

radiate:[英 [ˈreɪdieɪt] 美 [ˈrediˌet] ]


过去式:radiated;   过去分词:radiated;   现在分词:radiating;

radiate 基本解释


及物动词辐射; 发射; 使向周围扩展

不及物动词射出; 发散; 发光

形容词辐射状的; 射出的

radiate 相关例句


1. All the roads radiate from the center of the town.


2. She radiates joy.


3. She simply radiated confidence.


4. A fire radiates heat.



1. radiate的意思

1. A system of roads radiates from the town center.


radiate 网络解释

1. 辐射:这只是个简单的想法,除了上面提到的模型外,我们还想在某个智能表面实现水平游走(walking horizontal)与中心辐射(radiate)等等. 通常,完成这项工作人们会寄希望于幸运,但实际上所需的只是简单而机械的编程与黑箱(Black Agents).


2. 射:collegue.workmate)在秘鲁发现了一种不对称、不规则(irregular)的网,一半是辐射(radiate)型,一半是像砖块(piles of bricks)型的. 这种网的特点在于局部对称,而总体不对称. 2 苏美尔人(Sumerian)一开始只用名词和数字做一些登记,

3. radiate什么意思

3. 放射,被动技,伤害靠近玩家的所有敌人:Madness:狂热,主动技,将一个敌人心灵控制攻击友军 | Radiate:放射,被动技,伤害靠近玩家的所有敌人 | Restst Death:抵抗死亡,主动技,不太清楚到底是在干嘛...

4. 放射:radiate from 自......发出 | radiate 放射 | radiation damage 辐射损伤

radiate 双语例句

1. Methods Transvaginal color Doppler was used to study the blood flow of uterine artery, aecuate artery, radiate artery, and spiral aryery in postmenopausal women, 66 normal reproductive women and 5 patients with endometrial carcinoma for control.

应用经阴道彩色多普勒对 46例正常绝经后妇女的子宫动脉、弓状动脉、放射动脉以及螺旋动脉的血流分别进行检测,66例正常生育期子宫和 5例子宫内膜癌分别作为对照。

2. radiate的意思

2. The material is unreactive chemicals and thus does not radiate much radiation.


3. A Cassegrain dual reflector antenna which consists of a TEM horn, a hyperbolical subreflector and a parabolic reflector, was developed to radiate high power UWB microwave.


4. The proposed antenna design by manufacturing on a double-layer FR4 board, The antenna is mainly composed of a rectangular radiating patch with a meandered slit. Due to the slit branch1 and branch2 are constructed, and the 50Ω microstrip line feed at the bottom edge of the radiate pattern. By the design can resonat multi-band. We can employ coupling between ground plane and branch1 to increase the bandwidth. The resulting antenna is able to operate in the GSM, DCS, PCS, UMTS and WiMAX bands.



5. The X-ray image is smaller than the others because extremely energetic electrons emitting X-rays radiate away their energy more quickly than the lower-energy electrons emitting optical and infrared light.

X -射线图像比其他几张图像小是因为X射线发射的电子能量辐射比起可见光和红外所发送的大的多,因此能量损耗更多。


6. I am especially attracted to people who radiate joy of living and find their happiness in the simple things of life.


7. radiate的近义词

7. When things happen to people, they radiate a light.


8. We've all known people who radiate a singing spirit.


9. Poetry poet familiar environment element from, but these environmental factors and radiate people open mind.


10. radiate什么意思

10. As more people learn to hold and radiate more light, it will be possible for many others to reach their full potential in this lifetime.


11. Therefore, this white Ling Phoenix in people's concerns will radiate new Yan, hover Korea wing.


12. When enough people can hold and radiate a larger amount of light, everyone together will take a quantum leap and reach a new evolutionary phase.



13. The advanced production line of our company can produce more than 3.3 million running meters timber beam and 35, 000 cube meters all kinds of formwork. Furthermore, our raw materials are spruce、hemlock、radiate pine that have good quanlity and abundance source.


14. People who have this joy do not need to talk about it; they radiate it.


15. The sense of velocity in such a surreal world - one that is in slow-motion - exists in the mind's eye of Chi Chia-Hwa. Yet, his perception of decelerated time does not conflict with his quick expressionistic markings. After all, beyond the coolness and complexity of his modernistic style, Chi's paintings radiate an underlying richness of layers and sense of serenity that transcend time.



16. Actinodromous(palmate; digitate) Describing a form of leaf VENATION in which three or more primary veins radiate from the base of the lamina toward the margin, as in sycamore, resulting in a leaf that has several large lobes or several leaflets all originating at the same point.


17. In this paper, the target radiate characteristics and waveband selection of the infrared...


18. PEX geothermal pipe series, characteristics of product: Terrestrial radiation heating is to lay pipeline under the ground indoors, heat the floor to certain temperature by special reversible circulation way of hot body in pipe, radiate heat to the room evenly from the floor, at the same time, under the function of specific gravity difference of the cold and the hot air, the natural air convection creates the tepid climate in the room with ideal temperature distribution, making the indoor environment reach the most comfortable state of human sense organ.


19. Stigmas radiate on distal surface, often disclike.


20. He leaned into my back and I felt the solid wall of his chest radiate heat against my bare back.


radiate 词典解释

1. 辐射;(从中心)发散

If things radiate out from a place, they form a pattern that is like lines drawn from the centre of a circle to various points on its edge.


e.g. ...the various walks which radiate from the Heritage Centre...


e.g. From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.


2. 流露,显示(情感)

If you radiate an emotion or quality or if it radiates from you, people can see it very clearly in your face and in your behaviour.

e.g. She radiates happiness and health...


e.g. Her voice hadn't changed but I felt the anger that radiated from her.


3. 散发(热);发射(光)

If something radiates heat or light, heat or light comes from it.

e.g. Stoves are meant to radiate heat.


radiate 单语例句

1. Rationality illuminates the scenes featured in his works, while little specks that radiate fluorescent light out of the dark gray pigment resemble marble.

2. The fires are raging just 75 km north of the city and radiate out into the country's Entre Rios and Santa Fe provinces.

3. Elephants evolved huge floppy ears to radiate heat back into their surroundings.

4. Penelope's shanghai shop was able to radiate like a thread of crystal gloss.

5. In addition to its healing properties, the mud will make skin radiate with a healthy glow.

6. Chinese civilization was to radiate out in all directions to influence all others, instead of the equal relations between sovereign states.

7. Tianjin Port has a strong ability to radiate both home and abroad.

8. The true meaning of " globalization " is to make the home country the hub and let its " spokes " radiate across the globe.

9. So choose a bag that incorporates these if you're after a promotion at work since they radiate confidence.

10. Most comments seem to radiate a sense of rage against whatever group they are not a part of.

radiate 英英释义


1. send out real or metaphoric rays

e.g. She radiates happiness

2. spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate

e.g. The plants on this island diversified

Synonym: diversify

3. issue or emerge in rays or waves

e.g. Heat radiated from the metal box

4. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

e.g. She was beaming with joy

Her face radiated with happiness

Synonym: glowbeamshine

5. cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays

e.g. The sun is radiating

6. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

e.g. Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna

Synonym: glowbeamshine

7. extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center

e.g. spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel

This plants radiate spines in all directions

Synonym: ray

8. send out rays or waves

e.g. The sun radiates heat


1. having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies

2. arranged like rays or radii

radiating from a common center

e.g. radial symmetry

a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals

many cities show a radial pattern of main highways

Synonym: radialstellate