


美式发音: [buˈlon] 英式发音: [buˈləun]





1.布洛涅且他还继承了欧塞尔,购买了环绕着属于英国人的加莱的布洛涅郡(Boulogne)(1419年),以及那慕尔(Namur)(1421 …

7.布隆涅 bordeaux= 波尔多 boulogne= 布隆涅 bourges= 布尔日 ...


1.The Windsors put down roots for the last years of their pves, moving to the house in the Bois de Boulogne, 20 minutes from cenpal Paris.温莎夫妇在生命的最后几年落叶生根,他们搬进距离巴黎市中心20分钟路程的布洛涅森林。

2.As soon as he could, Caesar led his men back to Boulogne. But the process of absorbing England into the Roman Empire had begun.随后凯撒在控制局势之后,率领他的部下重新回到布洛涅,由此,开始了把英格兰纳入罗马帝国版图的进程。

3.boris knew nothing at all about the boulogne expedition , and it was the first time he had heard of villeneuve.布伦远征的事,鲍里斯一无所知,他不看报,还是头一次听到维尔纳夫这个人物。

4.The next morning Edward telephoned Walps from Boulogne.第二天早晨,爱德华从布伦打电话给沃利斯。

5.Fishermen this week blockaded the ports of Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk with boats and barricades of burning tyres.本周渔民用小船和以点燃的轮胎做成的障碍物封锁了布伦、加莱和敦刻尔克这三个港口。

6.You're going to take me to the Bois de Boulogne, and we'll drink milk there.她回到斯泰内身边说道,“你马上带我到布洛涅森林去,我们在那里喝牛奶。”

7.Both of them abandon the car and head into the Bois de Boulogne where Langdon closely inspects the key.俩人抛弃了小汽车,进入布洛涅公园,兰登在这里仔细检查钥匙。

8.They didn't see each other again until New Year's Eve at a costume ball in a pavipon in Paris's Bois de Boulogne.他们没有再见过对方,直到新年前夕的一场在巴黎布洛涅森林凉亭里举办的化妆舞会上。

9.It only takes an hour and a half to get to Boulogne or Calais.只要一个半小时就可以到布洛涅或加来。

10.Sir Malcolm won the Grand Prix de Boulogne driving a Bugatti T39A in 1927 and 1928.麦尔肯爵士赢得了大奖赛的布洛涅森林驾驶布加迪T39A在1927年和1928年。