

bitter:[英 [ˈbɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈbɪtɚ] ]


过去式:bittered;   过去分词:bittered;   现在分词:bittering;

bitter 基本解释

形容词苦的; 尖锐的; 严寒的; 怀恨的,愤愤不平的

名词苦; 苦味物; 苦啤酒; [航]系缆柱上的一圈缆索

副词激烈地; 痛苦地; 严厉地


bitter 相关词组


1. to the bitter end : 拼到底;


bitter 相关例句


1. They learned a bitter lesson.


2. The wind is bitter.


3. The medicine tastes bitter.


4. Why was he so bitter against me?


bitter 网络解释

1. 苦的:儿子主动提出要学习,于是都妈把他的和teacher pen拿到了床上,娘儿俩在床上开始复习:味觉(taste)sweet(甜的) sour(酸的) spicy(辣的) yummy(美味的) yucky(恶心的) 苦的(bitter)以及方位:east west north south r

2. bitter的意思

2. 苦味酒:类.包括葡萄酒.啤酒.米酒和苹果酒等.(2)蒸馏酒类.包括威古忌酒.白兰地酒.俄得克酒.老姆酒(Rum).特其拉酒(Tequila)和中国的白酒.(3)精炼和综合再制酒类.包括金酒.利口酒.味美思酒(或称苦艾酒).苦味酒(Bitter).竹叶青酒.人参酒

3. bitter的近义词

3. 苦味:B,酸度(Acidity)C,苦味(Bitter)D,甘度(Sweet)E,香度(Aroma)F,风味(Flavor)对咖啡的评价除了外观和大小之外,杯测(Cupping)是其中最重要的环节. 咖啡生豆(Green coffee been)在8-20分钟的烘焙过程中,会产生一系列复杂的变化:从外观来看,

bitter 双语例句

1. And they were bitter against him.

13:57 他们就厌弃他。

2. Don't worry though - you won't be defenseless against the bitter cold.


3. They are all bitter against the new plans.



4. Why was he so bitter against me?


5. bitter的翻译

5. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

3:19 你们作丈夫的、要爱你们的妻子、不可苦待他们。

6. Husbands, have love for your wives, and be not bitter against them.


7. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations


8. In dealing with the form and structure, I have give much attention to the flowing interaction between the inner and outer spaces in order to leave viewers a space for their imagination. As for the textures and surface effects, I have tried my best to retain and present the marks of clay and fire to express my complicated feelings and experiences in an abstract form of space full of great vicissitudes and profundity. In the contemporary civilized society, I have cherished such complicated feelings towards the Chinese culture, being yearning, but perplexed, sweet and bitter, intimate and remote.


9. We must always keep alive the memory of the bitter past.



10. The Evil Impulse is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end.


11. Among multitudes of bitter trials, the Buddha was given such manifest proof of his Dharma, his infinite pity for all creatures was inspired, and so he determined to help by showing all how their world of suffering may be transformed into happiness.


12. The pursuit of peace, politics, war is terrible, breach of the peace politics is bitter


13. bitter的意思

13. Love is sweet and bitter at the same time.


14. bitter的近义词

14. Saltwater it is as if bank sort tearfully right flow no stop, Ping the sad of psychical bitter, Like precipitate Wan abysm, Chueh cirri can climb rock.


15. After dinner, drink a cup of bitter gourd juice, with a bitter gourd juice.


16. Like to drink a cup of bitter tears Geye Cha I was sour me on the cheek lyrics reprinted from ※ Mojim. com Net Mirror...

就好像一杯隔夜茶我苦涩的喝下眼泪却酸了我的脸颊转载来自※Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网。。。

17. I can't stand the stuff because it seems bitter, and I usually pour it on the pot plant when nobody is looking.


18. They left it to wind through a slashy cut, leading the horses through brittle branchwood, Jack, the same eagle feather in his old hat, lifting his head in the heated noon to take the air scented with resinous lodgepole, the dry needle duff and hot rock, bitter juniper crushed beneath the horses'hooves.


19. And I found more bitter than death the woman whose heart is traps and snares, whose hands are fetters.

7:26 我发现有一等妇人比死还苦毒:她的心是陷阱网罗,手是锁炼。

20. There's a one way only mirror, so I can dance here with my hair down, but i don't see when you get bitter.


bitter 词典解释

1. 激烈的;猛烈的;充满敌意的

In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.

e.g. ...the scene of bitter fighting during the Second World War.


e.g. ...a bitter attack on the Government's failure to support manufacturing...



Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by most of the world's democracies.


...a bitterly fought football match.


The rift within the organization reflects the growing bitterness of the dispute.


2. 怨恨的;愤愤不平的

If someone is bitter after a disappointing experience or after being treated unfairly, they continue to feel angry about it.

e.g. She is said to be very bitter about the way she was sacked...


e.g. His long life was marked by bitter personal and political memories.



'And he sure didn't help us,' Grant said bitterly.


...the party bureaucrats who bitterly resented their loss of power.


I still feel bitterness and anger towards the person who knocked me down.


3. (经历或感觉)令人非常失望的,痛苦的,辛酸的

A bitter experience makes you feel very disappointed. You can also use bitter to emphasize feelings of disappointment.

e.g. I think the decision was a bitter blow from which he never quite recovered...


e.g. A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully...



I was bitterly disappointed to have lost yet another race so near the finish.


4. 寒冷的;刺骨的

Bitter weather, or a bitter wind, is extremely cold.

e.g. Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.


e.g. ...after spending a night in the bitter cold.



It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow.


5. (味道)苦的

A bitter taste is sharp, not sweet, and often slightly unpleasant.

e.g. The leaves taste rather bitter.


e.g. ...as the wine ages, losing its bitter harshness, and becoming softer and smoother.


6. 苦啤酒

Bitter is a kind of beer that is light brown in colour.

e.g. ...a pint of bitter.


7. 坚持到底;拼到底

If you say that you will continue doing something to the bitter end, especially something difficult or unpleasant, you are emphasizing that you will continue doing it until it is completely finished.

e.g. The guerrillas would fight to the bitter end, he said, in order to achieve their main goal.


8. a bitter pill -> see pill

bitter 单语例句bitter

1. The club angrily denied the charge and a bitter legal battle ensued to try to keep Catania from folding.

2. After Charles'bitter 1996 divorce, royal spin doctors began cautiously campaigning to win more public support for Camilla.

3. He rejected the suggestion in broadcast interviews and chided both parties for waging such a " bitter and partisan " campaign.

4. Her methods of punishment include whipping and making the boys eat Chinese goldthread, a bitter plant able to reduce inner heat.

5. His bitter rival Yushchenko urged civil disobedience and supporters said they would take their case to the supreme court.

6. Lack of adequate care leaves many young cubs to starve or freeze to death during the bitter winter.

7. New laws making it illegal to glorify terrorism have come into force in Britain following months of bitter political debate.

8. Whenever he passed by nearby Tsinghua University, a bitter feeling would come over him.

9. The commemoration comes as Tehran is further embroiled in a bitter standoff with the West over its controversial nuclear program.

10. Many Serbians admire Mladic as a dedicated military man who did not seek to enrich himself during the bitter civil war.