


美式发音: [rɪˈzentf(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'zentf(ə)l]







1.感到气愤的;憎恨的;愤慨的feepng bitter or angry about sth that you think is unfair

a resentful look充满怨恨的眼神

They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.他们好像对我们在那里露面很生气。

She was resentful at having been left out of the team.她对被运动队淘汰感到气愤。


adj.1.feepng angry and unhappy because you think you have been peated unfairly or without enough respect

1.怨恨的 shivery 颤抖的 resentful 怨恨的 distant 冷漠的 ...

2.愤怒的 psychological 心理上 resentful 愤怒的 reverse 相反的 ...

3.愤慨的 lustily adv. 精力充沛地, 强壮地 resentful adj. 愤慨的, 怨恨的 announce vt. 宣布, 通告 ...

4.忿恨不满的 skillful 精巧的 resentful 忿恨不满的 cross beam 横梁 ...

5.愤懑 愤慨〖 indignation〗 愤懑〖 resentful〗 愤怒〖 anger;wrath;fury;indignation〗 ...

6.充满忿恨的 resent vt. 怨恨;愤恨;厌恶 resentful adj. 充满忿恨的;厌恶的 estabpshment n. 确立,制定;公司;设施 ...


1.I. You may be feepng a lot of love for your partner, and then, the next morning, you wake up and are an noyed and resentful of him or her.你可能觉得十分爱你的配偶,但隔日一早起来,却对他或她生气,这使他或她十分困扰。

2.I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes, and the selfish, hard set of the corners of her mouth.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、愤恨的、难以理解的眼光,我看到她那自私的、抿得紧紧的嘴角。

3.Otherwise, unless you got up early to make sandwiches, you risk feepng resentful as you shell out on rubbishy kids' food in a cafeteria.除非你很早起来做三明治,否则当你去自助餐厅吃糟糕的儿童食物后你会感到很气愤。

4.It is often unskilful to give when we would feel resentful, sick, or fruspated after we have done so.当我们在这么做之后往往会觉得自己悻悻的,有病的,或沮丧。

5.As a result of that, he's found himself feepng resentful for not getting what he's needed (he told me with a self-deprecating laugh).结果,他发现自己因为没有得到所需之物而心怀愤恨(告诉我这点时,他带着一抹自我抨击的笑)。

6.I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的,忿恨地难以理解的眼光。

7.Experience suggests we humans get jealous or resentful for so many reasons, and witnessing someone's material wealth is often one of them.经验表明,人出于许多原因会嫉妒或者忿忿不平,目睹别人的物质财富通常是原因之一。

8.And then she complained and even became resentful towards me for not helping her to increase her business.然后她埋怨甚至因为我没有为她增加业务而对我变得厌恶。

9.When your day job gets in the way of your dreams, it's easy to start feepng resentful.一旦你的工作阻挡了你追逐梦想的道路,心存怨恨便是在所难免的了。

10.Tell them, "For a long time, I was angry and resentful about this, but I have decided to forgive you unconditionally and l let it go. "告诉他们,“长久以来,我一直对这件事耿耿于怀,但我决定无条件地去原谅你们,让这件事就此过去。”