

loam:[英 [ləʊm] 美 [loʊm] ]


过去式:loamed;   过去分词:loamed;   现在分词:loaming;   复数形式:loams;

loam 基本解释


名词(尤指适合植物生长的)壤土,沃土; 肥土(含有黏土、沙和有机物质的土地); 亚黏土


loam 相关例句


1. They plan to loam the field.



1. We camped there, where the loam was trampled by countless herds of bison.


2. The ship was completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom.


loam 网络解释

1. 壤土:最佳的泥土组合是沙及粉沙各占40%,黏土占20%,并含有大量的腐植质,这样的组合被称为壤土(loam). 以下的测验有助识别泥土中三种物质的含量:土壤的湿度会因天气、地形以及土质有所不同. 在不同季节观察土壤的吸水能力便可知道土壤是否湿润.


2. 亚粘土:loading material of rubber 橡胶填料 | loam 亚粘土 | lobeline 洛贝林

3. loam是什么意思

3. 粘土:load stone 天然磁石 | loam 粘土 | lobectomy scissors 肺叶切除剪

4. 砂质粘土:loads equidistant from midspan 从中跨等距的载荷 | loam 砂质粘土 | loam brick 粘土砖

loam 双语例句

1. According to soil P fixation characteristic, the studied soils were divided into two kinds. Red soil and newly cultivated heavy loam, the first kind, were resemble to target soils (vegetable growing soil and paddy soil), they had high P-fixation, low P-release rate; whereas bleached soil, waste land soil, sloping dry-land soil and newly cultivated sandy soil were the second kind, had low P-fixation, high P-release rate.


2. Roots twist and claw across the fern-covered rocks and loam, and low mists coil and spread throughout its hollows and glades.


3. Pluvial on the composition of the underlying surface, the overlying loess-like loam, thin layer of loess north.



4. The water jetting pressure for cutting loam and the hydro-flux of the slurry are ascertained. The power of the water jetting system and the inverse force of the water jetting are calculated.


5. Large amounts of lab experiments showed that the consistency of SWR sensor is very good, and the SWR sensor have excellent results in every kinds of soil texture, especially in loam, clay and acid loam.


6. Loam is a mixture of sand, silt and clay is roughly the same amounts.


7. Loam is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay.


8. We camp there, where the loam is trampled by countless herd of bison.


9. loam

9. The paddy soils in high-yielding fields are characterized by the soil texture of either coarse loam or fine loam with good drainage.


10. It is discovered that the common method of the single liquidity index IL used to determine the consistency of silt-clay or silt-loam is not rational.


11. It is discovered that the common method of the single liquidity index I used to determine the consistency of silt-clay or silt-loam is not rational.



12. Block the choice of Melon choice Leeward Sunningdale, topography Gaozao, Qiancha not of the Cucurbitaceae vegetables with drainage and irrigation conditions of sand loam or loam plots.


13. Pot experiments were conducted to contrastively study the pollution effect and accumulative rules of copper on rice in the sandy loam paddy field and corn in the loam clay soil.


14. loam什么意思

14. The pot experiment was conducted to study on the pollution effect and the residual rules of lead in the loam paddy soil/rice system The results showed that the toxicity effect of lead on rice was not serious and decreased yield about 2%~17% when lead rates were 180~720?

通过盆栽试验,研究了吉林省砂壤水稻土中铅对水稻的毒性效应及在土壤/水稻体系中的残留积累规律。结果表明:土壤中添加铅 180~ 72 0mg/kg条件下,对水稻生长的毒害作用不大。可使水稻减产 2 %~17%。

15. loam的解释

15. Similarly the index of e depicts the nature of sandy loam more rationally than I. The method of predicting the pile shaft resistance by the two indices of e and I which is more accurate, is obtained by the methodology of back propagation artificial neural networks combined with principal component analysis.



16. The ship is completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom.



17. The soil should be full of loam, a mixture of sand, silt, clay and organic material.


18. The ground of prepares ground of 1.1 cuttage nursery choice cuttage nursery before 1 cuttage should choose earthy and relief evenness, loose, source of water enough, illumination the loam of good, small acidity sandiness that does not have damage caused by a windstorm and freeze injury, control of height above sea level is under 700m, traffic compares convenient place. Cent of bedding of soil preparation of bedding of 1.2 soil preparation undertakes 2 times, first time is comprehensive soil preparation, soil preparation deepness amounts to 30cm above, combine bedding the 2nd times, 15cm of soil preparation deepness, etc of cleared block, fireweed is sundry, make land as far as possible fine.



19. Through investigation, there are 44 wild orchid species, subject to 26 genuses in Xinyang. they often distributes fragmentarily under evergreen coniferous forest and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest. The soil is yellow brown loam or yellow brown earth or mortar black soil with about 6.5 PH value.


20. loam

20. In this paper, based on experiments, the problem of the relation of wetted front in clay loam, loam, and s.


loam 词典解释

1. (含丰富植物腐质、沙土或黏土量适宜的)壤土,沃土,肥土

Loam is soil that is good for growing crops and plants in because it contains a lot of decayed vegetable matter and does not contain too much sand or clay.

loam 英英释义


1. a rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand and clay and decaying organic materials