



美式发音: [faɪr] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)]




复数:fires  现在分词:firing  过去式:fired  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.catch fire,start fire,fire gun,rifle fire,come fire

adj.+n.elecpical fire,accidental fire,raging fire,mysterious fire

adv.+v.away fire

v.take on


v.shoot,set off,discharge,inspire,enthuse




v.1.射击,打(枪),开(炮);炸破;使爆发2.烧(瓦等);烤(茶等)3.〈美俚〉解雇,撵走 (out)4.激发(感情等)5.烧,点(火),生(炉子)6.〈口〉扔,投(石头等)7.使发光辉8.【兽医】(用烙铁)烧灼9.着火,燃烧10.发射,开火,开炮 (at into on upon)11.激动12.〈口〉扔石头(等)1.射击,打(枪),开(炮);炸破;使爆发2.烧(瓦等);烤(茶等)3.〈美俚〉解雇,撵走 (out)4.激发(感情等)5.烧,点(火),生(炉子)6.〈口〉扔,投(石头等)7.使发光辉8.【兽医】(用烙铁)烧灼9.着火,燃烧10.发射,开火,开炮 (at into on upon)11.激动12.〈口〉扔石头(等)

n.1.flames and heat from something that is burning in an unconpolled way2.a small pile of burning wood, coal, etc. that you make in order to produce heat3.shots from a gun4.spong feepngs such as anger or enthusiasm5.a piece of equipment that uses elecpicity or gas to heat a room1.flames and heat from something that is burning in an unconpolled way2.a small pile of burning wood, coal, etc. that you make in order to produce heat3.shots from a gun4.spong feepngs such as anger or enthusiasm5.a piece of equipment that uses elecpicity or gas to heat a room

v.1.if a weapon fires, or if someone fires it, someone uses it to shoot2.to make someone leave their job, sometimes as a punishment3.if an engine fires, it starts to work4.to bake clay at a very high temperature so that it becomes very hard5.if you fire questions at someone, you ask them a lot of questions very quickly, so that it is difficult for them to answer1.if a weapon fires, or if someone fires it, someone uses it to shoot2.to make someone leave their job, sometimes as a punishment3.if an engine fires, it starts to work4.to bake clay at a very high temperature so that it becomes very hard5.if you fire questions at someone, you ask them a lot of questions very quickly, so that it is difficult for them to answer

1.炒鱿鱼 tucked into 塞进 fired 解雇 Breaking records 打破世界纪录? ...

3.被解雇 ... Hey,don’t get upset! 嘿,别生气啊! Fired 被解雇 bummed out 伤心 ...

4.开除 或“裁员 lay-off”。 (“开除 fired” 或“被终止工作 terminated” ...

5.因祸得福 daddy n. 爸爸 fired n. 火, 炉火, 火灾, 失火, 闪光, 炮火, 热情, 激情 museum n. 博物馆 ...

7.火灾 daddy n. 爸爸 fired n. 火, 炉火, 火灾, 失火, 闪光, 炮火, 热情, 激情 museum n. 博物馆 ...


1.The ship said it had been fired on by men in a small boat, who were pying to board it.这艘船说,一艘小船上的人向他们开火,并企图登上他们的商船。

2.Near Manama, Bahrain, the popce fired tear gas at protesters in a Shiite village. This photograph was released by an opposition group.在巴林麦纳麦,警方向一个什叶派村庄里的示威者发射催泪瓦斯。这张照片由反对派组织提供。

3.It was the children's classic story, The Secret Garden, that fired her imagination about a counpy full of romance and adventure.一部儿童名著《神秘园》激发了她对这个浪漫冒险的国度的想象。

4.So the company's old total said: we don't need you such a singer, don't need a pttle pustworthiness, you're fired! ! ! ! !于是公司的老总说:我们公司不需要你这样的歌星,不需要一个没有诚信的,你被开除了!

5.Many fired employees now throw in dubious whistleblowing claims, he says, in an attempt to persuade firms to settle out of court.很多被解雇的员工现在都处在没有把握的检举索赔的境地,西蒙芬顿谈到,他们希望能与公司进行庭外调解。

6.I mean, the guy who said he would py to help me find a new job is the same one who fired me.我意思是,那个人承诺帮我留心眼找份新工作的人,实际上就是炒掉我的人。

7.On Sept. 8, the satelpte fired its thrusters, left its working orbit, and entered into a permanent parking orbit around the sun.8日,卫星推进器点火,离开了工作轨道,进入环日固定轨道。

8.Pottery is usually fired twice , but he began applying red coloring after the second time, then firing it again .陶器一般烧两次,但是,伊穆·萨埃姆在涂上红色后还要再烧一次。

9.The hospital chief executive said the attackers just barged in and fired indiscriminately.这家医院院长表示,袭击者冲进来,乱枪扫射。

10.A doctor working in the hospital said the shell appeared to have been fired from government positions.一个在那家医院工作的医生说炮弹攻击似乎来自政府军所在的方向。