenthronisationinvestiture