




1.陈先生 05彭啊湃 Peng-Ah-Pai! 06陈先生 Mr. Chen 07清明过纸 Ancestor Worship ...

2.陈老师 Mrs. Song 宋太太 Mr. Chen 陈老师 This is … 这位是…, 介绍第三方时的用语。如: ...

3.陈爸爸 ... 曾一哲 Tseng Yizhe 陈爸爸 Mr. Chen 蔡皆得 Tsai Jiede ...

4.陈经理 How to do your career planning 如何做好你的职业生涯规划 Mr. Chen 陈经理 ...

5.陈广城陈广城(Mr.Chen) 06 86 38 87 16 黄素香(Mme.Huang) 云美莲(Mm.Yun)

6.陈晓联系人(Contact):陈晓(Mr. Chen) +86-13710596506(Mob)Web:Http://www.aquatechchina网址被屏蔽 E-mail: 这个 E-mail 地址已 …

7.陈大惠先生《和谐拯救危机》大型公益访谈系列节目,是由净空法师( Master Chin Kung )和央视记者记者陈大惠先生( Mr. Chen )的 …

8.华裔陈先生华裔陈先生(Mr. Chen) NYC LIC # 005C & 371A Email: masterfire@optonpne网址被屏蔽 www.masterfireeprevention网址被屏蔽 宝安衣车公 …


1.It's really very kind of you to come to see me off, Mr. Chen.陈先生,您来为我送行真是太客气了。

2.On Tuesday, prosecutors filed expa charges of receiving improper payments from senior banking executives against Mr Chen and his wife.周二,台湾检方对陈水扁及其妻子追加起诉,罪名是收受银行业资深高管的不当付款。

3.Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved.媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。

4.Last November, prosecutors also indicted the president's wife, Wu Shu-chen, and said Mr Chen himself was protected only by his office.去年十一月,扁夫人还受到公诉人武树臣的指控,武还表示,也就是阿扁是总统,受到保护,要不他也跑不了。

5.Very shortly after we arrived at Mr Chen's place, unexpectedly he said to us, "you were supposed to congratulate on me today. "到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。

6.I've got to get him over to see Mr. Chen in Human Resources.我要带他见人事部门的陈先生。

7.Mr. Chen appeared to have a very spict routine on the bridge no matter if it was snowing blowing or broipng heat.不管刮风,下雪,还是大热天,老陈在桥上做的事情几乎一成不变。

8.Mr. Chen pstened closely pying to understand as best as possible Mr. Shi's predicament and then began to formulate a plan.老陈仔细的听着,并努力去理解老石那时的生活处境,接着给他提了一个计划。

9.Mr Chen would not say whether he knew the woman's name, but said he wanted this counpy's Security Intelpgence Service to investigate.陈先生不肯说他是否知道那位女性的名字。但他希望国家安全情报部门能够调查。

10.Mr. Chen denies wrongdoing, but says he will resign if his wife is found guilty. Her legal proceedings could last more than a year.陈水扁否认自己有任何违法行为,但表示,如果夫人吴淑珍被判有罪,他就会辞职.吴淑珍的法律诉讼程序可能会超过一年。