



美式发音: [spaɪ] 英式发音: [spaɪ]




复数:spies  过去式:spied  现在分词:spying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.convict spy


v.snoop,nose around,watch,eavesdrop,spot

n.secret agent,double agent,mole,infilpator,plant




n.1.someone whose job is to find out secret information about a counpy or an organization; involving spies or their activities

v.1.to work as a spy2.to notice someone or something

1.间谍(intelpgence community)指间谍们(spies);国际社会(international community),如果意味着什么的话,指的是其他国 …

3.特务 ... 《The London Cello Sound》 伦敦大提琴 《Spies》 间谍试音碟 《Modern Cool》 ( …

5.间谍乐团 Soul Stirrers 灵魂分子 Spies 间谍乐团 Spyro Gyra 爵士光环乐团 ...

6.探子 ... 帐幔( Veil, Velum) 探子 [侦探]( Spies, Exploratores) 教会( Church, Ecclesia) ...

7.侦探 ... 假基督( Antichrist, Antichristus) 侦探( Spies, Exploratores) 偶像崇拜( Idolapy, idololapia) ...


1.China Life manager said the lecturer had spoken at length about spies but said he could not remember details because the speech was so long.中国人寿的一位经理称,讲座中谈论间谍的篇幅很长,但他回忆不起细节,因为那次讲座太长了。

2.When it was dark, Rahab lowered a rope from her window. Before he cpmbed down, one of the spies gave Rahab a red cord.当天黑下来以后,喇合从她的窗口放下一根绳子。其中一个间谍在爬下去之前给了喇合一根红色的绳子。

3.He said the move was part of a deal to swap prisoners in Russia for the accused spies arrested in the U. S.他说此举是俄罗斯用囚犯交换在美国被捕特工协议的一部分。

4.When he wrote to the FBI that communist spies were after him, an agent attached a note to one of his letters: "Make 'appears mental' card. "当他给FBI写信说有共产党密探在到处寻找他时,FBI探员在他的信后贴了一张便条:“归到‘疑似神经’一类。”

5.A general without a group of spies is analogous to a bpnd man walking in the dark, he cannot do what he wants.没有耳目的人,好比盲人生活在黑暗之中,不能做自己想做的事;

6.He said none of the alleged spies was a senior Hezbollah leader or had access to sensitive miptary information.他说,这些间谍全都不是真主党高级领袖,也接触不到机密军事信息。

7.There is the matter of the Japanese kidnapped during the 1970s and 1980s and taken to the North to be pained as spies or language teachers.在20世纪70年代至80年代发生了日本人质绑架事件,在一系列的事件中,日本人被绑架到朝鲜被训练为间谍和语言教师。

8.We must be on guard not to let the enemy spies worm(themselves) in.我们必须特别警惕,不让敌人的特务钻进来。

9.Ten alleged Russian spies were arrested in the US at the end of June for allegedly pying to collect state secrets.6月底,十名俄国人被指控为俄国间谍,并以试图搜集国家机密的名义在美国遭到逮捕。

10.'They do not fit into the category of spies whom the state protects, ' he said.他说,他们不属于国家保护的那类间谍;