

crossing:[英 [ˈkrɒsɪŋ] 美 [ˈkrɔ:sɪŋ] ]



crossing 基本解释

名词人行横道,十字路口; 交叉,相交; 横越; 渡口



crossing 相关例句


1. An fatal accident took place at this crossing three years ago.


2. There's a crossing down the river.


3. The crossing of this dangerous river was a challenge to most of us.


crossing 网络解释

1. crossing什么意思

1. 十字路口:新加坡所有的十字路口(crossing)都见不到交通警察(traffic policeman),路上也很少见到巡警,但是,你一旦违章,说不定哪个电视监控系统就将你记录在案. 不光是司机,行人不遵守交通规则也要被处以罚款,如闯红灯、不走斑马线乱穿马路要罚款20新元.

2. 传中:他的关键指数基本要包括中后卫的全部要求,下面说相对特殊的要求 传中(crossing),传球(passing),加速度(acceleration),耐力(stamina),灵活性(agility) 相对于中后卫,边后卫更起到一个边路接应和进攻发起的作用,所以一些进攻型参数也被列了进来,

crossing 双语例句

1. Don't think that crossing the road when there's a red light is OK, just because so many people do it.


2. In ancient China, during the Sung and Ming dynasties, inflated, airtight skins were used for crossing rivers.



3. Occasionally, children who have crossed eyes may need to have bifocals to help control the crossing.


4. At 2379 m in the Jvari crossing, partially built in some sort of tunnels or protection barriers for avalanches and stone falls, we started the descent to the border that would lead us to Vladikavkaz, using a awesome path in Darial gorge.


5. crossing什么意思

5. To increase user cardinal number, if adjacent is at the beginning of 2006, attracted dimension numerous with sea accept Asia the venture capital investment of 10 million dollar, after crossing financing, the bottleneck of user amount did not get a breakthrough, this namely the matter that Zou Ling leaves locally from CEO again.


6. In this paper, we study the crossing numbers of the cartesian product graph and complete tripartite graph.


7. Generally speaking, calculating the crossing numbers of graphs is very difficult, there are only a few results in this area at present, and the majorities are some special Cartesian product graphs.


8. In chapter two, we determine the crossing number of the cartesian product of five graphs on 6-vertex with path.



9. He'd lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.


10. Channel protein is also called hydronium channel, it is a channel crossing the Cytoplasm and membrane.


11. The card used external triggering signals and impulses or internal triggering signals to initialize card behaviors. Two pieces of 142bitA /D converter chipsADS5547 enabled a crossing sampling rate of 420MSPS to a single analog input signal or a non2crossing sampling rate of 210MSPS to two signals from the two channels. The digitalized data, afterDSP, were cached on the card memory to be analyzed further through digital storage oscilloscope designed in software, otherwise stored into the high2speed hard disk through HSHD interfaces.



12. St. Petersburg, Fla., for example, has installed motion detectors at some crossings where there are no traffic signals; when a pedestrian approaches, a squawkbox urges him or her to push a button before crossing, triggering high-intensity flashing lights that drivers can see some distance from the intersection.


13. If the year 1339, WU Si-cheng Marshal letter states have taken it for granted Executive Governor of road surface repair the upper reaches of the Jialing River, Shuji xingzhou countries over the land line 180 food risk crossing the road, the cliff more than 3600 Club Road, the bridge 64, to avoid flooding in more than 200 crossing.



14. Go ahead please, and turn right at the first crossing, you can`t miss it.


15. Cause you make me go Out of my way, crossing the line


16. crossing的翻译

16. Guanshan Supermarket of Luxiang Plaza Shopping Center, located at the crossing of Xiongchu Avenue and Guanshanyilu Road, covering a business area of over 10, 000㎡, is the second large-scaled modern supermarket following Dangdai Supermarket invested by Luxiang Plaza Shopping Center.


17. When the word of the price on Aces'head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-to-be, it entices bounty hunters, thugs-for-hire, deadly vixens and double-crossing mobsters to join in the hunt.


18. Austrian Felix Baumgartner, known for his Channel crossing in 2003, jumped from the highest bridge in the world (maximum height at the top of the pillars: 343 metres), which was recently completed near Millau in southern France.


19. It is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world!


20. I m crossing you in styIe someday.


crossing 词典解释

1. 横渡

A crossing is a journey by boat or ship to a place on the other side of a sea, river, or lake.

e.g. He made the crossing from Cape Town to Sydney in just over twenty-six days...


e.g. The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing.


2. (道路的)十字路口;(线的)交叉点

A crossing is a place where two roads, paths, or lines cross.

3. 同 pedestrian crossing

A crossing is the same as a pedestrian crossing .

e.g. A car hit her on a crossing.


in AM, use 美国英语用 crosswalk

4. see also: pelican crossing;zebra crossing

5. 同 grade crossing 或 level crossing

A crossing is the same as a grade crossing or a level crossing .

crossing 单语例句

1. Crossing the borders has become increasingly dangerous as several Turkish trucks were destroyed by rebels on the Syrian side of the crossings.

2. CAIRO - Egypt closed Rafah crossing with Gaza Strip after a security checkpoint attack left at least 16 soldiers dead and seven others injured.

3. When I took a local bus to a remote Yunnan hiking trail popular with foreigners, the bus stopped right before an iron bridge crossing a stunning canyon.

4. That crossing is used for transporting cargo in and out of Gaza.

5. Wei, driving a black Porsche Cayenne SUV hit Ma who was crossing a road.

6. The problem was especially acute in districts traversed by cargo trucks crossing the city to get to container ports along the coast.

7. A Finnish foreign language teacher jumps into the road and uses tai chi to force cars to stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians.

8. She chided him about his strong year crossing over into mainstream TV stardom, and he teasing her about her veteran status in country music.

9. " I am so tired that I couldn't run any longer, " said a depleted Ci Wang after crossing the finish line.

10. Israel had said the Rafah crossing would be closed for six months for security and customs arrangements.

crossing 英英释义



1. traveling across

2. a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)

3. (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids

Synonym: hybridizationhybridisationcrossbreedingcrossinterbreedinghybridizing

4. a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other

Synonym: crosswalkcrossover

5. a junction where one street or road crosses another

Synonym: intersectioncrossroadcrosswaycarrefour

6. a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect

7. a shallow area in a stream that can be forded

Synonym: ford