

first:[英 [fɜ:st] 美 [fɜ:rst] ]



first 基本解释

名词第一,最初; 头等; 一号,; [乐]高音部

副词首次; 最早,最初; 宁愿; 优先

形容词第一流的; 最初的,最早的; 基本的,概要的; 高音的


first 同义词




名词beginningnumber one

first 反义词



first 相关词组

1. at first : 起先;

2. first and foremost : 首要地;

3. first and last : 总的说来;

4. first or last : 迟早, 早晚;

5. first of all : 首先;

6. from first to last : 自始至终;

first 相关例句



1. If you send your letter first class your parents will receive it tomorrow afternoon.


2. Sunday is the first day of the week.



1. first是什么意思

1. First we'll have breakfast, then we'll walk to school.


2. He said he would resign first.



1. He will be a safe first.


first 情景对话


A:(Supposedly/ I heard/ they say), it was the first time he did heroin.


B:Oh, my god.



A:Why do you want to take these courses?



B:I want to become certified in (computer programming/ first aid/ child education).



B:Would you like (a window or an aisle seat/ smoking or non-smoking/ first or business class)?


A:An aisle/ window seat. / Smoking./ Non-smoking. / First class./ Business class.


first 网络解释


1. 首先:C 显然,首先(first)必须能识别应激的来源(source of stress),才谈得上应对它,所以C对. 题目问的是first,其它各项,如A是普及知识,B和D的具体做法应C之后进行.

2. first是什么意思

2. 一垒手:内野守备阵型--捕手长谷川君,一垒手(First)小神乐,二垒手(Second)海豆龙君,游击手冲田君,以及三垒手(Third)新八,再加上从休息区走过来的银八,一起集合在投手台周围.

3. first:forum for incident response and security teams; 紧急事件响应组论坛

4. first:federal information research science and technology network; 联邦信息研究科技网

5. first:fast interactive retrieval system technology; 快速交互式检索系统技术

6. first:fully integrated routing switch technology; 完全集成式路由选择转换技术

first 双语例句

1. To keep from packet looping in network, a hop count field is used in the header of packet. 6. A PRN operating system is developed under the radio platform. First, we analyzed the source code of NOS, which is developed according to TCP/IP.


2. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


3. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


4. This is the first national monument established by the US government in 1906. It is a large mass of igneous rock which is intruded through sedimentary rock beds but does not actually reach the surface, producing a rounded bulge in the sedimentary layers above.


5. From making the first cut to applying the finish, this comprehensive reference details every aspect of woodcarving.


6. first的近义词

6. If you ask me what I would have done, I'd never call him in the first place.


7. However, it would not be the first time that Ebola has struck the region, known as the Cuvette Ouest.


8. First, a plastic cuvette filled with distilled water must be scanned as a blank to provide a


9. The Qiaoxiahala deposit can set an example for the research on iron deposits correlated to picrite, and is also the first iron deposit related to picrite which has been reported in China.


10. After treatment must first focus on sun, a large number of UV-exposure recovery period allows you to produce pigmentation of the skin, so that pock color and heavier, stay longer, it would be inappropriate for prolonged outdoor activities.


11. During the studying of thermal-decay of LPGs, we proposed firstly that the anneal parameter is larger than 14900, LPGs can operate steadily for 25 years under 27℃ after LPGs were annealed. Moreover, we observed for the first time that the resonance peaks in the lower-order mode of LPGs shift to red wavelength after LPGs experienced annealing or natural-decay. We believed that the phenomenon is because that the formations of LPGs don't cease when UV-exposure ceases.


12. The first and most important indicator is the outrageous use of credit that has created a crisis in the United States.


13. Results maxillary first and second molars were more mesially inclined in the first group, particularly in the younger subjects (16~25 years). this inclination increased with age. the logistic regression showed that the sagittal inclination of the first molar is a predictor of the eruption of the third molar.

结果 上颌第三磨牙萌出组与未萌出组相比,上颌第一磨牙和第二磨牙更向近中倾斜,而且随年龄的增加倾斜度也变大。logistic回归结果显示第一磨牙的轴倾度是第三磨牙萌出的一个预测因子。

14. A solid-state area illumination lighting apparatus, including a plurality of light sources, each light source having, a substrate; an organic light emitting diode layer deposited upon the substrate, the organic light emitting diode layer including first and second electrodes for providing electrical power to the OLED layer; an encapsulating cover covering the OLED layer; and first and second conductors located on the substrate and electrically connected to the first and second electrodes, and extending beyond the encapsulating cover for making electrical contact to the first and second electrodes by an external power source; and a lighting fixture for removably receiving and holding the plurality of light sources and having a plurality of first electrical contacts for making electrical connection to the first and second conductors of the light sources, and second electrical contacts for making electrical connection to an external power source.



15. You go first and I'll follow you.


16. You go first, and I'll follow.


17. first的翻译

17. You go first and I will follow.


18. first

18. But here we use the call back function of second drive class with the first window, so we can't executer the message handler of first window.


19. First, follow the procedures to get an Application Form, fill out completely, and Email/Mail to GETCH before the deadline.


20. She is really a first class kitchener.


first 词典解释

1. 最早的;最先的;第一位的

The first thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes before all the others of the same kind.

e.g. She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet.


e.g. ...the first few flakes of snow...


2. 最早;最先;先

If you do something first, you do it before anyone else does, or before you do anything else.


e.g. I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion...


e.g. First, tell me what you think of my products...


3. 第一(次)的;首(次)的

When something happens or is done for the first time, it has never happened or been done before.

e.g. This is the first time she has experienced disappointment...


e.g. It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous.


4. 首次出现的事物;首例

An event that is described as a first has never happened before and is important or exciting.


e.g. It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.


5. 第一次;首次

The first you hear of something or the first you know about it is the time when you first become aware of it.

e.g. We heard it on the TV last night — that was the first we heard of it...


e.g. When Mark arrived home that afternoon, it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party.


6. 最初;起初;开始

You use first when you are talking about what happens in the early part of an event or experience, in contrast to what happens later.

e.g. When he first came home he wouldn't say anything about what he'd been doing.


7. (强调不愿意做某事)宁可,宁愿

In order to emphasize your determination not to do a particular thing, you can say that rather than do it, you would do something else first .

e.g. Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!


8. (用于列举条目)第一,首先

You use first when you are about to give the first in a series of items.

e.g. Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system.


9. (一列中)离得最近的,最前面的

The first thing, person, or place in a line is the one that is nearest to you or nearest to the front.

e.g. Before him, in the first row, sat the President...


e.g. First in the queue were two Japanese students.


10. 首要的;头等的

You use first to refer to the best or most important thing or person of a particular kind.

e.g. The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers...


e.g. Imagine winning the local lottery first prize of £5,000.


11. (用于工作或职位的头衔中)最高的

First is used in the title of the job or position of someone who has a higher rank than anyone else with the same basic job title.

e.g. ...the First Lord of the Admiralty.


e.g. ...the first mate of a British tanker.


12. (英国大学的)优等学位,一级荣誉学位

In British universities, a first is an honours degree of the highest standard.

e.g. ...an Oxford Blue who took a First in Constitutional History.


13. 第一;首先

You use first of all to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say.

e.g. The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.


14. 最初;起初;开始时

You use at first when you are talking about what happens in the early stages of an event or experience, or just after something else has happened, in contrast to what happens later.


e.g. At first, he seemed surprised by my questions...


e.g. I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there.


15. 居于首要地位;占据头等位置

If you say that someone or something comes first for a particular person, you mean they treat or consider that person or thing as more important than anything else.


e.g. There's no time for boyfriends, my career comes first.


16. 先到先接待;先到先供应;按先来后到对待

You say 'first come first served' to indicate that a group of people or things will be dealt with or given something in the order in which they arrive.

e.g. There will be five buses, first come first served.


17. 从最初;从一开始

From the first means ever since something started.

e.g. You knew about me from the first, didn't you?...


e.g. I thought from the first that she was a little unsure about that marriage.


18. 第一手地;直接;亲自

If you learn or experience something at first hand, you experience it yourself or learn it directly rather than being told about it by other people.

e.g. He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.


19. 对…一无所知;对…毫不知晓

If you say that you do not know the first thing about something, you are emphasizing that you know absolutely nothing about it.

e.g. You don't know the first thing about farming.


20. 第一;首先

You use first off to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say.


e.g. First off, huge apologies for last month's confusing report.


21. 视…为最重要;把…放在首位

If you put someone or something first, you treat or consider them as more important than anything else.

e.g. Somebody has to think for the child and put him first.


22. 最重要的先做;最要紧的先处理

You say 'first things first' when you are talking about something that should be done or dealt with before anything else because it is the most important.

e.g. Let's see if we can't find something to set the mood. First things first; some music.


23. first and foremost -> see foremost

first 单语例句first什么意思

1. He was only a bag of bones when he first went to the centre.

2. The country's domestic funds also fell across the board in the first three quarters.

3. And premiums from the new business climbed 70 percent in the first six months, hitting 33 million by the end of June.

4. China Business News calls it the first mobile game tailored for consumer products in China.

5. Bravo first started the acrylic paintings on tortillas when he was in college and couldn't afford canvases.

6. When she finally secured a business licence for her organization on April 18, her first thought was to offer psychological counselling to health workers.

7. The photographs were released last week to First Amendment activist Russ Kick, who had filed a Freedom of Information Act request to receive the images.

8. It is the first time for the US government to coordinate business and rescue organization to jointly assist China.

9. It is the first foreign bank to do Renminbi business with domestic enterprises since China joined the World Trade Organization.

10. The new branch is expected to be open for business in the first quarter of 2005.

firstfirst 英英释义


1. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate)

Synonym: first base

2. the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle

used to start a car moving

Synonym: first gearlow gearlow

3. an honours degree of the highest class

Synonym: first-class honours degree

4. the first element in a countable series

e.g. the first of the month

Synonym: number onenumber 1

5. the first or highest in an ordering or series

e.g. He wanted to be the first

Synonym: number one

6. the time at which something is supposed to begin

e.g. they got an early start

she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

Synonym: beginningcommencementoutsetget-gostartkickoffstarting timeshowtimeoffset


1. ranking above all others

e.g. was first in her class

the foremost figure among marine artists

the top graduate

Synonym: foremostworld-class

2. serving to begin

e.g. the beginning canto of the poem

the first verse

Synonym: beginning(a)

3. serving to set in motion

e.g. the magazine's inaugural issue

the initiative phase in the negotiations

an initiatory step toward a treaty

his first (or maiden) speech in Congress

the liner's maiden voyage

Synonym: inauguralinitiativeinitiatorymaiden

4. preceding all others in time or space or degree

e.g. the first house on the right

the first day of spring

his first political race

her first baby

the first time

the first meetings of the new party

the first phase of his training

5. highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections

e.g. first soprano

the first violin section

played first horn

6. indicating the beginning unit in a series

Synonym: 1st


1. before anything else

e.g. first we must consider the garter snake

Synonym: firstlyforemostfirst of allfirst off

2. the initial time

e.g. when Felix first saw a garter snake

Synonym: for the first time

3. prominently forward

e.g. he put his best foot foremost

Synonym: foremost

4. before another in time, space, or importance

e.g. I was here first

let's do this job first