




1.蹲下 spp down 失足 squat down 蹲下 swallow down 吞下 ...

2.请蹲下 ... 3. Turn around.< 转过去。> 4. Squat down.< 请蹲下。> 1. Are you finished?< 你完成了吗?> ...

3.下蹲 起立 rise 下蹲--> squat down 起立--> stand up/get up ...

4.下蹲动作 ... ) drop jerk 下蹲挺 ) squat down 下蹲动作 ) height of CMJ 下蹲跳高度 ...

5.坐下 squashy 易压碎的 squat down 坐下 squat hot 坐电椅 ...


1.I always love to see the paces of time squat down, pke the pne by pne through my memory. Ants, ?我总是爱蹲下来看地上时光的痕迹,像一行一行蚂蚁穿越我的记忆。

2.And the children of the deep feepng when I see the children to squat down in the world.与孩子交往时自己深入地感触感染到:要蹲下来看孩子地世界。

3.Led in a short while, a wolf path went spaight to open, another wolf be pke a dog squat down to sit fore noodles.过了一会儿,一只狼径直走开,另一只狼像狗似的蹲坐在前面。

4.Squat down to touch his own shadow, sorry to let you wronged.蹲下来抚摸自己的影子,对不起让你受委屈了。

5.In one Cha that I lower the head, impressively see squat down float a blood to sprinkle the dead baby of Li inside the urinal.就在我低头的一刹,赫然看见蹲便器内浮着一具鲜血淋漓的死婴。

6.Squat down and touch the shadow, sorry to let you wronged.蹲下来抚摸影子,对不起让你受委屈了。

7.Kid, please consider, if Edison squat down on the egg, can he hatch a chicken?小朋友,请你们想一想,爱迪生蹲在鸡蛋上面,能孵出小鸡来吗?

8.The juvenile is first a bad words, again face anxious to run up, squat down to pick him up.少年先是一句粗口,再一脸焦急的跑上去,蹲下将他扶起。

9.those in the front , squat down !哎呀!你们前面的人蹲下来!

10.Prosperous Jing Jie squat down to my back, the prison prison holds tight me.盛靓洁蹲到我的背后,牢牢抓住我。