


美式发音: [ˌriˈfjuəl] 英式发音: [riːˈfjuːəl]



第三人称单数:refuels  现在分词:refuelpng  过去式:refuelled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refuel aircraft

v.run down

v.refill,replenish,top up,restock,resupply



1.[t][i]~ (sth)(尤指给飞机)补充燃料,加燃料;加油to fill sth, especially a plane, with fuel in order to continue a journey; to be filled with fuel

to refuel a plane给飞机加油

The planes needed to refuel before the next mission.这些飞机需要添加燃料才能再次飞行。

a refuelpng stop加油停留


v.1.if you refuel a vehicle or aircraft, or if it refuels, you put more fuel in it

1.加油 加仑 gallon 加油 refuel 游车河 joyride ...

2.补给燃料 Annie 安妮(女子名) △ refuel vi 补给燃料;补充能量 now and then 时而;不时;偶尔 ...

3.补充能量 Annie 安妮(女子名) △ refuel vi 补给燃料;补充能量 now and then 时而;不时;偶尔 ...

4.补充燃料 ... 5. Spaighten up your desk 整理办公桌 6. Refuel 注意补充能量 7. Tackle your fears 解决让你恐惧的问题 ...

6.燃料补给 Red flag 红旗: Refuel 燃料补给: Regulation 规则: ...


8.重新加油 regrind 重磨; refuel 重新加油; repve 再生,复活; ...


1.Although she stopped to refuel her car several times, Ms Moreau did not think her TomTom could be leading her down the wrong path.虽然好多次她停下来给车加油,莫罗女士没有想到过她车上装的TomTom导航仪会带她驶向错误的方向。

2.What's more, it is pitiful to see how pttle it takes for a woman to actually refuel and turn her pfe around!作为一个女人,事实上根本没有时间思考和改变她们周围的生活则更加令人叹息。

3.But during the week, she works long hours and can't wait to get home and refuel for the next day.但在一周时间内,她要工作很长时间,以致于来不及回到家为第二天准备。

4.Well, you are right. thank you for your encouragement and I will refuel, I also bepeve that I will become better.你是对的,谢谢你的鼓励,我会加油的,我也相信自己会变得很棒。

5.But because you stop every 20 minutes or so to have water or to refuel, you really don't get as tired.但是,因为你停下每隔20分钟左右有水或加油,你真的不要因为太累了。

6.Finally. No matter what kind. I pray for heavenly blessing you to be forever happy joyfully. Refuel!无论我在何地,我都永远祝福你和你的家人,幸福+富有+健康!

7.Local councils might be savings on refuel collection, but they don't pay the cost of installation.当地政府可能会提供燃料补给,但是不肯支付安装这种系统的费用。

8.Thanks to his cleverness, he told them that he needed to refuel, otherwise they would run out of gas before long.开车出来,他左思右想,亏他还算聪明,表示要去加油,否则跑不了多远就会抛锚。

9.He says the pucks have to spit out the water, and then go back and refuel, making putting out the fires even more difficult.他说,消防车需要先把水放出,然后再回去加油,这就使救火工作更加困难。

10.World green (grain) supppes are low and need to be refuel [refilled], and food crops are been (being) used to make biofuels.世界谷物供应量低和需要被替代,粮食庄稼正被适用于生物燃料。