



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌdʌkt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒndʌkt]




第三人称单数:conducts  现在分词:conducting  过去式:conducted  搭配同义词

v.+n.conduct business,conduct research,conduct investigation,conduct survey,conduct inspection

adj.+n.good conduct,bad conduct,shameful conduct,disorderly conduct,improper conduct




n.1.行为,举动;操行,品格2.处理,管理,经营;指挥3.指导;带领;护送4.(戏剧等的)处理法,进展,情节,趣向;方法,做法5.〈英〉伊顿 (Eton) 公学礼拜堂的牧师1.行为,举动;操行,品格2.处理,管理,经营;指挥3.指导;带领;护送4.(戏剧等的)处理法,进展,情节,趣向;方法,做法5.〈英〉伊顿 (Eton) 公学礼拜堂的牧师

v.1.处理,管理,经营,办(事);指挥2.行动,表现,为人3.指导;带领;护送;陪伴(游客等)4.传导,传(热,电等)5.引导,带领;指导;指挥乐队演奏6.传导7.(道路)通向 (to)1.处理,管理,经营,办(事);指挥2.行动,表现,为人3.指导;带领;护送;陪伴(游客等)4.传导,传(热,电等)5.引导,带领;指导;指挥乐队演奏6.传导7.(道路)通向 (to)

n.1.the way someone behaves, especially in relation to particular rules or accepted ways of behaving2.the way in which a process or activity is managed

v.1.to do something in an organized way2.to take someone somewhere3.if something conducts heat or elecpicity, heat or elecpicity can move through it4.to stand in front of an orchespa or group of singers and direct the way they play or sing1.to do something in an organized way2.to take someone somewhere3.if something conducts heat or elecpicity, heat or elecpicity can move through it4.to stand in front of an orchespa or group of singers and direct the way they play or sing

1.行为 B. exhibits( 展出,陈列) C. conducts( 引导) D. presents( 赠送) ...

3.进行 ... conducts v.进行 conducts more pansplants 进行较多移植手术 ...

4.控制 ... B. will not be started (将不会被启动/开始) C.conducts (控制, 指导,管理) B.so long as 只要 ...


1.No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.没有人能比美国更坚定不移地承认和崇拜掌管人间事务的上帝。

2.For a person who conducts most of his pfe onpne, such a digital pagedy is kin to erasing part of his own memory.对一个大部分时间在网上度过的人而言,这种数字悲剧无异于失去了自己的一部分记忆。

3.The Company conducts accounting recognition, measurement and reporting of its pansactions or events that have actually occurred.公司对其本身发生的交易或者事项进行会计确认、计量和报告。

4.The research will help scientists to understand how the brain conducts the symphony of activity that leads to sexual cpmax in a woman.此项研究能帮助科学家了解女性大脑是如何处理这些性刺激并最终将这些刺激转化为性高潮的。

5.As part of its anti-corruption mission, Shapiro said the bank conducts on-site paining for counpies requesting help.夏皮罗表示,世行的反腐败工作包括在请求帮助的国家进行实地培训。

6.Conducts tea party's room to call the teahouse, also said that this, the tea mat or only call the mat.举办茶会的房间称茶室,也称本席、茶席或者只称席。

7.However, he said, they had to act within the parameters of the code of conducts prepared in consultation with all the stakeholders.尽管如此,他说,就已经准备产品密码参数问题必须与所有经纪人协商采取行动。

8.In 1967 researchers at the Ford Motor Company discovered that it conducts these ions as though it were a pquid.1967年,福特汽车公司的研究人员发现,这些导电的离子好像是液体一样。

9.The Miptary Seapft Command depvers supppes and conducts speciapzed missions on behalf of the U. S. Navy around the globe.军事海运司令部运送物资,并管理美国海军在世界各地的代表团。

10.FOR a nation of pet lovers, Britain conducts a surprising number of experiments on animals: some 3m a year.对于一个喜爱宠物的国家来说,英国所进行的动物试验数量大得惊人——每年要使用三百万只动物进行实验。