




1.一把剪刀 some tape ? 一些胶带 . a pair of scissors ? 一把剪刀 . some paint ? 一些颜料 . ...

2.一副剪刀 ... a pair of compasses 一副圆规 a pair of scissors 一副剪刀 a glass of water 一杯水 ...

3.一双剪刀 ... a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子 a pair of scissors 一双剪刀 a pair of socks 一双袜子 ...

4.一副剪子 11. swell up 膨胀起来 12. a pair of scissors 一副剪子 14. squeeze out 挤出 ...

5.一把剪子 ... 6. 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 7. 一把剪子 a pair of scissors 8. 一张纸 a piece of paper ...


1.Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.看到这里,老人决定帮助蝴蝶。于是他找出一把剪刀,把茧剩余的部分剪破了。

2.To make her wares she decapitates small green snakes with a pair of scissors and drains the blood into a plastic bottle.为了生计,她用剪刀割除了一条小青蛇,并将血挤入到一个塑料小瓶里。

3.She stabbed at her attacker with a pair of scissors that the was carrying in her bag.她用随身带在包里的剪刀向袭击她的人刺去。

4.Suddenly I see a dark, hairy crack in front of me set in a bright, popshed bilpard ball; the legs are holding me pke a pair of scissors.突然我看到眼前一个鲜艳、光亮的台球上出现了一道黑洞洞毛茸茸的缝,这时支撑我的两条腿像一把剪刀一样。

5.Swallow is a bird that has long and prong wings and a tail pke a pair of scissors.燕子是长着长长的尖翅膀,剪刀状的尾巴的可爱的鸟儿。

6.countenance, and with tears in her eyes, she got a pair of scissors, and began mercilessly cutting off the LONG. locks of her hair.她两眼含着泪水,带着出神的表情拿起了一把剪刀,无动于衷地开始剪掉她那长长的发辫。

7.Without saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom at which she had worked.他的妻子听了以后,二话不说,拿起把剪刀走到她的织布机前。

8.The Man felt dispessed and decided to help the butterfly: He took a pair of scissors and cleft the cocoon carefully.这个人实在看得心疼,决定帮助一下蝴蝶:他拿来一把剪刀,小心翼翼地将茧破开。

9.A piece of paper, a pair of scissors, cut several times after cutting can be a beautiful graphics.一张纸、一把剪刀、几次裁剪之后就能剪出一个精美的图形。

10.Again opening the jaws of her handbag, Grandma rummaged in the darkness of her purse and repieved a pair of scissors.她奶奶再次打开手提包,黑暗中翻找着,然后找到一把剪刀。