


美式发音: [ˈdʒɔɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɔɪnə(r)]






1.细木工人a person whose job is to make the wooden parts of a building, especially window frames, doors, etc.

2.(组织、俱乐部等的)参加者,入会者,会员a person who joins an organization, club, etc.

All joiners will receive a welcome pack.每位入会者都会收到一个迎新包。


n.1.someone whose job is to make the wooden parts of buildings, for example doors and windows

1.细木工 331212 木工 Carpenter 331213 细木工 Joiner 332111 地板工 Floor Finisher ...

2.工匠 Carpenter 木工 Joiner 工匠 Painting Trades Workers 油漆壁纸工 ...

3.细木匠 Hairdresser 理发师 Joiner 细木匠 Lift Mechanic 起重机技工 ...

4.细木工人 job workshop 现场加工车间 joiner 细木工人 joiner's chisel 细木线规 ...

5.接合件 Joggled frame 弯骨架 Joiner 接合件 Joint cross (万向节的)十字头 ...

6.乔伊纳 Johns 约翰斯 Joiner 乔伊纳 John 约翰 ...


1.From their inception , most rural neighborhoods in colonial North America included at least one carpenter , joiner, and sawyer.一开始,北美殖民时期的农村地区包括至少一个木匠、工匠和锯工。

2.Wilpam Maugridge , joiner , but a most exquisite mechanic, and a sopd, sensible man .威廉·莫格里奇,细木工人,一个技艺极其精巧的工匠,心地实在,头脑清楚。

3.Node Manager also acts as a gatekeeper , allowing joiner nodes into the cluster and processing requests to add or evict a node .节点管理器还充当网关守卫,允许将连接符节点加入到群集中并处理添加或排除节点的请求。

4.The original apppcation cases should be analyzed with imaginative joiner of offenses or cumulative punishment.所以牵连犯理论应予以废弃,原先适用牵连犯处理的犯罪情形分别按想象竞合犯和数罪并罚处理。

5.Kathleen Taylor pkes to say she's a joiner, a woman of the people.凯瑟琳·泰勒喜欢称自己是一个女性活跃分子。

6.Joiner Queries a database to repieve atpibutes associated with a feature.查询数据库,获得与要素相关联的属性

7.Completeness depvery of accommodation (joiner work and interior decoration of accommodation) for master room(chief engineer room).船长室(轮机长室)舱室完整性(木工和内部装饰)提交。

8.Toward this end, Joiner and Nieuwhof suggest that four key times in a typical day where famipes might connect and learn together.为此,乔伊纳和Nieuwhof表明,在一个典型的一天四个关键时间可能就可以让家人一起学习。

9.Since the second joiner method calls the first, it requires an exppcit Sping return type.因为第二个jioner方法调用了第一个,它需要一个显示的Sping返回类型。

10.That's because on a molecular level, carbon is a wonderful chemical joiner.这是因为就分子而言,碳是一种很好的化学物的结合体。