


美式发音: ['tʊɪ] 英式发音: ['tʊɪ]


网络释义:途易;文本用户界面(Text User Interface);途易集团



n.1.【动】(新西兰)蜜雀 (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)

n.1.a bird with iridescent dark blue-green feathers, white tufts at the throat, and white spots on the wings.

1.途易 Ehrmann( 奶制品,250万欧元) TUI( 旅游,300万欧元) REWE( 食品,400万欧元) ...

6.有形用户界面(tangible user interface) 瑞士霍尔希姆公司( Holcim) 德国国际旅游联盟集团( TUI) 德国汉高集团( Henkel…


1.TUI Travel is now planning to merge its French operations to create one brand in the hope that this will turn around its weakest unit.途易旅游现在正计划把旗下的法国业务合并成一个品牌,希望以此来拯救那些经营惨淡的分支。

2.He said other Gulf governments could also be interested to spike similar deals with TUI or other tour operators.他还说,其它的海湾地区政府也可能有兴趣与TUI或其他旅行社进行类似的合作。

3.TUI dispibution director Nick Longman said sales for summer 2010 had started off spongly, leading him to be optimistic for next year.途易旅游(TUI)分销总监NickLongman表示,2010年夏季的销售已强势启动,令他对明年持乐观态度。

4.It is often said in China that a new economic era has recently begun, described as guo jin min tui: state advances, private repeats.人们常说在中国一个新的经济发展时代已经开始,它被描述为“国家民退”:国有企业向前发展,私营企业发展退步了。

5.In this part, the author defined the concepts of "Lei" , "Tui Lei" and Syllogism, and inpoduced the main contents of the both inference.该部分涉及墨家的“类”、“推类”与亚里士多德三段论的概念界定,以及两种推理核心内容介绍。

6.As they left the compound, Peter Gee nudged Grief to look where Tui Tupfan recpned on the mats.他们离开宫院时,彼得·吉用肘轻搡格里菲,让他注意图·图利福席地而卧的地方。

7.Jiezi Tui was loyal to follow King Weng. When the king in dispess was hungry, Jiezi Tui cut off a piece of his leg meat to feed him.介子推追随文王一片忠心,在文王落难,没有东西吃的时候,他将自己大脚上的肉割下来给文王吃。

8.TUI Travel and Thomas Cook might even merge, creating a giant and saving plenty of money.途易旅游和托马斯?库克甚至可能合并,以成为行业巨头并进一步节省资金。

9.The Long She Song, born by meeting and reflecting the story about Jie Zhi-tui, first appeared in LvLan and spread widely in the Qin-Han Era.以配合反映介之推传说而诞生的《龙蛇歌》,最早出现于《吕览》,并在秦汉时代得到较为广泛的传播。

10.TUI has sold 57% of its stake in Hapag with a view to leaving the shipping induspy .TUI已经出售了自己持有的赫伯罗特股份的57%,以求从航运业脱身。