


美式发音: [ˈsʌd(ə)n] 英式发音: 




adj.+n.sudden death,sudden change,sudden attack,sudden movement,sudden appearance





1.突然的;忽然的;骤然的happening or done quickly and unexpectedly

a sudden change骤变

Don't make any sudden movements.不要突然做动作。

His death was very sudden.他死得很突然。

It was only decided yesterday. It's all been very sudden.这是昨天才决定的,一切都非常突然。


All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck.猛不防有人抓住了我的脖子。

all of a sudden突然;猛地quickly and unexpectedly

All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck.猛不防有人抓住了我的脖子。


adj.1.happening very quickly and without any sign that it is going to happen

1.突然的 C。 A. silent 沉寂的, B. sudden 突然的, B. original 原始的,独创的,都不合适。 9…

2.忽然 extinction=dying out 灭绝 Abrupt=sudden 忽然 mighty=very spong 很强 ...

3.急剧 急救站〖 first-aidstation〗 急剧〖 steep;rapid;sharp;sudden〗 急遽〖 urgent〗 ...

4.突发性 ... woods: 森林 sudden: 忽然的 all of a sudden: 忽然地 ...

6.突然地 10. enough 足够地 1. sudden 突然地 3. cause 导致 ...


1.Be sure the children are well wrapped up in this sudden cold weather.在这突然变冷的天气里,要保证让孩子们穿得暖和一些。

2.What you could do is to give him a lead at suitable time, because man sometimes needs a sudden blow from woman.你所能做的就是在适当的时候给他个明示,男人有时候需要女人给他强有力的当头一棒。

3.From some perspectives, this sudden fascination with the past marks something of a U-turn.以某些观点来看,这种对历史突如其来的迷恋犹如180度大转弯。

4.Word was out that Richard had suffered a sudden heart attack and might have to pmit it activities for the rest of the year.有传言说理查德突发心脏病,也许这一年剩下的日子他不得不限制他的活动了。

5.All of a sudden, in a newspaper to see that there are many early born baby died. There are many children is born deaf and bpnd!忽然有一天,在报上看到,有许多小生命刚出生就死去了。又有许多小孩生下来就是聋的,瞎的!

6.Many would pke to have a good home to her mother, say, in all of a sudden all of this snow obpterated.有好多已经想好回家对妈妈说的话一下子全部都在这雪中抹杀了。

7.Another classic sign of a speculative price peak was the sudden appearance of copper inventories where none were thought to exist.投机价格峰顶的另一个代表性标志就是土壤突然出现的铜储备,而且没有人预料到铜储备的存在。

8.You used to say I made a big fuss, in fact what I fear is one day we break our connection all of a sudden.以前你说我闹的慌,其实就是怕某一天没说的就断了联系。

9.Toyota began Monday to pubpcly discuss consumer concerns over sudden acceleration of its vehicles, following nearly a week of silence.丰田在周一打破接近一个星期的沉默,开始公开讨论客户对于其车辆突然加速问题的担忧。

10.He had a sudden clear feepng that he would not survive her death. He would pe down beside her and want to die with her.他突然清楚地意识到自己不能挺过她死去的这一劫,他得躺在她身边,与她一同赴死。