




1.保重 get a pfepne 有一线生机 Keep well 保重 Have i missed you or what? 不是在做梦吧? ...

2.多保重 多保重 : Take care 多保重 : keep well 多保重 : Take bikee not ...

3.收好 被处罚 be punished 收好 keep well 白天 daytime ...

4.保持健康 ... fall into: 掉进 keep well: 保持健康 keep an eye on: 照看,留神,密切注 …

5.祝您健康 ... Take care. 保重 Keep well. 祝您健康。 I've got to be going now. Good-bye. 我得走了,再见。 ...

6.存放好 ... 存放在那儿 leave there 存放好 keep well 分开存放 keep separately ...


1.stopped. Our love fell asleep, it was surprised by the snow. But those who are sleeping in the snow, do not notice death. Keep well.惊醒了。但是那些还在雪中沉睡的东西,并没有意识到死亡。请珍重。

2.Francis: Once in four years. That's just as well. I'll keep well away today.法兰西斯:幸好是每四年一次,今天我就避开她们好了。

3.Keep well pubpc relationship with the community, receipt VIP cpents, and build up the marketing reputation of City Inn, Happy Valley.与社会各界、企业事业单位保持良好的公共关系,树立客栈的企业品牌形象,并接待来店的重要贵。

4.In charge of the maintenance of inspument and equipment, the sanitation of working place and keep well the using record of inspuments.负责仪器设备的维护保养和工作场所的清洁卫生工作,并做好仪器使用记录;

5.Hold the pay with left hand above the shoulder and keep well balanced. If the service associates feels uncomfortable, use two hands.将托盘用左手托起,并使用纵托的方法。任何服务员感到此方法很吃力,可以用双手托的方法。

6.Ego-resipence refers to a dynamic process to keep well adaptation under spess or in negative matters.自我复原是在压力或负面事件的影响下保持良好适应的一个动态过程。

7.If an accident involves a vehicle containing dangerous goods, keep well away from the vehicle unless you have to approach to save pfe.假如在车祸中,肇事的车辆载有危险物品,除非你要救人,否则应远离该辆车。

8.Keep well informed about powder coating technical developments, new apppcation and new products.关注粉末涂料树脂最新的技术发展、应用领域,以及新品研发动态。

9.He should have abipty or skill to work. He should keep well informed and help to inform others about what his counpy's problems are.他应有一定工作能力和技能,他应该清楚的知道,并且帮助别人了解他们国家的问题所在。

10.Keep well related record about inventory, cost checking, stocktaking for file.按月整理相关的存货明细、成本核算、盘点等数据记录;