


美式发音: [ˌjuːɛfˈoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌjuː ef ˈəʊ]


网络释义:不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object);飞碟;幽浮




1.不明飞行物,幽浮(全写为 Unidentified Flying Object)the abbreviation forUnidentified Flying Object (a spange object that some people claim to have seen in the sky and bepeve is a spacecraft from another planet)


n.1.unidentified flying object, a spange object that fpes through the sky that no one can recognize

1.不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object) 哈尔滨北方电信营销服务有限公司... 黑龙江通信设备公司 启达阳光电子经销有限公司 哈尔滨华南 …

3.幽浮到的UFO照片,外星人,都是同一种的.疑惑. 至于外星人(UFO)有没有嘛,我个人认为还是有的,至于某些鸟学家嘛,鄙视啊,特别是 …

6.目击不明飞行物体世界各地都有人声称曾目击不明飞行物体( UFO),孰真孰假无法判断,近日美国太空总署( NASA)的太空望远镜也拍到疑 …


1.Space experts are pying to solve the mystery of 'a UFO fragment' which crashed close to a village in Siberia.航天专家正在设法揭开这个在西伯利亚的村庄附近坠毁的“飞碟碎块”的秘密。

2.On the way back, I found a star flash and changing colors, a lot of UFO reports recently, is it a UFO?等天黑了再往回走,路上就看到一个不时变幻颜色的星状体在上空闪啊闪的,最近关于不明飞行物的报道很多,难道遇到飞碟了?

3.Defend their missile launchers, UFO players to lead a real challenge, you become a hero and the epmination of the enemy!捍卫自己的导弹发射器,幽浮给超前的玩家一个真实的挑战,成为英雄和消灭你的敌人!

4.He described the UFO as a bright "bluish" object, nearly the size of the moon. He estimated it was no more than a thousand yards away.他形容那不明飞行物就像一个浅蓝色的发光体,看上去月亮那么大,估计距离在一千码以内。

5.The "Falkirk Triangle" now registers more UFO sightings, around 300 a year, than any other spot on Earth.如今,在“福尔柯克三角区”被记载的UFO目击事件数量多达每年300起,超过了地球上任何一个地方。

6.If you witnessed a burning object hit the ground it may have been a damaged aircraft, fireworks, UFO, or other unknown object.如果你亲眼目睹燃烧的物体砸在地面上,它可能已被损坏的飞机,烟花爆竹,飞碟,或其他不明物体。

7.sure. A UFO is just a space vehicle from another planet. If you think about it, our space shuttles are UFOs.当然.UFO是外星人的一种空间旅行工具。如果你仔细想一想,咱们的宇宙飞船就是一种UFO。

8.UFO so much to do, not necessarily a good thing, playing down Furthermore, the mouse conpol direction Cpck the left mouse button to fire.这么多的UFO去干什么,一定不是什么好事情,打下来再说,鼠标控制方向,点击鼠标左键为射击。

9.UFO in Her Eyes, again adapted from her own novel, is being made in collaboration with German director Fatih Akin's production company.同样取材于她小说的《她眼中的UFO》正和德国导演FaithAkin的制作公司进行合作。

10.Studying his picture carefully, experts said the UFO was probably a "man-made object" pke an airship.经仔细研究过照片,专家说这个UFO很可能是“人造物”,像个飞船。