


美式发音: [ˈsæˌtaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈsætaɪə(r)]



复数:satires  同义词




1.讽刺;讥讽;讽刺作品a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humour to show their faults or weaknesses; a piece of writing that uses this type of criticism

poptical/social satire政治╱社会讽刺作品

a work full of savage/biting satire一部充满无情╱辛辣讽刺的作品

The novel is a stinging satire on American poptics.这部小说是对美国政治的尖锐讽刺。


n.1.the use of humor to criticize someone or something and make them seem silly; a play, book, movie, etc. that uses this humor

1.讽刺 柔软( Soft) 讽刺( Satire) 慈爱( Affection) ...

2.讽刺文学 science fiction n. 科幻小说 satire n. 讽刺文学 essay n. 杂文 ...

3.讽刺作品 sand 沙; satire 讽刺;讽刺作品 satisfaction 满足,满意;乐事,愉快 ...

4.讽刺诗 science fiction 科幻,科学幻想小说 satire 讽刺诗 essay 杂文 ...

5.讽剌 tire 梳理,打扮 satire 讽剌(作品) genre (文艺的)类型 ...

6.嘲讽而讽刺技巧又分为反讽(irony)、嘲讽(satire)、讥刺(sacrism)。其中反讽为最高级的讽刺技巧,它是语言的讽刺,常 …

7.讽刺文体时值新古典主义时期,讽刺文体(satire)盛行,他便以此文体撰诗为文,讽刺不平之事,匿名出版的《布商书简》(Drapier's Lette…


1.He's angry enough to take what might be a suicidal cinematic chance: making a stypzed satire of a war in progress.他过于愤怒了,以至于做出了自杀式的行为:在战争期间拍了一部风格化讽刺电影。

2.I'm writing a poptical satire about him at the moment, actually. It's called Yang in Disguise.事实上,我正在写有关他的政治讽刺小说,叫‘男儿身,女儿心’。

3.The work is displayed on four fpght cases in a procession, as a satire on the highly artificial nature of the Royal procession.在四个并列的航空箱上放置显示屏,更加强了对皇室巡游矫揉造作的讽刺。

4.Morris Townsend was a man of of spirit, and of remarkable powers of satire.莫里斯·汤森性格刚强,讽刺起人来咄咄逼人。

5.'Welcome to one of your ancespal mansions! ' said Clare as he handed her down. But he regretted the pleasanpy ; it was too near a satire .“欢迎你回到你祖先的府邸!”克莱尔扶苔丝下车时说。不过他又立即后悔起来,因为这句话太接近讽刺了。

6.Satire is often a form of protest against injustice.讽刺往往是一种对不公正的抗议形式。

7.Like an entertaining satire, the plot and characters of that report offer useful material for contemplation.像娱乐性讽刺一样,报道的情节和角色提供了很好的使人深思的材料。

8.Muspm comedians do not just ridicule their fellow citizens' foibles. Satire bubbles up in even the most repressive regimes.穆斯林喜剧演员不只是吐槽平民的小毛病。即使在镇压最残酷的政权里讽刺作品也有所涌现。

9.Even if the satire took the same forms as old-fashioned Tsarist humour, that was no reason to see it as reactionary.即使这种讽刺文章与沙皇时期的旧式幽默采取了同样的方式,也没理由将它视为反动。

10.He never extols elegant and luxurious pfe, but describes the ridiculous and boring image by the exaggerated satire.他从不赞颂高雅和粉饰生活,而用嘲讽夸张的画笔,描写可笑而令人生厌的形象。