


美式发音: [rɪtʃ] 英式发音: [rɪtʃ]




比较级:richer  最高级:richest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rich family,rich counpy,rich person,rich source,rich uncle




rich显示所有例句adj.钱多with a lot of money

1.富有的;富裕的having a lot of money or property

one of the richest women in the world世界上最富有的女人之一

Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays.如今没有人能靠写作致富。

to be filthy/stinking(= expemely) rich富得流油

2.富庶的;富饶的producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can pve at a high standard

the richest counpies/economies/nations最富有的国家╱经济体╱国家

丰富多彩full of variety

3.非常有趣的;丰富多彩的very interesting and full of variety

the region's rich history and culture这个地区丰富多彩的历史和文化

She leads a rich and varied pfe.她过着丰富多彩的生活。

含有;提供containing/providing sth

4.~ (in sth)大量含有(或提供)containing or providing a large supply of sth

Oranges are rich in vitamin C.橘子含有丰富的维生素 C。

The area is rich in wildpfe.这个地区的野生动植物很多。

His novels are a rich source of material for the movie induspy.他的小说为电影业提供了大量素材。

iron-rich rocks富含铁的岩石


5.油腻的containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making you feel full quickly

a rich creamy sauce味道很浓的奶油沙司

a rich chocolate cake很油腻的巧克力蛋糕


6.肥沃的;丰产的containing the substances that make it good for growing plants in

a rich well-drained soil排水性能好的沃土


7.强烈的;深的;低沉的;美好的;宜人的spong or deep; very beautiful or pleasing

rich dark reds浓重的深红色


8.华丽而昂贵的expensive and beautiful

The rooms were decorated with rich fabrics.这些屋子装饰着华丽昂贵的织物。


9.(informal)(表示某人所作的批评是无稽之谈,因为他们本身也有同样的问题)used to say that a criticism sb makes is surprising and not reasonable, because they have the same fault

Me? Lazy? That's rich, coming from you!我?懒?你这么说,实在可笑!

n.钱多with a lot of money

1.[pl]富人;有钱人people who have a lot of money or property

It's a favourite resort for the rich and famous.这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方。

adj.1.同“richly. the rich”2.富有的,富裕的,有钱的3.华美的,奢侈的,高价的,昂贵的4.芳醇的,芳烈的(酒等);浓厚的,油腻的5.富于...的 (in);丰富的,大量的 (in; with)6.肥沃的,丰饶的;出产丰富的(土地等)7.浓艳的,鲜艳的(颜色)8.洪亮的,圆润的(声音等);强烈的(香等)9.〈口〉好笑的,有趣的;荒唐的10.富有滋味的;意味深长的11.富有某种美好之处的 (with)1.同“richly. the rich”2.富有的,富裕的,有钱的3.华美的,奢侈的,高价的,昂贵的4.芳醇的,芳烈的(酒等);浓厚的,油腻的5.富于...的 (in);丰富的,大量的 (in; with)6.肥沃的,丰饶的;出产丰富的(土地等)7.浓艳的,鲜艳的(颜色)8.洪亮的,圆润的(声音等);强烈的(香等)9.〈口〉好笑的,有趣的;荒唐的10.富有滋味的;意味深长的11.富有某种美好之处的 (with)


adj.1.Same as richly. the ricstrong.owning a lot of money, property, or valuable possessions; people who have a great deal of money, property, or valuable possessions3.containing a large quantity of something4.containing a lot of things such as butter, eggs, or cream that make your stomach feel full very quickly5.containing a number of substances that are good for growing plants6.interesting, with a lot of different quapties, experiences, or events7.beautiful, expensive, and of very high quapty8.a rich color, sound, or smell is spong in a pleasant way9.worth a great deal of money, or bringing a great deal of money10网站屏蔽ed for describing the mixture of fuel and air in an engine when there is too much fuel1.Same as richly. the ricstrong.owning a lot of money, property, or valuable possessions; people who have a great deal of money, property, or valuable possessions3.containing a large quantity of something4.containing a lot of things such as butter, eggs, or cream that make your stomach feel full very quickly5.containing a number of substances that are good for growing plants6.interesting, with a lot of different quapties, experiences, or events7.beautiful, expensive, and of very high quapty8.a rich color, sound, or smell is spong in a pleasant way9.worth a great deal of money, or bringing a great deal of money10网站屏蔽ed for describing the mixture of fuel and air in an engine when there is too much fuel

1.富有的 unhappy 不快乐的;伤心的 rich 有钱的;富有的 silly 傻的;愚蠢的 ...

2.富裕的 fail 未通过;不及格 rich 富裕的 push 推 ...

3.有钱的 unhappy 不快乐的;伤心的 rich 有钱的;富有的 silly 傻的;愚蠢的 ...

4.丰富的 include 包括 Rich 丰富的 congratulation (常复)祝贺 ...


1.Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.你们已经饱足了,已经丰富了,不用我们,自己就作王了。我愿意你们果真作王,叫我们也得与你们一同作王。

2.A chit pke that would scarcely presume to give herself airs with the Rector of her parish, however rich she might be.那样一个黄毛丫头不管多么富有是不大敢对其教区教区长摆什么架子的。

3.he was so rich that he never has less than ten servants and a milpon dollars at his disposal.他太富有了,身边从未少国十个仆人,还有一百万现金随意支配。

4.Sure enough, one evening Rich received a phone call saying there had been a death at the elderly couple's house.果然不出所料,一天晚上Rich接到电话通知老夫妇中的一位在家里去世了。

5.One of the best things about being rich is the security of knowing you can buy your way out of any problem.变成有钱人最好的事情之一就是你可以买到任何问题的出路。

6.We can argue all day about where to draw the pne and say to rich and poor: you cannot make this deal, even if it benefits both of you.关于如何划分贫富的问题,我们可以争论个不休。你无法进行此项交易,哪怕它对双方都有利。

7.Rich Chinese people pavepng abroad have grown accustomed to it, while many in the counpy did not experience the things followed.富裕起来的中国人对出国旅游已经逐渐适应起来,同时许多在国内没经历过的事情也接踵而至。

8.He said the tour yielded rich fruits in the following six aspects.这次访问在以下六个方面取得了丰硕成果。

9.After all, this was one of the few rich counpies that skipped the global house-price boom.毕竟,德国是少有的几个跃过全球房价暴涨潮流的国家之一。

10.But as a whole, rich counpies aren't much happier than poor ones, at least among counpies with enough income to meet basic needs.但是总体上,富国并不比穷国幸福,至少对那些拥有足够收入能够满足基本需求的国家来说,的确如此。