

fossils:[英 ['fɒslz] 美 ['fɒslz] ]


fossils 基本解释

化石( fossil的名词复数 );老顽固;食古不化的人;老古董;


fossils 网络解释

1. fossils的反义词

1. 化石:Remains of the Day 段落中木琴(Xylophone)的音响有相当抢眼的演出效果,如同圣桑(Le Carnaval des Animaux)中的(Fossils),强调出骸骨相互碰撞的诙谐意象.

2. 頑固不化的人:cement 水泥 | fossils 頑固不化的人 | spans 一段時間

fossils 双语例句

1. Whoever robs ancient human fossils and ancient vertebrate fossils that have scientific value is to be punished according to the provisions of the preceding article.


2. The Mamenchisaurus fossils contained there are compared in morphological features and stratigraphically with other types of the genus on by one, The comprehensive analysis show that the Mamenchisaurus fauna of Jingyan appeared in the early Late Jurassic and is primitive in morphology.


3. After systematic sampling, we found abundant conodont fossils.


4. Based on size, shape, cell division, distribution in colonies of microfossils, we infer that the fossils may be sulfur or iron oxidation chemolithotrophic prokaryotes and fungi.


5. It is reported that 34 of the duck-billed dinosaur fossils were found in the strada formation about 260~650 million years ago.

据悉,他们在距今2600-6500万年前的地层中发现了34 块鸭嘴龙的化石。

6. fossils的反义词

6. Excavation and gathering of fossils on field are the elements in paleontologic investigation, the unearthed processes of various vertebrate fossils are recommended and then these general procedures, technical essentials, instrumentation, personnel organization and awareness proceeding of this work are expounded in this article.


7. Human nature is natural, fossils, and also the flower is sunvo company is natural.


8. fossils

8. Chinese man Beijing Zhoukoudian site, found the fossils of Chinese chestnut.


9. Huanjiang pterosaur fossils, ancient animals of China scholars, in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event.


10. These intertwined velvet worms, or onychophorans, are living fossils, holdovers of the Cambrian explosion of life-forms that occurred about 530 million years ago.


11. Such fossils as dinosaurus egg, pisces, spiral shell, shellfish, prawn and Graptolite etc. in Zhejiang province.


12. Today you can see the layers packed together with billions and billions of fossils of all kinds of creatures.


13. Since no fossils had ever been found in the coal measures in Renhe of Xiajiang county, Jiangxi Province, it was believed all along that it was part of the Upper Triassic Anyuan coal measures.



14. In the Mesozoic of the Well Wei 77-3 and Wei 77-4, some middle-lower Triassic fossils were discovered in some cores, which is about 235Ma by isotopic age analysis. It provides evidence for cognizing Mesozoic stratum of Dongpu depression as middle-lower Triassic.



15. These newly discovered fossils have not only revealed the existence of previously unknown organisms, but have also pushed back these dates for the invasion of land by multicellular organisms.


16. Paleontologists know chert as a good place to look for fossils.


17. Recent discovery of abundant psittacosaur fossils from the Lower Cretaceous fossil beds in western Liaoning of China provides the material for detailed study of the osteology and paleobiology of psittacosaurs.


18. There are plant stems in the middle of the concretions. The contents of fossils such as crinoids, bivalves, ammonoids and conodonts in the concretions are notably higher than those in rocks around the concretions. Many fossils are directly attached to the plant stems.


19. Many deeply fossilized items were found from the thin-beded red sandy clay: r 36 species of mammalian fossils, including thick-jawed giant deer, Saber-tooth tiger, Horse, etc.


20. Synthesized researches on biotic evolution, alternation and accurate chronological dating, taphonomy of vertebrate or invertebrate fossils and elemental or isotopic geochemistry of bones of fossils and sediments, i. e., HBCNOS and COSr, could help us to well understand the biotic and environmental response to the geological events on the Earth surface system and reconstructed the palaeogeography, palaeoecologic environment and palaeoecosystem of the Late Mesozoic, North China.

陆地生物群分布、演化、更替与精确定年,脊椎无脊椎生物埋葬特征,生物演化速率、消长关系和生物群更替的形式和性质,以及脊椎动物骨骼、牙齿的常量、微量元素、H-B-C-N-O-S 和C-O-Sr等地球化学特征的研究可以恢复和重建古地理、古生态环境和古生态系统。

fossils 单语例句

1. But the buyer of the nest contested ownership and it was only recently that judicial authorities ruled that the fossils belonged to China.

2. The natural scene was found by accident by local villagers in 2006 and some animal fossils were also found in the cavern.

3. CANBERRA - The Australian government returned 750 kilograms of illegally imported dinosaur, mammal and reptile fossils to the Chinese government here on Tuesday.

4. Scientists with the bureau unearthed the fossils in 2005, including a complete skull without lower jaw and cervical and back vertebrae.

5. Some may argue that this may change the look of our traditional festivals, but traditions are not living fossils that are handed down without any change.

6. The Lufeng fossils also displayed crushing cheek teeth characteristic of the living species, according to Professor Jin.

7. The fossils in the exhibit date back to 144 million to 100 million years ago, officials at the Cincinnati Museum Center said.

8. " There is no clear legal interpretation spelling out that ancient animal fossils are antiquities, " he argued.

9. When the field work was over, Zhou and the team returned to Beijing with a good collection of fossils.

10. At the foot of the mountain, colourful fossils of shells and dinosaurs add a mysterious flavour to the place.
