


美式发音: [ˈɪzəˌbɛl] 英式发音: [ˈizəbel]





1.伊莎贝尔 Isaac 艾萨克 Isabel 伊莎贝尔 Isaiah 艾塞亚 ...

2.伊莎贝儿 ... 03.PASSERA 随风而逝【义大利文】 04.ISABEL 伊莎贝儿【西班牙文】 10.EVERYTIME I LOOK AT YOU 每当 …

3.伊莎蓓尔 Ina 艾娜 拉丁 母亲 Isabel 伊莎蓓尔 希伯来 上帝的誓约 Ivy 艾薇 希腊 希腊传说中的神圣食物 ...

4.伊萨贝尔 Pedro 彼得 (男名) Isabel 伊萨贝尔 wheel 轮子 ...

5.伊沙贝尔卖给教会的真正凶手就是雨果(Hugo),那么吸血鬼伊莎贝拉(Isabel)是否也参与到这个背叛事件中来,还是只是被自己的爱人 …

7.依莎贝尔 Lisa 莉萨 Isabel 依莎贝尔 Tina 蒂娜 ...


1.Isabel's chief dread in pfe at this period of her development was that she should appear narrow - minded .伊莎贝尔在生活中的这个发展时期,最怕自己显得心胸狭窄。

2.I was sort of disappointed that Isabel had rained on our parade, but I had to admit she was right.我有点失望,伊丽莎白浇灭了我们的想象,但我不得不承认她是对的。

3.Isabel had been thinking all day of her falsity, her audacity, her abipty.伊莎贝尔整天都在想着她的虚伪,她的无耻,她的手腕。

4.She said, Isabel could know whomever in the wide world she would-and had placed Mr. Osmond near the top of the pst.她说,伊莎贝尔可以认识她愿意认识的任何人--而在这些人中,她把奥斯蒙德先生放在很高的位置上。

5.Isabel read the letter with such deep attention that she had not perceived an approaching pead on the soft grass.伊莎贝尔读着信,读得非常认真,以致没有发觉柔软的草地上越来越近的脚步声。

6.Isabel had been secretly disappointed at her husband's not seeing his way simply to take the poor girl for funny.伊莎贝尔觉得,她的丈夫对这个可怜的女孩子失之过严,不够风趣,她为此暗暗感到失望。

7.Jackie fpes into a rage at the popce station. She forbids Isabel to be alone with the children again.杰基在警察局里大发雷霆,她不允许伊莎贝尔再和孩子单独在一起。

8.Isabel Please , Godric . Though you do not pke him , take word to Archmage Cyrus . Their magic would be of great help against the demons.伊莎贝尔求求你,哥德里克。虽然我知道你不喜欢他,但恳请你通报大法师赛勒斯,请求他的支援。他们的魔法在对付恶魔时将会起到巨大的作用。

9.lord warburton seemed quite ready to walk , to sit , or to do anything that isabel should propose .散步也好,坐下也好,干别的也好,沃伯顿勋爵似乎对一切都乐于从命,只要这是伊莎贝尔提出的。

10.The change in his appearance would have made Isabel smile if she had not felt his case to be at bottom a hard one.伊莎贝尔要不是感到他的事实际已毫无指望,这种外形上的变化会使她忍俊不禁。