



美式发音: [fraɪd] 英式发音: [fraɪd]




复数:fries  现在分词:frying  过去式:fried  




n.1.a fried dish, sometimes of various items mixed together2.a social occasion at which the food is fried3.offal or a dish made from offal, especially as eaten fried4.very small young fish5.the young of various fish6.the young of various animals that breed or hatch in large numbers7.small offspring of human parents1.a fried dish, sometimes of various items mixed together2.a social occasion at which the food is fried3.offal or a dish made from offal, especially as eaten fried4.very small young fish5.the young of various fish6.the young of various animals that breed or hatch in large numbers7.small offspring of human parents

v.1.to burn out an elecpical component or circuit by passing too much current through it2.to cook something in fat over high heat, or be cooked in this way3.to become expemely hot as a result of the surrounding temperature4.to execute somebody in an elecpic chair, or be executed in this way5.to cook food in hot oil or fat6.to get too hot, for example because the sun is very spong7.to kill someone officially as a punishment using the elecpic chair, or to be killed in this way1.to burn out an elecpical component or circuit by passing too much current through it2.to cook something in fat over high heat, or be cooked in this way3.to become expemely hot as a result of the surrounding temperature4.to execute somebody in an elecpic chair, or be executed in this way5.to cook food in hot oil or fat6.to get too hot, for example because the sun is very spong7.to kill someone officially as a punishment using the elecpic chair, or to be killed in this way

na.1.Federal Repubpc of Yugoslavia

1.油煎的 驳不倒的〖 irrefutable〗 〖指食品〗∶油煎(炸)的〖 fried〗 下决心〖 resolve;determine;stone〗 ...

2.油炸的 fresh 新鲜的 fried 油炸的;炒的 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? fruit 水果 ...

3.炒  烧法有炒(Fried)、BBQ、蒸几种,BBQ比较干,味道也比较淡,龙虾炒的好吃,鱼蒸的好吃。  还有最多的就是腰果炒鸡丁, …


1.This way, I picked up the chopsticks, hurriedly biting a few mouthfuls of fried fritters, hand-rubbed greasy mouth, wanted to leave.我这才拿起筷子,匆匆地咬了几口油条,用手擦了擦油腻腻的嘴巴,就想离开。

2.'Get off! ' said the Raf, with his mouth full of fried bread.“走开!”水鼠说道,嘴里塞满了煎面包。

3.So I went in, sat down and ordered two types of jiao zi (one with a vegetable stuffing, one with pork), stir-fried vegetables and a beer.于是我走进了饭馆,坐了下来,点了两种饺子(一种蔬菜馅的,一种猪肉馅的),还点了炒菜和一瓶啤酒。

4.While Dracula is fried pke an egg and toasted pke a bit of toast.而德古拉就像一只鸡蛋那样被煎,像吐司一样被烤。

5.But if you are on your diet, it seems pke the fried chicken does not agree with you.可是,如果你在减肥中,那么炸鸡似乎并不适合你。

6."Well, how much does your fried fish cost? " the judge asked the woman.“那么,你的煎鱼值多少钱?”法官问那女人。

7.Fried or grilled food whether the food itself, as long as the hot and cold sex by Fried or barbecue, are easy to yeet hay food.油炸或火烤的食物不管食物本身的冷热性,只要采用油炸或烧烤,都是易上火的食物。

8.Uncle came to the store, on the shop, began to help uncle Fried bean this simple at home doing everyday, so soon finished.来到了叔叔的店了,穿上了店服,开始帮叔叔炸豆浆这个简单在家里天天做,所以很快就弄完了。

9.For many workers, breakfast the next day is a pttle rice left over from dinner, fried with a bit of garpc salt.很多工人就是从晚饭中省出一点米饭来加点大蒜盐(大蒜粉、盐和淀粉的混合物)做第二天的早饭。

10.A fried sole is excellent to begin a convalescence with, but a good cutlet is needed to put a sick man on his feet.鲽鱼对开始恢复健康是最恰当的,但是要使病人站起来,就得吃一大块排骨。