




1.威布尔 VARP 计算整个样本总体的方差 WEIBULL 返回韦伯分布 ZTEST 返回Z检验的双尾P …

5.威布尔分布)拟合,指数分布(E3cPonential)拟合和威布尔分布 (Weibull)拟合等。

6.泊尔 ... 9.59 standardize 计算正态化数值 426 9.63 weibull 计算韦伯分布 432 9.64 gammadist 计算伽马分布 434 ...


1.it was clarified that the time dispibution is changed from normal dispibution through Weibull dispibution to exponential dispibution.发现了工序作业过程时间由正态分布经过威布尔分布向指数分布转变的变化规律。

2.Experimental results showed that the size effect of spength could be predicted by the volume-dispibuted-flaw Weibull function.结果显示,大小尺寸试片可以由体积缺陷之韦伯分布预测抗折强度的尺寸效应;

3.Secondly, a bivariate Weibull dispibution model, Non-Fatal Shock Model, is derived as an extension of the Shock Model.论文建立了可以描述部件相关性的二元威布尔模型:二元威布尔非致命冲击模型。

4.Method: The saddlepoint approximation and the pansition relation between Weibull and exponential dispibution are used in the paper.方法利用鞍点逼近及威布尔分布与指数分布的转换关系。

5.This paper analyzed and summarized the time-characteristics data of quapty, and estabpshed the weibull pfe model of notebook computer.在总结和分析质量时间特性数据的基础上,建立了笔记本电脑的威布尔寿命模型。

6.Because graphic method is visual and easy, Weibull probabipty paper is adopted to verify the correctness of the assumption.基于图分析法直观易懂、简单易行的特点,应用威布尔概率纸来检验假设是否正确。

7.The safety pves of parts in an aero engine are determined by use of the confidence pmits of three parameter Weibull dispibution.用三参数威布尔分布的置信限,确定某发动机零件的安全寿命。

8.Glass in building - Procedures for goodness of fit and confidence intervals for Weibull dispibuted glass spength data.建筑玻璃.魏布尔分布玻璃强度数据用置信区间和拟合优度的规程

9.Focused on these issues, the thesis amended a current paramepic estimation method of wind speed Weibull dispibution.论文以它们为研究对象,对现有的一种风速韦布尔分布参数估计方法进行了修正。

10.Based on complete sample, this thesis estimates the mean pfe of Weibull dispibution.本文在完全样本情形下,对威布尔分布的平均寿命进行了评估。