

sham:[英 [ʃæm] 美 [ʃæm] ]


过去式:shammed;   过去分词:shammed;   现在分词:shamming;   复数形式:shams;

sham 基本解释

名词假冒; 赝品; 骗子; 套; 枕套




sham 同义词




sham 反义词




sham 相关例句


1. sham什么意思

1. Their independence was a sham.


2. sham什么意思

2. He's a sham.


3. His love was a mere sham.


4. Are these real diamonds or only sham?


sham 网络解释


1. 骗局:但观察团的结论,与欧洲安全暨合作组织观察员的结果互相冲突(clash with). 欧洲观察员谴责(denounce)选举本身是虚晃一招的骗局(sham),选举缺失不胜枚举(numerous shortcomings),尤其作票(vote rigging)更是层出不穷.


2. 假冒:同~am串记:假冒(sham)火腿(ham)果酱(jam)夹(ja~谐音),堵塞(jam)大水坝(dam). 同~an串记:罐头(can)看,黑(tan)象碳. 盘子(pan)盘,男人(man)蛮,禁令(ban)颁. 带蓬货车(van)布是帆,扇子(fan)煽动是要反--押韵的尾字均为相应单词谐音.

3. 假:该通讯还报道说,大约40%对药物耐受的抑郁患者在接受TMS之后,症状出现了改善. 这些对TMS治疗精神分裂、创伤后应激障碍的研究结果则比较混乱. 一项对照试验显示TMS在治疗强迫性神经症方面,并不比假(sham)治疗效果好.

4. sham的翻译

4. sham:sodium hexa-metaphosphate; 六偏磷酸钠

sham 双语例句

1. Methods 60 SD rats were randomly divided into sham, I/R model and Tetrandrine groups.


2. Methods 90 Sprague-Daw rats were divided into sham-operative group, ICH model group and ginkgo therapy group. Every group divided 6h, 12h, 24h, 72h and 7d. Collagenase type Ⅶ with heparinize was infused into the right caudate nucleus to establish rat experimental ICH model.


3. sham什么意思

3. The surface of articular remained smooth and the degree of cartilage degeneration was better than the sham-operated side.


4. In normal group and sham lesion group, BDA positive neurons were distributed symmetrically in the pyramid cells of sensorimotor cortex, and BDA positive fibers of pyramid cells passed through the cerebral cortex, internal capsule, cerebral peduncle of midbrain, basilar portion of pons to the pyramid of medulla oblongata. At the lower part of the medulla oblongata, most of the BDA positive fibers passed through the pyramidal decussation to the contralateral side, continously descended at the ventral part of posterior funiculus just dorsal to the posterior gray commissure and ended at sacral spinal segments.


5. Results The BEL7402 cell proliferation rate of five LDR subgroups had no difference from that of sham irridation group in cell counts and MTT assay results.

结果 细胞计数及MTT试验,5个LDR组BEL7402细胞增殖率与假辐射组比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。


6. Methods:Male Sprague- Dawley rats were divided into normal control, sham operation control and injury g roups.


7. RESULTS: Deteriorated oxygenation, metabolic and lactate acidosis, as well as exhaled nitric oxide levels occurring during acutepancreatitis, were reduced by TEA to levels observed in sham-operatedanimals.

结果:急性胰腺炎期间会损害肺的氧合能力、代谢情况,以及引起乳酸酸中毒和呼出气一氧化氮水平升高,而这些情况在假手术组中显示可被 TEA 所改善。

8. Results Compared with Sham group, after intestinal I/R injury, activity of SOD was decreased, while the levels of MDA and NO was increased in serum and liver tissue.


9. There was no significant difference between excision group and sham surgery group.


10. Sham surgery was performed on the contralateral artery, which served as control for imaging experiments.


11. MATERIALS: Sixty Wistar rats, with body weight of (240±20) g, were randomly divided into sham surgery, model and transplantation groups, with 20 animals in each group.


12. Using sham surgery as a placebo, in which patients have incisions but no real treatment, raises ethical questions, but has been done in some research — and some patients say they feel better.


13. The OIS in the OVX groups was significantly less than sham surgery groups, reducing 30.8% and 13.0%, respectively.


14. Sham operation group underwent thoracotomy surgery with the same volume of saline injection.


15. sham的意思

15. The cellular immunity of tumor-bearing mice in MTC group was much higher than that in excision group and sham surgery group (both P<0.01) one week after the radical treatment, and it is also higher than that in normal control group.


16. Methods:The AdIκBaM was injected to inhibit the activation of NF-κB specially, in advance and set up three groups: Group A:inject AdIκBaM to cortex of rat; group B:ischemia simply; group C:sham operation.


17. Deep water paper, thermal fax paper, Sham Tseng polyester cardboard, Sham Tseng pressure records paper, electroenciphalogram paper, low voltage electric susceptibility, oscilloscopic using paper, elctroacoustic paper, force are paper, meteorological record sheets and regulator inked ribbons for paper, thermal paper, ECG velcanized, bolgarii fax paper, spark a transcript of the shadow fax paper, pH test strip velcanized, hydrogen sulfide, carbon paper analysis paper, multi-powder-electrogenerated paper, sound paper, instrument records velcanized, potassium chloride punch holes in the paper, paper, electrostatic aunt of paper.


18. For those in control group (n=14), the animals did not undergo any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. In Vi group (n=9), the animals underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. In SCG group (n=8), the animals underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglia. In V1+SCG group (n=9), the animals underwent both surgeries as Vi and SCG group did. In sham operation group (n=11), the animals underwent carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as dissection of nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, without cutting any nerves. SCS was performed on rats and CBF was monitored by laser Doppler flowmeter recordings.


19. Control group, the animal underwent SCS and LDF recordings without any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. V1 group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. SCG group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglion. V1 + SCG group, the animal underwent both surgeries as V1- and SCG-group animals did. Sham group, the animal underwent the carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as the dissection of nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, but without cutting any nerves.


20. sham的近义词

20. Methods Sixty SD rats were randomly divided in to sham operated group, septic group, and DADLE group.

SD大鼠60只,分为假手术组、脓毒症组和DADLE(5 mg/kg)给药处理组,每组20只。

sham 词典解释

1. 假象;虚伪;虚假

Something that is a sham is not real or is not really what it seems to be.


e.g. The government's promises were exposed as a hollow sham...


e.g. Many of the world's leaders have already denounced this election as a sham.


sham 单语例句

1. Critics call the Japanese program a sham, noting the meat turns up for sale for human consumption.

2. The carcass was found and collected on October 15 at the refuse collection chamber in Sham Shui Po Park.

3. The goose carcass was collected at a beach near Sham Shek Tsuen on the island Tuesday.

4. Sham acupuncture is a procedure designed to prevent patients from being able to detect if needles are actually inserted at treatment points.

5. Only 15 percent of patients in the acupuncture group required extra pain drugs, compared with 34 percent in the sham group.

6. Sham and fellow experts recommend people undergo a colonoscopy once every 10 years from the age of 50.

7. Some of them live in " cubicle apartments " in Sham Shui Po, and the monthly rent often exceeds their welfare payments.

8. Police failed to persuade Sham Shui Po residents to allow installation of surveillance cameras to deter acid attacks at a district council meeting yesterday.

9. In order for the National Games to not become a sham and a shame, the sports authorities must act before the downward spiral becomes irreversible.

10. The whaling nations claimed the proposal was little more than a sham aimed at ending centuries of whaling tradition for good.

shamsham 英英释义



1. something that is a counterfeit

not what it seems to be

Synonym: fakepostiche

2. a person who makes deceitful pretenses

Synonym: imposterimpostorpretenderfakefakerfraudshammerpseudopseudrole player


1. make believe with the intent to deceive

e.g. He feigned that he was ill

He shammed a headache

Synonym: feignpretendaffectdissemble

2. make a pretence of

e.g. She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger

he feigned sleep

Synonym: simulateassumefeign


1. adopted in order to deceive

e.g. an assumed name

an assumed cheerfulness

a fictitious address

fictive sympathy

a pretended interest

a put-on childish voice

sham modesty

Synonym: assumedfalsefictitiousfictivepretendedput on