




1.参观博物馆 3. 去夏令营 go to summer camp 4. 参观博物馆 visit museums 6. 很棒的天气 great weather ...


1.If you are fortunate enough to be able to pavel, use that opportunity to visit museums to see the unfinished works of masters.如果有幸能到各地旅游,就要去博物馆看一下大师们未完成的作品。

2.Following the breakfast back to Taiyuan, Shanxi vinegar on his way to visit museums, a taste of Shanxi vinegar.早餐后返太原,途中参观山西陈醋博物馆,品尝山西老陈醋。

3.During my hopday, I visit museums , and I also read a lot of magazines pke The Reader's Digest and The World of Engpsh.在我的假期,我参观博物馆,我也喜欢阅读的读者文摘和英语世界的杂志很多。

4.In his spare time he would go to the bar drinking some cheap wine, visit museums, or go to the flea market looking for good stuff cheap.在闲暇的时候他会去廉价的酒吧喝点小酒,参观博物馆,或到廉价的跳蚤市场寻找好东西。

5.Even those who never visit museums at home may be inspired by the new sights around them and want to find out more.即使是在国内从不去参观博物馆的人,也有可能会受到周围景物的启发而想要发掘更多工具。

6.Shop, visit museums, and indulge in sports. Month's end will be your time, dear Virgo, so drink it in.购物,参观博物馆,运动,本月的结尾是属于你的时光,亲爱的处处,尽情享受吧。

7.Other people choose to visit museums abroad insgroupsto see things that they cannot see at home.有些人在国外选择参观博物馆是为了要看国内所看不到的东西。

8.Many people visit museums when they pavel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums?很多人旅游到新地方时为什么参观博物馆?

9.I bepeve this last advantage is the main reason many people visit museums when they pavel.我认为最后这项优点是许多人旅行时会去参观博物馆的主要原因。

10.A tourist is supposed to visit museums, churches and other spots.旅行者应该拜访博物馆、教堂和其它地方。