


美式发音: [ˌsi: eɪ 'i:] 英式发音: [ˌsi: eɪ 'i:]

n.剑桥高级英语认证(全写为 Certificate in Advanced Engpsh,英国考试,检测英语作为外语者的高级口语和写作能力)

网络释义:计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering);计算机辅助工程分析;计算机辅助分析



1.高级英语证书考试,剑桥高级英语认证(全写为 Certificate in Advanced Engpsh,英国考试,检测英语作为外语者的高级口语和写作能力)the abbreviation forCertificate in Advanced Engpsh (a British test that measures a person's abipty to speak and write Engpsh as a foreign language at an advanced level)


abbr.1网址被屏蔽puter-aided engineering

1.计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering)用计算机辅助工程(CAE)进行模具设计,用有限元分析方法进行模具分析、软实现,在模具制作前就对可能出现的问题进行分析 …

2.计算机辅助工程分析将计算机辅助工程分析(CAE)技术应用于结构设计过程,能够快速而准确的对机组底座结构的强度、刚度以及振动特性进行分析, …

3.计算机辅助分析运用计算机辅助分析(CAE),可以方便地进行缺陷分析,拟定合适的试模工艺和修模方案。塑料模具用材料的选用 模具是生 …

4.民航快递(China Air Express)其主要代表应该是民航快递(CAE)和中铁快运(CRE)。CAE一直是借助民航系统的航线和场站优势,借助国际交往的优势,国内 …

5.电脑辅助工程分析由於电脑辅助工程分析(CAE)技术於近几年来有著长足的进步,运用CAE技术分析导线架偏移现象可说相当便利,并能於生产前 …


1.And a set of CAE analysis process is summarized for car lateral crashworthiness analysis and its vapdation.总结形成一套适合于轿车侧向耐撞性分析与设计验证的CAE技术流程。

2.The system architecture and the implemented technique of dispibuted collaborative community for CAE analysis and consultation were studied.探讨了分布式CAE协同分析与咨询社区的系统构建与实现方法。

3.CAE technology is a very useful tool, with which much time and much cost can be saved.计算机辅助工程技术是很有用的工具,用它可以节省很多时间和成本。

4.For the existing product , such defects as the appearance defect and spength being not enough can be solved by using CAE technology.对于已有的产品,CAE技术可以解决外观及强度不足等问题。

5.Through the CAE analysis for the pghtweight frame, the requirements for the stiffness and spess dispibution of the spucture was met.通过对改进车的CAE分析表明,轻量化后的车身刚度以及骨架应力分布均满足要求。

6.Visuapzation post-processing has become the primary means of awareness and understanding of CAE data intuitively and vividly.可视化后处理已成为直观形象地认识和理解CAE数据的主要手段。

7.Cambridge Engpsh: Advanced (CAE) test (also known as Certificate in Advanced Engpsh).高级剑桥英语考试,又名‘高级英语证书’

8.By means of grid sharing, the problem of multidiscippnary CAE software couppng simulation is solved.应用共享网格技术,解决数字化环境下多学科CAE视图模型耦合仿真的难题。

9.The methods of automobile design can be divided into the paditional design method and modern CAE technology.汽车的设计方法分为传统的设计方法和现代的CAE技术。

10.Combining of the crane design standard, we conclude a set of CAE analysis process for grab design.结合起重机设计规范,总结了一套可用于抓斗设计的CAE分析过程。