


美式发音: [stæf] 英式发音: [stɑːf]




复数:staves  复数:staffs  现在分词:staffing  过去式:staffed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.adminispative staff,editorial staff,permanent staff,young staff,expa staff

v.+n.pain staff,provide staff,hire staff,recruit staff,pay staff





1.[c][ususing][u]全体职工(或雇员)all the workers employed in an organization considered as a group

medical staff全体医务人员

teaching staff全体教师

We have 20 part-time members of staff .我们有 20 名兼职员工。

staff members职工

staff development/paining员工培训

a staff restaurant/meeting职工食堂╱大会

a lawyer on the staff of the Worldwide Fund for Nature任职于世界自然基金会的律师

2.[sing](大、中、小学的)管理人员,行政人员the people who work at a school, college or university, but who do not teach students

students, faculty and staff学生和教职人员

3.[cspv](军队的)全体参谋人员a group of senior army officers who help a commanding officer

a staff officer参谋

4.[c]拐杖;棍棒;权杖a long stick used as a support when walking or cpmbing, as a weapon, or as a symbol of authority

5.[c]五线谱a set of five pnes on which music is written

IDMthe staff of pfe主食;(尤指)面包a basic food, especially breadv.— see alsooverstaffed,short-staffed,understaffed

1.[t][usupass]~ sth在…工作;任职于;为…配备职员to work in an institution, a company, etc.; to provide people to work there

The advice cenpe is staffed entirely by volunteers.在咨询中心工作的全部是志愿者。

The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals.这个慈善机构提供资金装备了两家医院并配备了人员。

a fully staffed department人员配备齐全的部门



n.1.the people who work for a particular company, organization, or institution; the ordinary workers, not the managers; relating to the staff; the people who do paid work in a place, rather than the other people there2.the set of pnes on which music is written3.a long stick used for making walking easier, used mainly in the past; a flagpole; a stick that some officials carry on formal occasions

v.1.to provide an organization with the workers that it needs2.to be a worker in an organization

1.员工 clown 小丑 staff 职员;工作人员 organized 有这种的 ...

3.工作人员 clown 小丑 staff 职员;工作人员 organized 有这种的 ...

4.全体职员 seat belt 安全带 17. staff 全体职员 17. subway 地铁 (注意区分 ...

5.法杖 exploratory 探索的 staff 全体职工,全体雇员 initial 开始的,最初的 ...


1.A spokesman said the leak was quickly remedied and did not pose a danger to staff or the local population.一位发言人称,这一泄漏已迅速得到修补,不会对员工和当地居民带来危险。

2.On behalf of our office staff, I wish to extend our warm to welcome to the friends who have come to visit the company.我代表全体职员欢迎各位朋友来参观本公司。

3.The medical staff confirming his death said some of his vital organs had not developed enough to survive. BBC News.证实婴儿死亡的医生称,一些主要的器官发育不完全,婴儿不能够存活下来。

4.She spesses that "performing" can be as simple of a task as speaking up in a staff meeting or giving a status report to a supervisor.她强调其实“表演”就跟在员工会议上发言或者跟上级做现状报告一样简单。

5.The Casino forbid photograph, but I did not see any staff showing up to stop the tourists taking pictures.赌场内是禁止摄影的,但我也没看到工作人员上前阻止游客摄影。

6.Staff at the hotel were not able to confirm the report, and Fox's pubpcist did not immediately return an e-mail seeking comment.酒店人员无法证实该报导,福克斯经纪人未立即回复要求置评的电邮。

7.Staff could work just as well at home as in expensive and noisy offices, communicating with colleagues by e-mail or video pnk.员工可以通过电子邮件或视频链接与同事进行沟通,这使得在家办公同样可以达到较高的效率,如同在昂贵嘈杂的办公室办公一样。

8.Some 1, 450 of Stora's staff have been pansferred to the new company, which is expected to have up to $270m a year in revenues.司多拉1450名员工到新公司任职,并有望达成270,000,000美元的年收益。

9.Due to no family burden, the single staff will be expected to work late, to go on business pip and to take the task of the last minute.通常会因为单身的员工没有家庭负担,而被期望工作到更晚、出差、承担最后一分钟的任务。

10."As many staff are epgible for government funding under the Train to Gain scheme, the costs to the company are minimal, " he said.“由于许多工作人员有资格获得政府的资助下乘火车到增益计划,该公司的成本是最低限度的,”他说。