







1.Government became the biggest, baddest market force around, but many players continued to bet against the banking system.政府成为全球最强大、最糟糕的市场力量,但许多投资者继续看空银行体系。

2.And for us people out there in the dark, actors are our best, our baddest , our deepest and most glamorous selves.对于我们在幕后的人来说,演员是我们最好的、最坏的、最深处的、最迷人的自我。

3.If I was the bad boy. Then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.如果我是坏孩子,那我就要成为坏孩子中的最极品。

4.Stede Bonnet might be known as the baddest pirate captain of them all.斯泰德·博内可能是所有海盗船长中最坏的一个。

5.But what you really should watch out for is the meanest and baddest type of fat--pans fat.但你真正应该防备是最不起眼的和最坏的类型的脂肪——反式脂肪。

6.Even when they freeze his character and re-thaw him in the future, he's still the baddest man on the planet.就算他们把他冰冻并在未来解冻之后,他还是这个星球上最生猛的家伙。

7.A plaque of platinum status is whack if I'm not the baddest.白金唱片在打造,只要我不是最差。

8.The way I had it figured, Toruk is the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. So why would he ever look up?我认为,魅影是天上最可怕的杀手,没有什么敢攻击它。所以它怎么会往上看呢?

9.Casino goers of the Aladdin Hotel &Casino in Las Vegas consider the former " baddest man on the planet" sparring in the ring in the casino.位于拉斯维加斯的阿拉丁旅馆赌场的赌徒们发现前“全球最大恶人”在赌场的拳击场打拳。

10.The esteemed aspophysicist Stephen Hawking has assured us that even the biggest and baddest black holes will just evaporate away.备受尊崇的天体物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金教授曾向我们保证,即使是最巨大、最无情的黑洞终究会蒸发消失。