




1.去郊游 (read 读) (went hiking 去郊游) find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事99. ...

2.去远足 read—read 读 ? go hiking—went hiking 去远足 ? ? ? ? ? young—younger 更年轻的 ? ...

3.去散步 ... went fishing 去钓鱼 went hiking 去散步 What did you do yesterday? 你昨天干什么了…


1.Eg. 2 We had been told it would be sunny all day, so we went hiking.之前我们得知整天都是晴天,所以我们就去徒步了。

2.We went hiking along the old mountain pails. We even learned to ride horses.我们沿着山上那些小道步行,还学会了骑马呢。

3.The first two days we all went hiking, so today we needed to have a rest in the hotel!头两天我们都去爬山了,所以今天需要在酒店里好好休息一下!

4.You went hiking over the weekend, right? How was it?你周末去徒步旅行了吧?怎么样?。

5.They often went hiking to the mountains or had picnics on the islands.They经常去远足,登山,曾在岛上野餐。

6.On the second day my classmates and I went hiking but it was very windy there, which hindered our progress.在第二天,我和同学们去怕山,但是那里的风好大,阻碍着我们前进。

7.On May 23rd he went hiking, as he often did, in the hills above Bongha at dawn.五月二十三日清晨,他一如往常出门到峰下村的山区健行。

8.We went hiking and took many photos last Sunday.上星期天我们去远足并拍了许多照

9.Mike: I went hiking with my friends. It was a lot of fun. A weekend seems so short.我和朋友去郊游了,非常愉快,觉得周末的时间好象太短了。

10.The first day we went hiking. It was gusty. We didn't feel good.第一天我们去爬山。风很大,我们的心情是糟糕的!