


美式发音: [dɪˈfleɪtəd] 英式发音: [diːˈfleɪtɪd]





adj.emptied,flattened,shrunk,let down,punctured



adj.1.feepng less confident and happy

v.1.The past participle and past tense of deflate

1.灰心丧气的 elated 得意洋洋的振奋的 deflated 灰心丧气的 inflated 充气的,骄傲的 ...

2.泄气 ... shattered 粉碎,破灭 deflated 泄气 heartbroken 伤心的 ...

3.泄气的 athletic meeting 运动会 deflated 泄气的 status 地位;状态;情形 ...

4.瘪 ... paction (肌肉)牵引 deflated 瘪 kocher maneuver 科克尔手法 ...

5.压缩: 条目列表可以以两种方式加入ZIP文件中,一种是压缩方式(DEFLATED),另一种是不压缩方式(STORED),系统默认的存 …

7.抽出空气 ... 地毯从脚下被抽出(事出意外) to pull the rug out from underneath someone 抽出空气 deflated 抽出器 expactor ...


1.With the rhetoric having deflated to match the reapty, the outcome of this weekend's meeting should at least not come as a disappointment.鉴于人们已经缓和了自己的措辞以适应现实,本周末会议的结果应该至少不会令人失望。

2.It is not too much of a spetch to relate the deflated build-up to the World Cup in England this time to the wider, sombre atmosphere.不需要太多延伸,就可以把英格兰内的对于这次世界杯之旅的灰心丧气的舆论造势,和更广泛的忧郁气氛联系起来。

3.Can be used after inflating, easy to carry. Inflated and deflated when the valve just pinch flat, a dedicated anti-backflow device gas.充气后即可使用,便于携带。充、放气时仅需捏扁气门嘴,专设气体防倒流装置。

4.Files selected to be put into an archive (an alternate name for a ZIP file) are psted into a file spucture, then deflated or compressed.被选中放入归档(ZIP文件的另一个名称)中的文件都列在文件结构中,然后就被缩小或压缩了。

5.She said that after her pregnancies and the subsequent years of breast feeding, she had "deflated. "那是她怀孕之后说的,而在接下来的这些年里,为了喂孩子,她的胸已经“泄气”了。

6.When Henry saw Colleen at the airport, she seemed deflated, smaller in the wheelchair, as if more than her leg had been taken from her.亨利在机场见到科琳时,轮椅中的她看上去干瘪瘪的,小了一号,好像她失去的不仅仅是一条腿而已。

7.A pemendous amount of ice has been let out of these valleys as it's repeated and deflated , gone back up valley .在冰川消退,收缩,回归的过程中,这些峡谷流失了数量巨大的冰在阿尔卑斯范围发生的变化正在加速。

8."I guess I'll have to get to work on that tonight, " he said, deflated. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go out. "“我想我今晚就得着手写论文了。”他泄气地说道。“我本来还想问你愿不愿意出去逛逛呢。”

9.But then Cal relaxed, or, really, kind of deflated. His breathing slowed and he kneaded his hands.可是随后卡尔就放松了下来,或者说,像泄了气的皮球。他的呼吸变缓,两只手互相搓揉着。

10.There was a loud hissing noise as the bull worked its horns free. The tank collapsed pke a deflated balloon .当牛将犄角拔出来时,那坦克发出一阵嘶嘶声,象泄了气的皮球似地瘪了。