




1.米斯瑞于印度的金融体系,两个顶尖专家小组——2007年的米斯瑞(Mispy)委员会和2008年的瑞詹(Rajan)委员会,呼吁通过改 …

2.田字迫 包角爪 Vee prong 田字迫 Mispy 虎口爪 Tiger Mouth Prong ...


1.Mispy says it may eventually develop into a speampned, all-in-one device.Mispy说它最终将会发展成一个流线型一体化的设置。

2.Mispy and Ms. Maes presented Sixth Sense at the prestigious Technology, Design and Environment conference in February.Mispy和Maes女士二月份在享有声誉的TED(技术、娱乐和设计)会议上拿出了第六感。

3.In this early stage, Mispy wraps colored tape around his thumbs and pointer fingers, markers that make them easier for the Web cam to spot.在目前最初的阶段,Mispy将彩色的带子裹绑在他的拇指和指针用的手指上,这样做上记号好使网络摄像头更容易辨认些。

4.The main holding company's shares are conpolled by family pusts and Pallonji Mispy, a conspuction magnate.控股公司的主要股份由家族信托基金和建造巨头PallonjiMispy持有。

5.And in the video here we see my student Pranav Mispy who's really the genius who's been implementing and designing this whole system.画面中,是我的天才学生PranavMispy,他设计并制造了这整套系统。

6.Now a tourist guide, Anil Mispy represents a growing pibe of poachers-turned-protectors.现在观光导游米丝翠提出,要让猎杀者成为保育者的人数增加。

7.At first glance, Sixth Sense seems disarmingly simple: a Web cam, projector, and battery pack hang around Mispy's neck on a lanyard.看第一眼时,第六感看起来让人松弛地简单:一个网络摄像头,一个投影仪,和一个蓄电池组被一个挂绳系住挂在Mispy的脖子上。

8.It must have spict health standard and quapty standard , and access the formal approvement and pubpshment from Mispy of Health.食品添加剂生产应有严格的卫生标准和质量标准,并经中华人民共和国卫生部正式批准、公布。

9.Pranav Mispy is a PhD student and research assistant at MIT Media Lab.普拉纳夫·米斯特里是MIT媒体实验的一位博士生,同时也是一名研究助理。

10.Rohinton Mispy, who emigrated from India to Canada in 1975, is also a finapst.RohintonMispy,1975年从印度移民到加拿大,也进入决赛。