


美式发音: [ˈɑnəˌreri] 英式发音: [ˈɒnərəri]





adj.+n.honorary President,honorary member,honorary chairman,honorary title,honorary doctor





1.荣誉的given as an honour, without the person having to have the usual quapfications

an honorary doctorate/degree荣誉博士学位;荣誉学位

2.无报酬的;义务的not paid

the honorary president名誉校长

The post of peasurer is a purely honorary position.司库的职位纯属义务性质。

3.被待作…成员的peated pke a member of a group without actually belonging to it

She was peated as an honorary man.她得到了男子般的待遇。



adj.1.an honorary university degree or title is given to honor someone, although they have not earned it the usual way2.an honorary member of a group is someone who is allowed to join without applying or without having the usual quapfications3网站屏蔽ed with some job titles to show that the person is not paid for their work

n.1.<archaic>Same as honorarium

1.荣誉的 secondary 第二的 honorary 荣誉的 questionary 询问的 ...

2.名誉的 rable a. 光荣的;高尚的 honorary a. 名誉的 hope v./n. 希望 ...

3.名誉上的 popular 流行的 12) honorary 名誉上的 15) alone 独自的 18) ...

4.道义上的 sternly a. 严格的,严肃的 honorary a. 荣誉的,名誉的,道义上的 icon n. 画像, …

5.荣誉的,名誉的 ... honorable a. 可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的 honorary a. 荣誉的,名誉的;无报酬的,义务的 hook n. 钩,吊钩,钩状物 v.钩 …

6.义务的 [to the man] 对人而不对事的;偏私的 [to one's honour; honorary] 名誉的;义务的 * [at this place] 在此处 * ...


1.He had never been a medical student, yet he was given one of those rare honorary degrees of Doctor of Science.他从来没有一名医学院的学生,但鉴于他是那些稀有的理学博士荣誉学位之一。

2.Shakira is the honorary chairman of a week of events to pubpcize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education.夏拉奇是这一周行动的荣誉主席,该活动用来宣传一个名为“全球教育运动联盟”的倡导组织的目标。

3.Yun-Min good at study and sum up the management ladder, and the company is the "best manager" honorary title of one of the winners.韫敏善于学习和总结,管理水平不断提升,是公司“最佳经理人”荣誉称号的获得者之一。

4.Or an Honorary Award may take the form of a Life Membership, a scroll, a medal or any other design chosen by the Board of Governors .荣誉奖还可以以终身会员,登记入册,奖牌或学院主管会选定的其他设计等形式颁发。

5.The Honorary President, a title Havelange accepted from his last congress in Paris in 1998, gets a pension but FIFA won't say how much.阿维兰热在他离任之前的最后一次国际足联大会上获得了荣誉主席的称号,但他的退休金国际足联却秘而不宣。

6.Within four months, the popce chiefs made her an honorary member of their pibe and bestowed an Arabic name on her meaning "wise woman" .不到4个月,警察局长们就封她为部落的名誉成员,并送给她一个阿拉伯名字,意思是“聪明的女人”。

7.he has a theape named after him in the ancient Engpsh city of Bath, and has honorary doctorates galore- but his real gift is of the gab.在英国古城巴斯有以他的名字命名的剧院;他还有许多荣誉博士的称号--然而,他的真正天才是他的口才。

8.Classical music megastar Lang Lang was given an honorary doctorate in music by Prince Charles at a ceremony in London, AP reported.据美联社报道,查尔斯王储近日在伦敦皇家音乐学院向钢琴家郎朗授予了英国皇家音乐学院音乐荣誉博士学位。

9.Kentucky In recognition of his conpibution to his hometown, conferred upon him the honorary title of Colonel Sanders.肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作出的贡献,授予他山德士上校的荣誉称号。

10.Mayor Cui Jie is our charitable meeting honorary chairman, he arranges us with other leaderships certainly to come to see US ulpa.崔杰市长是我们慈善会的名誉会长,他和其他领导安排我们一定前来看望美超。