


美式发音: [twit] 英式发音: [twiːt]




复数:tweets  同义词





n.1.the short high sound that a small bird makes

1.推特上发布消息 Chess Gibraltar)负责人孔凯斯特在推特上发布消息(tweeted):“居文君乘坐飞机回家!目前正在前往希思罗机场信息港中…

2.十七日提到金最近的推讯(tweets) 大多数都是关於韩进对其公会抗议活动的暴力镇压,金 (@yohjini)於六月十七日提到(tweeted) :六月十日 …


1.The laptop owner saw all this happening before his eyes and tweeted the details to his followers.笔记本失主看到了眼前发生的一切并且在微博上给他的粉丝们发布了一切的细节。

2.Its social-media claim to fame, at least in the customer service department, is helping a guest who tweeted that he had a moth in his room.酒店的客服部门正在帮助一位客人,他用Twitter信息说房间里有一只飞蛾。

3.Kenton Cool, a British mountaineer with an utterly amazing name, claims to be the first man to have tweeted from Mt Everest.肯顿·库尔,这个有着很酷名字的英国登山者,宣称自己是第一个从珠穆朗玛峰发Twitter的人。

4.She then tweeted more photos of her injuries, with captions ordering her husband "not to be violent with me in the presence of our child. "之后她又发了更多她受伤部位的照片,标题上命令她的丈夫“不要在孩子面前对我动手”。

5.This got re-tweeted thousands of times, and it only took several hours for her to surpass her goal.这条推文被转推几千次,不过几个小时苍井空的愿望就实现了。

6."Well its been a good yr too bad its over, " the actor, 22, Tweeted Friday, seemingly alluding to his diminished role on the show.“过去的一年真的很不错,很遗憾这么快就结束了”这位22岁的演员上周五在推特里如此写道,似乎暗示自己在该剧中被削弱的角色。

7.' Yet another tweeted: 'Due to the DPJ, democracy and the notion of a nation's sovereignty are about to be lost.还有人发帖称:‘正是由于民主党,这个国家的民主和主权观念都将丧失。

8.The audience at Apple's event gave him a standing ovation and tech bloggers immediately and breathlessly tweeted out the news.说明会现场的观众起立都向他报以热烈的掌声,科技板块的博主们立即就通过微博发布了此条消息。

9.That's why today we tweeted that we have decided to 'go dark' for a few weeks.这也是为什么我们今天发推称我们决定‘退市’几周的原因。

10.Just pying to do my pttle part to build the giant tower of Tweeted junk, wisdom, jokes, ephemera and poignancy.每天都在为构建这座装填有杂乱信息、睿智话语、笑话和个人沉浮辛酸的巨塔贡献力量。