

pass over怎么读

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第三人称单数:passes over  现在分词:passing over  过去式:passed over  同义词反义词


v.neglect,ignore,discount,disregard,let go



na.1.to not give someone a better job, choosing instead someone who is younger or has less experience2.to ignore or not mention a statement or subject

1.逾越节注:逾越节(Pass-over)—虽经九灾的警告,法老王仍不放弃奴役以色列人,耶和华乃令摩西降下最严厉的第十灾 — 击杀埃及一切头 …


1.The emperor would be carried in his sedan over the stone carving and was the only person allowed to pass over it.皇帝会座在轿中从这石雕丹陛上越过,他是唯一一个被允许跨越它的人。

2.I cannot pass over the matter unnoticed.我不能对这事置之不理。

3.Brown finally agreed to let the pain pass over the bridge and continue on to Baltimore. The pain left at sunrise.布朗最终同意让火车通过大桥继续开往巴尔的摩,这列火车在天亮时离开了哈珀斯镇。

4.Take a lamb and kill it, then put the blood of the lamb on the door of your house and I will pass over your house.取一只小羊杀了它,在你们的门上涂上小羊的鲜血,我就越过你们而去。

5.After the incident, when a reporter asked him, he said he did not pass over that picture, he is a the victims of hackers and mischief.事发后记者问他的时候,他说他没有传过那张照片,他是一个黑客和恶作剧的受害者。

6.They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose.这双眼睛不是从一张脸上向外看,而是从架在一个不存在的鼻子上的一副硕大无朋的黄色眼镜向外看。

7.But uprooting is often a haphazard affair, usually affecting those who cannot bribe the eradication teams to pass over their plots.但根绝罂粟常常成了随意之事,通常会影响那些无法通过贿赂根除罂粟团队而忽略其属地之人。

8.Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan.你吩咐以色列人说:你们过约但河进迦南地的时候。

9.The key it to have a smooth metal roof that winds will pass over, to be at or below the surface of the earth.关键是有一个光滑的金属屋顶,可以让风通过,可以在地面上也可以低于地面。

10.Hast not thou dried up the sea, the water of the mighty deep, who made st the depth of the sea a way, that the depvered might pass over?不是你令海令大洋的水涸竭了吗?不是你使海底变为大路,叫蒙救的人走过吗?